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Measuring Partnerships and Networks Members of Network: Tayata Sutthiwongse, Andis Zilans, Merci Mungai, Levania Santoso.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring Partnerships and Networks Members of Network: Tayata Sutthiwongse, Andis Zilans, Merci Mungai, Levania Santoso."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring Partnerships and Networks Members of Network: Tayata Sutthiwongse, Andis Zilans, Merci Mungai, Levania Santoso

2 What are partnerships and networks? Why are partnerships/networks formed? How do we know partnerships/networks have added value?


4 Partnerships and Networks Partnerships are relationships /organizational form of two or more actors conducting activity together for mutual benefit. Network is a relationship/ mode of governance between interconnected actors. Method of sharing information between two or more actors for mutual benefit.

5 Why partnerships? Partnerships are developed to achieve common goals that would individually be more difficult or impossible to achieve through competition. Partnerships = collaborative advantage.

6 Why partnerships? Increase resource efficiency - make better use of existing resources by reducing duplication and sharing overheads. Can add value by bringing together complementary services/skills and foster innovation and synergy. Enable leveraging of new resources – enable access to grant regimes requiring financial and in-kind contributions from private/NGO sector. Using private sector partners to overcome public sector constraints on access to capital markets.

7 Governance of partnerships Partnerships based on  trustful cooperation in a common framework  mutual understanding, accountability and obligations. Partnership includes the striving for fair resolution of conflicts. Partnering as a continuous learning process.

8 Governance of partnerships Creation of partnership does not always imply that relations between actors are conducted on the basis of mutual benefit, trust and reciprocity – the characteristics of a network mode of governance. Partnerships can be associated with a variety of forms of governance or social coordination – including network, hierarchy and markets.

9 Governance of partnerships Some partnerships pass through a life cycle in which different modes of governance assume a particular importance at different points in time and in relation to particular partnership tasks. “price, authority and trust are combined with each other in assorted ways in the empirical world” Bradach and Eccles, 1991

10 Impact of Partnerships Success in meeting goals of partnership. Needs of partners met by network in terms of effectiveness/cost. Actors stay in partnership for duration. Partnership encourages increased participation = synergies more likely. On-going participation in partnership at networking level after goals attained = sustainability.

11 What are Networks? Network is governance or social structure made of individuals or organizations that are linked by one or more specific type of interdependency. Not just any contact or relationship should be viewed as a network. A networks can consist of actors that are linked through relations - a communication system, information exchanges, cooperative activities.

12 Types and Functions of Networks Social networks: cooperation as a way of maintaining and enhancing social relationships. Public sector networks: information, knowledge, service providers in cooperation with NGOs and business sector. Business sector networks sharing information providing products/services, pursuing common goals.

13 Why networks? Increased effectiveness, synergies and competitiveness versus activities undertaken individually or through the traditional governance mechanisms of market or hierarchy.

14 Network Analysis Network analysis views linkages in terms of nodes and ties. Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. Network diagram is a map of all of the relevant ties (lines) between the nodes (points).

15 Network Network Diagram

16 Degree Centrality Betweenness Centrality Closeness Centrality Network Centralization Network Reach

17 Measuring Network Effectiveness Network analysis and mapping techniques can be used to measure: 1.Number of cooperative endeavours (links) between organizations in a network (breadth of integration) 2.Intensity of cooperative endeavours (links) between organizations in a network (depth of integration). Does more and intensive networking = effectiveness and added value of the outcome?

18 Impact of Networks Network Effectiveness Criteria Actors remain loyal to and sustain the network Needs of networking actors met by network in terms of effectiveness/cost Needs of beneficiaries of network services met in terms of effectiveness/cost Network membership growth Range of networking functions increasing Absence of function duplication Strength and diversity of ties between actors Creation and maintenance of network administrative structure

19 Paldies par uzmanību!

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