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Presentation on theme: "5 th General Meeting WELLCOME TO OUR AND WISHES OF A PROFITABLE ONE!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Friday (14th November) 9.00 - 9.30h * Welcoming and Introductory remarks (short presentation of each participant, apologises for absence, …) * Adoption of Agenda and Approval of Varna Minutes 9.30 - 10.15h * Presentation of the University of Helsinki Educational System in Finland Teacher Training System in Finland 10.15 - 10.30h Break

3 Friday (14th November) – cont. 10.30-12.00h * Short overview of the Project and its development * Progress Reports given by each partner (15 min each) Adam Mickiewicz University. Poland Bradford College. United Kingdom Malmo University, Sweden Masaryk University in Brno. Czech Republic The Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv. Bulgaria 12.00 – 12.30h Coffee Break

4 Friday (14 th November) – cont. 12.30- 13.30h * Progress Reports given by each partner (cont.) University of Aveiro. Portugal University of Helsinki. Finland University of Tartu. Estonia University of Wroclaw. Poland 13.30 – 15.00h * Discussion of the work done 15.30- 17.30h Meal

5 Saturday (15 th November) 9.00- 10.30h * Discussion of the work to be done in the near future Module Implementation (level II) by each partner Transnational cooperation in Module implementation (level II and III) Dissemination Activities 10.30-10.45h Coffee Break

6 Saturday (15 th November) – cont 10.45- 13.00h * Discussion of the work to be done in the near future Working group: Discussion of the Book 13.00- 14.00h Lunch 14.00- 15.00h * Report by each group and general discussion

7 Saturday (15 th November) – cont 15.00-16.00h * Definition of the tasks to be done and timetable * Preparation of the next General Meeting * Evaluation of the Meeting 19.00h Dinner

8 Short overview of the Project and its development Genesis… Project 94343-CP-1-2001-1-pt-COMENIUS-C21 Key-words… Education European Policy Science EducationReseacrh Science Teachers Professional Deveopment Transnational Collaboration

9 Wroclaw University/CEN/ 1999


11 Main focus of the project professional development of teachers teaching science at primary and junior secondary level (1-9 grade) guided by the educational policy of the EC, namely the Lisbon Objectives in Education and Training (2000) and their endorsement (2002), which attempts to make education and training systems in Europe a quality reference by 2010.

12 Conceptualize, develop, implement, evaluate and disseminate… Practices of reference for teachers professional development with impact in their science classes within an european dimension Transforming face to face modules in web based modules in accordance with guidelines and criteria discussed in the team Piloting and collect evidence (ex. e-portoflio, …) Evaluate and improve Disseminate (articles, web-pages, Conferences, Book)

13 e-System as the procedural framework of the Project


15 Enacting a European Dimension of Science Teacher Professional Development Introduction Section 1 (The why, what and how to develop science teacher professionality) Section 2 (Education Intentions within each country; leading to identifying the European dimension for teacher professional development) Section 3 (The Structure of Eu STD- Web) Section 4 (Examples of the EuSTD-Web idea)

16 Section 1 Chpt 1: The need; rationale; purpose Chpt 2: The underlying philosophy Chpt 3: On-line learning within teacher professional development Section 2 Chpt 1: Curriculum intentions - re- system and school science in 8 European countries Chpt 2: Intentions re- teaching of science subjects (+ professional development of teachers). Chpt 3: The European dimension (drawing the intentions together – the commonalities and guidelines fro Teacher Education)

17 Section 3 Chpt 1: The Gateway (rationale and operation*) * Includes role of tutor/instructorThe need; rationale; purpose Chpt 2: Level II (link to gateway, operation *) * Includes role of tutor/instructor Chpt 3: Level III (link to level II, operation *) * Includes role of tutor/instructor Chpt 4: The European dimension (cross national at level III; the award of a certificate *) * Includes role of tutor/instructor Section 4 Some Examples of modules including conclusions from outcomes of the piloting Modules at level II Modules at level III

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