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Mars Rover TEAM CPNE Crossen Davis Peter Ramer Nancy Robinson Eric Rodriguez.

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Presentation on theme: "Mars Rover TEAM CPNE Crossen Davis Peter Ramer Nancy Robinson Eric Rodriguez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mars Rover TEAM CPNE Crossen Davis Peter Ramer Nancy Robinson Eric Rodriguez

2 Description Wireless vehicle equipped with various sensors. Sensors may include: temperature, SONAR, GPS, video, light, audio, etc. Vehicle can be controlled by serial, RF, and/or 802.11B communication. The data will be transferred back wirelessly to a base station connected to a computer. Data can be viewed in Real Time by a user interface.

3 Description(cont.) An RC or other type of chassis will be used. We will control 2 stepper motors. Data can also be stored on a flash card in the car, time permitting.

4 Hardware Implementation: Base Station Computer Serial RS-232 Base Station 68HC11 802.11bRF Transmitter/Receiver Rover

5 Hardware Implementation: Red Rover Red Rover 68HC11 Serial RS-232 802.11bRF Transmitter/Receiver Flash Card GPS Sensor Light Sensor Temperature Sensor Sonar Transducer LCD Screen Camera 2 Stepper Motors

6 Processor Motorola 68HC11 micro-controller Internal SDI Serial Interfaces Parallel Interface Several I/O Bus-lines

7 Possible Parts Long Range 433MHz Serial RF Modem w/ Antenna and Interface Cable One Wire Digital Temperature Sensor

8 Possible Parts(cont.) Ultrasonic 25kHz Transducers GPS RS232 Dual Port Carrier Board - Lassen IQ

9 Software Implementation User interface will be implemented in C/C++. Drivers and ISR for all the motors, sensors, and communication peripherals will be implemented in a combination of assembly and/or C/C++.

10 Division of Labor Crossen – car processor, RF, Motors, User Interface Peter – car processor, RF, Video, User Interface Nancy – base station processor, Temp sensor, GPS, User Manual Eric – base station processor, light sensor, Motors, Data Processing

11 Schedule

12 Risks and Contingency Plan Most of these peripherals are unfamiliar. However, our design involves many sensors,each of which are small components in the overall project. If needed, some of these can be dropped from the project while still completing our main goals.

13 Bandwidth We will have to figure out how to transmit all of the data we receive from our sensors back to our base station. The camera especially needs a lot of bandwidth

14 Questions? Thank You!

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