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Submillimeter and IR Studies of Molecular Regions in the Magellanic Clouds Mónica Rubio Universidad de Chile CCAT Workshop, Koln, 5oct11.

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Presentation on theme: "Submillimeter and IR Studies of Molecular Regions in the Magellanic Clouds Mónica Rubio Universidad de Chile CCAT Workshop, Koln, 5oct11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Submillimeter and IR Studies of Molecular Regions in the Magellanic Clouds Mónica Rubio Universidad de Chile CCAT Workshop, Koln, 5oct11

2 Dark Molecular Gas Stars are formed in dense cold molecular clouds BUT in low metallicity systems it is not easy to determine the amount of molecular gas Wolfire, Hollenbach, McKee 2010

3 Star formation rate depends on the total gas mass (HI+H2) but recent results show that SFR depends mainly on the amount of H2. (Leroy, et al, Bolatto et al, Genzel et al, )

4 How can we measure H 2 CO observations, X=N(H2) )/ICO Virial mass determination Emission from dust

5 In low metallicty systems, i.e, SMC and LMC it is well known that CO does not trace the total H 2 dark gas. CO is less abundant and the lower gas/dust ratio implies that CO photodissociated (Rubio, et al 93, Maloney and Black 98) Abundances of several molecules and ions on a plane parallel uniform molecular cloud model ilumnated from one side by a UV field =10 UV_gal, Z=0.1Zo ( Lequeux et al 94)

6 From Spitzer/MIPS data combined with HI ->  H2 But FIR emission sensitive to T dust Derived N(H2) is more extended by a factor of ~ 30% Xco ~ 6.0x10 21 mol /Kkms-1 Similar to virial (Mizuno et al. 08)Twice determination from SEST studies (Rubio et al 93, Bolatto et al.03) Combining the 160 mu, Hi and CO, finds that H2 must be Much extended than CO (Leroy et al 2007, Bolatto et al, Leroy et al 2010

7 Bolatto_et al. 2011

8 Assuming a universal opacity of dust grains and knowing the gas-to-dust ratio I mm -> N(H 2 ) - 1.2 mm SIMBA bolometer @ SEST - SPITZER 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, 24, 70, 160  m -0.850 mm LABOCA bolometer @APEX -Herschel, 160,250, 300, 500  m Submillimeter and FIR studies of the dust emssion provide an alternative way to measure the dark molecular mass

9 BUT first result for an quiescent cloud in SMC ( Rubio et al. 2004) SMCB1#1, SIMBA 1.2mm. M mm > 10 M vir Mass estimates based on 1.2mm (SIMBAS@SEST) and 0.8mm (LABOCA@APEX) give larger masses than those obtained from virial mass assuming gravitationally bound molecular clouds for SMC molecular regions studied.

10 Laboca/APEX SMC observations 870  m @ SMC- SW region Bot et al. 2007, 2010

11 .’ In the SMC, Plank 500 mu shows an emission excess but it seems that it is not sufficient to explain the difference in mass. Submillimeter excess (seen also in dwarf galaxies ) Madden et al, Galametz et al 2011

12 We explore regions in the Magellanic System LMC, SMC and Magellanic Bridge Sample low metallicity systems Zlmc = 0.5, Zsmc = 0.1 and Zmb Zsmc

13 Celia Verdugo MSc Student DAS, UCHILE Before Cinthya Herrera and Viviana Guzman

14 N83-N84 in the SMC LABOCA image with CO(2-1) contours LABOCA image Guzman et al. In prep

15 LMC regions 160 mu Herschel 500 mu Herschel Preliminary results

16 N4 N113

17 N159-E N159-W

18 SourceT d [K]F 870 μm [Jy]M mm [M sun ] M vir [M sun ] N113266.122.8∙10 5 8.7 ∙10 4 (†) N4280.87 3.8 ∙10 4 7.8 ∙10 4 (◊) N159E275.182.3∙10 5 1.7∙10 5 (‡) N159W183.582.8∙10 5 8.9∙10 4 (‡) SourceT d [K]F 870 μm [Jy]M mm [M sun ] M vir [M sun ] N113266.122.8∙10 5 8.7 ∙10 4 (†) N4280.87 3.8 ∙10 4 7.8 ∙10 4 (◊) N159E275.182.3∙10 5 1.7∙10 5 (‡) N159W183.582.8∙10 5 8.9∙10 4 (‡)

19 N11 Herrera, et. al. in prep PDR modelling 1.2mm continuum image (SIMBA@SEST

20 N11

21 Could Dark molecular gas become “ visible”? Observations of low Z galaxies is extremely expensive in telescope time and in general these galaxies have not been detected in CO. The nearest galaxies after SMC and LMC are ten times further away and we have been able to observe in CO (@10pc resolution) and continuum only a dozen of molecular cloud region in the Magellanic Clouds

22 The possible detection of CO and 870 mu continumm emission in WLM : a dwarf Galaxy with lower Z than the SMC. LABOCA 870 mu continumm emission in WLM Collaboratiors: D. Hunter, E Brinks, B. Elmegreen

23 T mb = 0.05 K +- 0.03K => M=5+-2 10 6 Mo T mb = 0.024 K +- 0.02K => M= 3+-2 10 6 Mo

24 To study the Dark molecular gas in low metallicity systems and thus understand the Star formation in primeval dustless galaxies ALMA



27 Magellanic Bridge – Source A

28 Collaborators Frank Bertoldi, Bonn, Germany Alberto Bolatto, Maryland, USA Caroline Bot, Strasbourg, France Francois Boulanger, IAS, France Alessandra Contursi, MPE, Germany Jesus Maiz-Apellaniz, IAA, Spain Norikazu Mizuno, NAOJ Deidre Hunter, Elias Brinks, Bruce Elmegreen Students Laura Perez now at Caltech Cinthya Herrera now at IAS Viviana Guzman now at DEMIRM Elisa Carrillo now at Bonn Klaus Rubke now at IAC Celia Verdugo at DAS + Fukui & Nanten Group

29 30 Doradus Laboca/APEX LMC maps Guzman et al. in prep

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