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Inference & Culture Slide 1 October 21, 2004 Cognitive Diagnosis as Evidentiary Argument Robert J. Mislevy Department of Measurement, Statistics, & Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "Inference & Culture Slide 1 October 21, 2004 Cognitive Diagnosis as Evidentiary Argument Robert J. Mislevy Department of Measurement, Statistics, & Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inference & Culture Slide 1 October 21, 2004 Cognitive Diagnosis as Evidentiary Argument Robert J. Mislevy Department of Measurement, Statistics, & Evaluation University of Maryland, College Park, MD October 21, 2004 Presented at the Fourth Spearman Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 21-23, 2004. Thanks to Russell Almond, Charles Davis, Chun-Wei Huang, Sandip Sinharay, Linda Steinberg, Kikumi Tatsuioka, David Williamson, and Duanli Yan.

2 Inference & Culture Slide 2 October 21, 2004 Introduction An assessment is a particular kind of evidentiary argument. Parsing a particular assessment in terms of the elements of an argument provides insights into more visible features such as tasks and statistical models. Will look at cognitive diagnosis from this perspective.

3 Inference & Culture Slide 3 October 21, 2004 Toulmin's (1958) structure for arguments Reasoning flows from data (D) to claim (C) by justification of a warrant (W), which in turn is supported by backing (B). The inference may need to be qualified by alternative explanations (A), which may have rebuttal evidence (R) to support them.

4 Inference & Culture Slide 4 October 21, 2004 Specialization to assessment The role of psychological theory: »Nature of claims & data »Warrant connecting claims and data: “If student were x, would probably do y” The role of probability-based inference: “Student does y; what is support for x’s?” Will look first at assessment under behavioral perspective, then see how cognitive diagnosis extends the ideas.

5 Inference & Culture Slide 5 October 21, 2004 Behaviorist Perspective The evaluation of the success of instruction and of the student’s learning becomes a matter of placing the student in a sample of situations in which the different learned behaviors may appropriately occur and noting the frequency and accuracy with which they do occur. D.R. Krathwohl & D.A. Payne, 1971, p. 17-18.

6 The claim addresses the expected value of performance of the targeted kind in the targeted situations.

7 The student data address the salient features of the responses.

8 The task data address the salient features of the stimulus situations (i.e., tasks).

9 The warrant encompasses definitions of the class of stimulus situations, response classifications, and sampling theory.

10 Inference & Culture Slide 10 October 21, 2004 Statistical Modeling of Assessment Data Claims in terms of values of unobservable variables in student model (SM)-- characterize student knowledge. Data modeled as depending probabilistically on SM vars. Estimate conditional distributions of data given SM vars. Bayes theorem to infer SM variables given data. Claims in terms of values of unobservable variables in student model (SM)-- characterize student knowledge. Data modeled as depending probabilistically on SM vars. Estimate conditional distributions of data given SM vars. Bayes theorem to infer SM variables given data.

11 Inference & Culture Slide 11 October 21, 2004 Specialization to cognitive diagnosis Information-processing perspective foregrounded in cognitive diagnosis Student model contains variables in terms of, e.g., »Production rules at some grain-size »Components / organization of knowledge »Possibly strategy availability / usage Importance of purpose

12 Inference & Culture Slide 12 October 21, 2004 Responses consistent with the "subtract smaller from larger" bug “Buggy arithmentic”: Brown & Burton (1978); VanLehn (1990)

13 Inference & Culture Slide 13 October 21, 2004 Some Illustrative Student Models in Cognitive Diagnosis Whole number subtraction: »~ 200 production rules (VanLehn, 1990) »Can model at level of bugs (Brown & Burton) or at the level of impasses (VanLehn) John Anderson’s ITSs in algebra, LISP »~ 1000 production rules »1-10 in play at a given time Reverse-engineered large-scale tests »~10-15 skills Mixed number subtraction (Tatsuoka) »~5-15 production rules / skills

14 Inference & Culture Slide 14 October 21, 2004 Mixed number subtraction Based on example from Prof. Kikumi Tatsuoka (1982). »Cognitive analysis & task design »Methods A & B »Overlapping sets of skills under methods Bayes nets described in Mislevy (1994): »Five “skills” required under Method B. »Conjunctive combination of skills »DINA stochastic model

15 Inference & Culture Slide 15 October 21, 2004 Skill 1: Basic fraction subtraction Skill 2: Simplify/Reduce Skill 3: Separate whole number from fraction Skill 4: Borrow from whole number Skill 5: Convert whole number to fractions


17 W :Sampling theory since so and for items with feature set defining Class 1 D11 D11j : Sue's answer to Item j, Class 1 D2j of Item j D2j of Item j D21j structure and contents of Item j, Class1 C : Sue's probability of answering a Class 1 subtraction problem with borrowing isp1 W0: Theory about how persons with configurations {K1,...,Km} would be likely to respond to items with different salient features. W :Sampling theory since so and for items with feature set defining Class n D11 D1nj : Sue's answer to Item j, Class n D2j of Item j D2j of Item j D2nj structure and contents of Item j, Class n C : Sue's probability of answering a Classn subtraction problem with borrowing isp n since and so... C: Sue's configuration of production rules for operating in the domain (knowledge and skill) isK Like behaviorist inference at level of behavior in classes of structurally similar tasks.

18 W :Sampling theory since so and for items with feature set defining Class 1 D11 D11j : Sue's answer to Item j, Class 1 D2j of Item j D2j of Item j D21j structure and contents of Item j, Class1 C : Sue's probability of answering a Class 1 subtraction problem with borrowing isp1 W0: Theory about how persons with configurations {K1,...,Km} would be likely to respond to items with different salient features. W :Sampling theory since so and for items with feature set defining Class n D11 D1nj : Sue's answer to Item j, Class n D2j of Item j D2j of Item j D2nj structure and contents of Item j, Class n C : Sue's probability of answering a Classn subtraction problem with borrowing isp n since and so... C: Sue's configuration of production rules for operating in the domain (knowledge and skill) isK Structural patterns among behaviorist claims are data for inferences about unobservable production rules that govern behavior.

19 Inference & Culture Slide 19 October 21, 2004 W :Sampling theory since so and for items with feature set defining Class 1 D11 D11j : Sue's answer to Item j, Class 1 D2j of Item j D2j of Item j D21j structure and contents of Item j, Class1 C : Sue's probability of answering a Class 1 subtraction problem with borrowing isp1 W0: Theory about how persons with configurations {K1,...,Km} would be likely to respond to items with different salient features. W :Sampling theory since so and for items with feature set defining Class n D11 D1nj : Sue's answer to Item j, Class n D2j of Item j D2j of Item j D2nj structure and contents of Item j, Class n C : Sue's probability of answering a Classn subtraction problem with borrowing isp n since and so... C: Sue's configuration of production rules for operating in the domain (knowledge and skill) isK This level distinguishes cognitive diagnosis from subscores. A typical (but not necessary) difference is that cognitive diagnosis has many-to-many relationship between observable variables and student-model variables. As partitions, subscores have 1-1 relationships between scores and inferential targets. This level distinguishes cognitive diagnosis from subscores. A typical (but not necessary) difference is that cognitive diagnosis has many-to-many relationship between observable variables and student-model variables. As partitions, subscores have 1-1 relationships between scores and inferential targets.

20 Inference & Culture Slide 20 October 21, 2004 Structural and stochastic aspects of inferential models Structural model relates student model variables (  s) to observable variables (xs) »Conjunctive, disjunctive, mixture »Complete vs incomplete (e.g., fusion model) »The Q matrix (next slide) Stochastic model addresses uncertainty »Rule based; logical with noise »Probability-based inference (discrete Bayes nets, extended IRT models) »Hybrid (e.g., Rule Space)

21 Inference & Culture Slide 21 October 21, 2004 The Q-matrix (Fischer, Tatsuoka) Items Features q jk is extent Feature k pertains to Item j Special case: 0/1 entries and a 1-1 relationship between features and student- model variables.

22 Inference & Culture Slide 22 October 21, 2004 Conjunctive structural relationship Person i:  i = (  i1,  i2, …,  iK ) »Each  ik =1 if person possesses “skill”, 0 if not. Task j: q j = (q j1, q j2, …, q jK ) » A q jk = 1 if item j “requires skill k”, 0 if not. I ij = 1 if (q jk =1   ik =1) for all k, 0 if (q jk =1 but  ik =0) for any k.

23 Inference & Culture Slide 23 October 21, 2004 Conjunctive structural relationship: No stochastic model Pr(x ij =1|  i, q j ) = I ij No uncertainty about x given  There is uncertainty about  given x, even if no stochastic part, due to competing explanations (Falmagne): x ij = {0,1} just gives you partitioning into all  s that cover of q j, vs. those that miss with respect to at least one skill.

24 Inference & Culture Slide 24 October 21, 2004 Conjunctive structural relationship: DINA stochastic model Now there is uncertainty about x given  Pr(x ij =1| I ij =0) =  j0 -- False positive Pr(x ij =1| I ij =1) =  j1 -- True positive Likelihood over n items: Posterior :

25 Inference & Culture Slide 25 October 21, 2004 The particular challenge of competing explanations Triangulation »Different combinations of data fail to support some alternative explanations of responses, and reinforce others. »Why was an item requiring Skills 1 & 2 wrong? –Missing Skill 1? Missing Skill 2? A slip? –Try items requiring 1 & 3, 2 & 4, 1& 2 again. Degree design supports inferences »Test design as experimental design

26 Bayes net for mixed number subtraction (Method B)

27 Simplify/reduce (Skill 2) Mixed number skills Borrow from whole number (Skill 4) Separate whole number from fraction (Skill 3) Basic fraction subtraction (Skill 1) Skills 1 & 3 Skills 1, 3, & 4 Skills 1,2,3,&4 6/7 - 4/7 2/3 - 2/3 3 7/8 - 2 3 4/5 - 3 2/5 4 5/7 - 1 4/7 3 1/2 - 2 3/2 4 4/12 - 2 7/12 4 1/3 - 2 4/3 4 1/10 - 2 8/10 4 - 3 4/3 4 1/3 - 1 5/3 2 - 1/3 7 3/5 - 4/5 3 - 2 1/5 Skills 1 & 2 11/8 - 1/8 Skills 1, 3, 4, & 5 Skills 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 Convert whole number to fraction (Skill 5) Item 12 Item 4 Item 10 Item 11 Item 18 Item 20 Item 7Item 19 Item 15 Item 17 Item 14 Item 9Item 16 Item 6 Item 8 Structural aspects: The logical conjunctive relationships among skills, and which sets of skills an item requires. Latter determined by its q j vector. Bayes net for mixed number subtraction (Method B)

28 Stochastic aspects, Part 1: Empirical relationships among skills in population (red). Stochastic aspects, Part 1: Empirical relationships among skills in population (red). Simplify/reduce (Skill 2) Mixed number skills Borrow from whole number (Skill 4) Separate whole number from fraction (Skill 3) Basic fraction subtraction (Skill 1) Skills 1 & 3 Skills 1, 3, & 4 Skills 1,2,3,&4 6/7 - 4/7 2/3 - 2/3 3 7/8 - 2 3 4/5 - 3 2/5 4 5/7 - 1 4/7 3 1/2 - 2 3/2 4 4/12 - 2 7/12 4 1/3 - 2 4/3 4 1/10 - 2 8/10 4 - 3 4/3 4 1/3 - 1 5/3 2 - 1/3 7 3/5 - 4/5 3 - 2 1/5 Skills 1 & 2 11/8 - 1/8 Skills 1, 3, 4, & 5 Skills 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 Convert whole number to fraction (Skill 5) Item 12 Item 4 Item 10 Item 11 Item 18 Item 20 Item 7Item 19 Item 15 Item 17 Item 14 Item 9Item 16 Item 6 Item 8 Bayes net for mixed number subtraction (Method B)

29 Stochastic aspects, Part 2: Measurement errors for each item (yellow). Stochastic aspects, Part 2: Measurement errors for each item (yellow). Simplify/reduce (Skill 2) Mixed number skills Borrow from whole number (Skill 4) Separate whole number from fraction (Skill 3) Basic fraction subtraction (Skill 1) Skills 1 & 3 Skills 1, 3, & 4 Skills 1,2,3,&4 6/7 - 4/7 2/3 - 2/3 3 7/8 - 2 3 4/5 - 3 2/5 4 5/7 - 1 4/7 3 1/2 - 2 3/2 4 4/12 - 2 7/12 4 1/3 - 2 4/3 4 1/10 - 2 8/10 4 - 3 4/3 4 1/3 - 1 5/3 2 - 1/3 7 3/5 - 4/5 3 - 2 1/5 Skills 1 & 2 11/8 - 1/8 Skills 1, 3, 4, & 5 Skills 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 Convert whole number to fraction (Skill 5) Item 12 Item 4 Item 10 Item 11 Item 18 Item 20 Item 7Item 19 Item 15 Item 17 Item 14 Item 9Item 16 Item 6 Item 8 Bayes net for mixed number subtraction (Method B)

30 Probabilities before observations Bayes net for mixed number subtraction

31 Probabilities after observations Bayes net for mixed number subtraction

32 For mixture of strategies across people Bayes net for mixed number subtraction

33 Inference & Culture Slide 33 October 21, 2004 Extensions (1) More general … »Student models (continuous vars, uses) »Observable variables (richer, times, multiple) »Structural relationships (e.g., disjuncts) »Stochastic relationships (e.g., NIDA, fusion) »Model-tracing temporary structures (VanLehn)

34 Inference & Culture Slide 34 October 21, 2004 Extensions (2) Strategy use »Single strategy (as discussed above) »Mixture across people (Rost, Mislevy) »Mixtures within people (Huang: MV Rasch) Huang’s example of last of these follows…

35 A. The truck exerts the same amount of force on the car as the car exerts on the truck. B. The car exerts more force on the truck than the truck exerts on the car. C. The truck exerts more force on the car than the car exerts on the truck. D. There’s no force because they both stop. What are the forces at the instant of impact? 20 mph

36 A. The truck exerts the same amount of force on the car as the car exerts on the truck. B. The car exerts more force on the truck than the truck exerts on the car. C. The truck exerts more force on the car than the car exerts on the truck. D. There’s no force because they both stop. What are the forces at the instant of impact? 10 mph20 mph

37 A. The truck exerts the same amount of force on the fly as the fly exerts on the truck. B. The fly exerts more force on the truck than the truck exerts on the fly. C. The truck exerts more force on the fly than the fly exerts on the truck. D. There’s no force because they both stop. 10 mph1 mph What are the forces at the instant of impact?

38 Inference & Culture Slide 38 October 21, 2004 The Andersen/Rasch Multidimensional Model for m strategy categories is an integer between 1 and m; is the pth element in the person i’s vector-valued parameter; is the strategy person i uses for item j; is the pth element in the item j’s vector-valued parameter.

39 Inference & Culture Slide 39 October 21, 2004 Conclusion: The Importance of Coordination… Among psychological model, task design, and analytic model »(KWSK “assessment triangle”) »Tatsuoka’s work is exemplary in this respect: –Grounded in psychological analyses –Grainsize & character tuned to learning model –Test design tuned to instructional options

40 Inference & Culture Slide 40 October 21, 2004 Conclusion: The Importance of Coordination… With purpose, constraints, resources »Lower expectations for retrofitting existing tests designed for different purposes, under different perspectives & warrants. »Information & Communication Technology (ICT) project at ETS –Simulation-based tasks –Large scale –Forward design

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