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“In Him you have been made complete.” Col 2:10 Textual Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Colossians
Basic Outline – Opening greetings & admonitions 1:1-12 Description of the Christ in Whom every man can be “complete” 1:13 – 2:23 Instructions on how those “complete” in Christ are to live 3:1 – 4:6 Closing personal remarks 4:7-18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 Christ’s victory v. 15 In His death, Jesus “…disarmed the rulers & authorities” Spiritual powers opposing God 1:16 2:10 Eph 1:19-21 3:10 6:12 Wicked forces that used both the Jews & Romans 1 Cor 2:6-8 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 Christ’s victory v. 15 God made a “public display” of them (exposed them) Christ “triumphed over them” when He removed Satan’s power over death Heb 2:14-15 1 Cor 15:54-57 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 Christ’s victory v. 15 The “eventual victory” occurred when He was raised from the dead 2:12b Publicly seen by witnesses Acts 1:3 The resurrection preached right from the start Acts 2:22-24 Not “done in a corner” Acts 26:22-26 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 “Therefore…” v. 16a What Paul is about to say is directly connected to what he just said The Law had been removed 2:11-15 Christ’s sacrifice powerfully affected each man’s standing before God Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 “…Let no man judge you in regard to” (things of the Law) v. 16b Esp. relevant for Gentile Christians A perverted Judaizing version of the Law always troubled the early church Acts 15:1-2, 10, 19, 23-24 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 The Law = a “shadow” v. 17 Instead of being criteria for judging, the Law reflected the genuine object Heb 10:1a It anticipated the 2nd covenant Shadows have no value on their own Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 The Law = a “shadow” v. 17 A reference to its limited duration cp. Gal 3:15-25 A shadow is not substantive…“the substance belongs to Christ” 1:27-28 2:10 Heb 10:1b Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 Jewish false teachers (Judaizers) weren’t the only concern re: religious error at Colossae vv. 16-17 Other doctrines were apparently prevalent that could “defraud” the Christians at Colossae vv. 18-23 2:8 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 Other fraudulent doctrines vv. 18-23 Self-abasement (voluntary or false humility; asceticism) v. 18b – Denial of self to achieve some good – In some cases, self-inflicted pain – Goal Ù some “spiritual experience” Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 Other fraudulent doctrines vv. 18-23 Worship of the angels v. 18b – Homage toward these spiritual beings – Compare to Rev 19:10 & 22:8-9 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 Other fraudulent doctrines vv. 18-23 Visions “inflated without cause” v. 18b – Man-made notions that come from fleshly or sensual minds – Visions that did not come from the body’s Head 1:18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 2:19 Eph 4:16 and not holding fast to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God. from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 Other fraudulent doctrines vv. 18-23 The Colossians had “died with Christ” v. 20a 2:11b Rom 6:6-13 They didn’t need to subject themselves to man-made doctrines vv. 20b-22 (either Judaistic or paganistic) Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 Other fraudulent doctrines vv. 18-23 These doctrines were full of vanity They may have appeared good, but they offered no real value against fleshly lusts or desires v. 23 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Paul exhorts Colossae 2:6-23 The meaning of His victory vv. 16-23 Other fraudulent doctrines vv. 18-23 These false teachers tred to convince the Colossians re: their doctrines Paul had already presented truth re: the complete Christ & disciples being complete in Him 1:14-23, 27-28 2:10 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete
Basic Outline – Opening greetings & admonitions 1:1-12 Description of the Christ in Whom every man can be “complete” 1:13 – 2:23 Instructions on how those “complete” in Christ are to live 3:1 – 4:6 Closing personal remarks 4:7-18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction
In Paul’s letters to local churches, an application section always follows the doctrinal section How saints are to individually and collectively incorporate in daily living for the Lord what the apostle taught Re: this epistle, it is Col 3:1 – 4:6 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
Why The Need For It 3:1a The Colossians had “died with Christ” 2:11b-13, 20 Rom 6:1-4a, 6-7 They had also been buried 2:12 As a result, they had been “raised up with Christ” 3:1a Rom 6:4b-5 Eph 2:1-6 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
Why The Need For It 3:1a Christ died…was buried…then arose Saints die…are buried…then arise Because of this obedience to the gospel, we must “walk in newness of life” Rom 6:4 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Own Minds 3:1b-4 Focus must reflect our resurrection We must “keep seeking those things above, where Christ is seated” v. 1b It is where saints put their daily mental resolve 2 Cor 10:3-5 Rom 12:2 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Present active tense… it is a continual action
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Own Minds 3:1b-4 “Renewing our minds…” Rom 12:2 A “renewal” mentioned in Col 3:10-11 Greek word = a Latin word used for “renovate” [tear down the old to build the new] - Trench, pg. 78 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Own Minds 3:1b-4 Saints have died (to sin) 2:20 Our life is “…now hidden with Christ in God” v. 3 Safe deposit Mt 6:19-21 2 Tim 1:12 The old way of living cannot continue Rom 6:2, 6-7, 11-13 13:14 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Own Minds 3:1b-4 When Christ is “revealed” (returns), “…we will be revealed with Him in glory” v. 4 We will share with Him in His glory Rom 8:17-18 1 Jn 3:2 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Own Minds 3:1b-4 Paul had to start with this command Outer actions follow inner thoughts Mk 7:18-23 Prov 4:23 23:7 The mind (heart) must first be trained (renovated) in a new direction Rom 12:2 2 Cor 10:5 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Own Minds 3:1b-4 Why do some Christians fail re: this? Why do local churches struggle with some of their members? Because some saints have failed to “…keep seeking those things above” Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
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