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Worlds Within Worlds Co-evolving designers and critics Bio-inspired design processes Gregory Hornby, UC Santa Cruz Jordan Pollack, Brandeis University.

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Presentation on theme: "Worlds Within Worlds Co-evolving designers and critics Bio-inspired design processes Gregory Hornby, UC Santa Cruz Jordan Pollack, Brandeis University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worlds Within Worlds Co-evolving designers and critics Bio-inspired design processes Gregory Hornby, UC Santa Cruz Jordan Pollack, Brandeis University Hod Lipson, Cornell University

2 Conclusions Evolutionary design –Open ended, creative –Challenged by scalability, vague design goals Evolve designers, not designs –Generative systems that capture design rules Evolve critics that represent user tastes –Provoke users to learn their goals & preferences Algebra of user models and designers –Use multiple models to influence multiple designers

3 Evolution


5 Lipson & Pollack, Nature 406, 2000

6 X-band antenna for NASA's ST-5 Mission

7 Evolving Photonic Structures With Preble, Gondarenko, Robinson, Physical Review Letters, May 2006

8 Kinematic Synthesis Peaucelier (1873) Silverster-Kempe (1877)

9 Evolutionary design –Open ended, creative –Challenged by scalability, vague design goals

10 Evolving Designers

11 Encoding designers with Modularity, Regularity and Hierarchy Design Program:Executed Instructions: Graphical version:

12 Evolving Table Designers Evolving tables: fitness = height*surface area*stability/material. No MRH enabled: MRH enabled:

13 Evolved Tables Table fitness = height*surface*volume / material

14 Families of Designs Height: 8 16 24 32 A single design program can be used to evolve a family of designs:

15 Evolving Critics


17 A Simple Critic

18 Confidence vs. Uncertainty



21 Walter Benjamin




25 Louisville, KY, USA FabLab, Pretoria, South Africa Rockefeller Univ., New York, USAScience Museum, London, UK

26 Watch band and Lego™ tire printed on a Fab@home



29 User 1 User 2 User 1 Algebra of user models


31 Conclusions Evolutionary design –Open ended, creative –Challenged by scalability, vague design goals Evolve designers, not designs –Generative systems that capture design rules Evolve critics that represent user tastes –Provoke users to learn their goals & preferences Algebra of user models and designers –Use multiple models to influence multiple designers

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