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CS-413 1 Techniques Supporting Project Management (Part 4) Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü – Bilkent Üniversitesi – Fall 2009 Dr.Çağatay ÜNDEĞER Instructor Bilkent University, Computer Engineering Middle East Technical University, Game Technologies & General Manager SimBT Inc. e-mail :
CS-413 2 Techniques Supporting Project Management Task related: –Work breakdown structures –Gantt Charts –Network Diagrams –Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) –Calender View –Task usage View Resource related: –Resource Sheet –Resource Calenders –Resource Graph View –Resource Usage View
CS-413 3 Work Breakdown Structures A hierarchical listing of the activities (e.g. tasks, sub-tasks) necessary for the completion of the project. Split activities into sub-activities as much as you can; –Until leaf activities become clear and easily manageable.
CS-413 4 A Sample Project Generating a multimedia database with; –Word, excell, power point documents –Image files –Video files –Sound files Viewing and editing –Source files & database content Exporting/Importing database content to/from individual files.
CS-413 5 A Sample Work Breakdown Structure Software Project Development Life Cycle (Spiral Model) –Cycle 1 System Planning System Analysis –Cycle 2 System Planning System Anaylsis System Design System Implementation (Prototype) System Deployment –Cycle 3 System Planning System Anaylsis System Design System Implementation (Release 1.0) System Deployment System Maintenance
CS-413 6 Cycle 1 (System Planning) System Planning –Identify project needs –Determine project scope –Prepare project definition document –Prepare project management plans Prepare Software Project Management Plan Prepare Software Quality Assurance Plan Prepare Software Risk Management Plan –Prepare software engineering plans Prepare Software Configuration Management Plan Prepare Software Verification and Validation Plan –Evaluate and approve project plans –Sign project contract System Analysis...
CS-413 7 Cycle 1 (System Analysis) System Planning... System Analysis –Perform software requirements analysis Determine software requirements Structure software requirements Prepare Software Requirements Specification Evaluate and approve Software Requirements Specification –Perform literature survey ???
CS-413 8 Cycle 1 (System Analysis) System Planning... System Analysis –Perform software requirements analysis Determine software requirements Structure software requirements Prepare Software Requirements Specification Evaluate and approve Software Requirements Specification –Perform literature survey Loading and visualising office files (doc, xls, ppt, etc.) Loading and visualising image files (bmp, jpg, tif, etc.) Loading and playing video files (avi, mpg, dat, etc.) Loading and playing sound files (wav, mp3) Generating multimedia databases with above sources
CS-413 9 Cycle 2 (System Planning) System Planning –Update project management plans Update Software Project Management Plan Update Software Risk Management Plan –Evaluate and approve project plans System Analysis... System Design... System Implementation (prototype)... System Deployment...
CS-413 10 Cycle 2 (System Analysis) System Planning... System Analysis –Refine software requirements analysis Update software requirements Restructure software requirements Prepare Software Requirements Specification Evaluate and approve Software Requirements Specification –Perform literature survey ??? –Generate alternative designs Determine and select alternative designs Evaluate and approve selected design System Design... System Implementation (prototype)... System Deployment...
CS-413 11 Cycle 2 (System Analysis) System Planning... System Analysis –Refine software requirements analysis Update software requirements Restructure software requirements Prepare Software Requirements Specification Evaluate and approve Software Requirements Specification –Perform literature survey Editing and saving office files (doc, xls, ppt, etc.) Editing and saving image files (bmp, jpg, tif, etc.) Editing and saving video files (avi, mpg, dat, etc.) Editing and saving sound files (wav, mp3) –Generate alternative designs Determine and select alternative designs Evaluate and approve selected design System Design... System Implementation (prototype)... System Deployment...
CS-413 12 Cycle 2 (System Design) System Planning... System Analysis... System Design –Prepare logical system description –Prepare physical system description Determine details of implementation environment –Select hardware platforms and operating systems –Select programming languages –Select database systems and file structures –Select network environment Design details of system –Design user interfaces »??? –Design reports »??? –Design databases »??? –Design algorithms »??? –Design computer process »??? Design system integration –Prepare Software Design Description –Evaluate and approve Software Design Description System Implementation (prototype)... System Deployment...
CS-413 13 Cycle 2 (System Design) System Planning... System Analysis... System Design –Prepare logical system description –Prepare physical system description Determine details of implementation environment –Select hardware platforms and operating systems –Select programming languages –Select database systems and file structures –Select network environment Design details of system –Design user interfaces »Main window »Windows for file import, visualise, edit and save »Windows for database content generation »Windows for database content browser, visualise, edit and save to file »Windows for database backup and restore »Windows for user accounts management –Design reports »... –Design databases –Design algorithms –Design computer process Design system integration –Prepare Software Design Description –Evaluate and approve Software Design Description System Implementation (prototype)... System Deployment...
CS-413 14 Cycle 2 (System Implementation) System Planning... System Analysis... System Design... System Implementation (prototype) –Coding Implement software components –??? Integrate software components Correct reported bugs –Testing & Correction Prepare Software Test Document Evaluate and approve Software Test Document Perform unit tests Perform integration tests Report test results and update Software Test Document –Demonstrate, evaluate and approve system software System Deployment...
CS-413 15 Cycle 2 (System Implementation) System Planning... System Analysis... System Design... System Implementation (prototype) –Coding Implement software components –Implement user interfaces »Main window »Windows for file import, visualise, edit and save »Windows for database content generation »Windows for database content browser, visualise, edit and save to file »Windows for database backup and restore »Windows for user accounts management –Implement reports »... –Implement databases –Implement algorithms –Implement computer process Integrate software components Correct reported bugs –Testing & Correction Prepare Software Test Document Evaluate and approve Software Test Document Perform unit tests Perform integration tests Report test results and update Software Test Document –Demonstrate, evaluate and approve system software System Deployment...
CS-413 16 Cycle 2 (System Deployment) System Planning... System Analysis... System Design... System Implementation (prototype)... System Deployment –Install system software –Enter baseline data ??? –Train users 1 weeks administrator training 1 week user training
CS-413 17 Cycle 2 (System Deployment) System Planning... System Analysis... System Design... System Implementation (prototype)... System Deployment –Install system software –Enter baseline data Import office documents from previous archives Import image files from previous archives Import video files from previous archives Import sound files from previous archives –Train users 1 weeks administrator training 1 week user training
CS-413 18 Cycle 3 (System Planning) System Planning –Update project management plans Update Software Project Management Plan –Evaluate and approve project plans System Analysis... System Design... System Implementation (release 1.0)... System Deployment...
CS-413 19 Cycle 3 (System Analysis) System Planning... System Analysis –Refine software requirements analysis Update software requirements Restructure software requirements Prepare Software Requirements Specification Evaluate and approve Software Requirements Specification System Design... System Implementation (release 1.0)... System Deployment...
CS-413 20 Cycle 3 (System Design) System Planning... System Analysis... System Design –Refine logical system description –Refine physical system description Refine details of system –Update user interfaces –Update reports –... Refine system integration –Prepare Software Design Description –Evaluate and approve Software Design Description System Implementation (release 1.0)... System Deployment...
CS-413 21 Cycle 3 (System Implementation) System Planning... System Analysis... System Design... System Implementation (release 1) –Coding Refine software components Integrate software components Correct reported bugs –Testing & Correction Prepare Software Test Document Evaluate and approve Software Test Document Perform unit tests Perform integration tests Report test results and update Software Test Document –Prepare Software Deliverables Prepare user manuals Prepare system setup application –Demonstrate, evaluate and approve system software System Deployment...
CS-413 22 Cycle 3 (System Deployment) System Planning... System Analysis... System Design... System Implementation (release 1)... System Deployment –Install system software –Enter baseline data... –Train users 3 weeks administrator training 2 week user training
CS-413 23 Afterwards (System Maintenance) System Maintenance –Fix system software bugs –Improve system software
CS-413 24 Techniques Supporting Project Management Task related: –Work breakdown structures –Gantt Charts –Network Diagrams –Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) –Calender View –Task usage View Resource related: –Resource Sheet –Resource Calenders –Resource Graph View –Resource Usage View
CS-413 25 Gantt Charts A bar chart showing start and end dates for the activities (WBS) of a project. Not intended to indicate how tasks must be ordered, –But simply show when a task should begin and end. Very helpful for seeing date-time relations of activities.
CS-413 26 Gantt Charts On the left, a work breakdown structure is located; On the right, the time bars are located. summary tasks leaf tasks Start: 20.02.2008 End: 28.02.2008 Duration: 7 days From Microsoft Office
CS-413 27 Information on Gantt Charts Many information can be seen on gantt charts duration of task percent of task completed From Microsoft Office
CS-413 28 Information on Gantt Charts Precedence relations can be seen on gantt charts. Predecessor of Task A Task A Successor of Task A Starts at the Same time From Microsoft Office
CS-413 29 Information on Gantt Charts Resource assignments can be seen on gantt charts Resource usage can be seen on gantt charts With two full-time personnel With one part-time personnel With one Full-time personnel With two part-time personnel Many tasks in parallel From Microsoft Office
CS-413 30 Information on Gantt Charts Critical paths can be seen on gantt charts Red colored tasks are on critical path. Therefore they can not be delayed. Blue colored tasks are not on critical path. Therefore they can be delayed. Critical path is the longest path through the project illustrating the shortest amount of time in which a project can be completed. Tasks on critical path cannot be delayed without delaying project. From Microsoft Office
CS-413 31 Techniques Supporting Project Management Task related: –Work breakdown structures –Gantt Charts –Network Diagrams –Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) –Calender View –Task usage View Resource related: –Resource Sheet –Resource Calenders –Resource Graph View –Resource Usage View
CS-413 32 Network Diagrams A schematic display; –That illustrates various tasks in a project As well as their sequential relationship. A scheduling technique used for controlling resources. Show which tasks can be done in parallel.
CS-413 33 Network Diagrams Used to identify critical paths. Critical path is the longest path through the project –Illustrating the shortest amount of time In which a project can be completed. Tasks on critical path cannot be delayed without delaying project.
CS-413 34 Network Diagrams (Sample: Summary & Leaf Tasks) From Microsoft Office
CS-413 35 Network Diagrams (Sample: Leaf Tasks) IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 With the information below, –You can be able to draw a network diagram.
CS-413 36 Network Diagrams (Sample: Visualisation) Tasks are shown by either –Circles or –Rectangles. Work flows are shown by arrows. 12 Task 1Task 2 Task 2 follows Task 1 Task 1 is the predecessor of Task 2
CS-413 37 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 5 6 11 8 9 10 12 13
CS-413 38 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13
CS-413 39 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7
CS-413 40 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left.
CS-413 41 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left.
CS-413 42 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = max(2,4)+2 ET = 4+7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left.
CS-413 43 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 6+1 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left.
CS-413 44 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 7+4 ET = 7+1 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left.
CS-413 45 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 8+1 ET = max(11,11)+1 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left.
CS-413 46 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 9+1 ET = 12 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left.
CS-413 47 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left.
CS-413 48 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 Assign project end date, max(ET)
CS-413 49 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 12-1
CS-413 50 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 11-1 LT = 11
CS-413 51 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 10 LT = 11 LT = min ( 11-4, 10-1 )
CS-413 52 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 10 LT = 11 LT = min(7,9)
CS-413 53 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 10 LT = 11 LT = 7LT = 7-1
CS-413 54 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 10 LT = 11 LT = 7LT = 6LT = 6-2 LT = min ( 6-2, 11-7 )
CS-413 55 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 10 LT = 11 LT = 7LT = 6LT = 4 LT = min(4,4)
CS-413 56 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 10 LT = 11 LT = 7LT = 6LT = 4
CS-413 57 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 10 LT = 11 LT = 7LT = 6LT = 4 Red tasks are on critical path, so should not be delayed.
CS-413 58 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 ET = Earliest completion time Compute ET of left mosts first. Compute ET of each forward task by summing ET for each task from left to right. LT = Latest completion time Compute LT of right mosts first. Compute LT of each backward task by subtracting duration for each task from right to left. ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 10 LT = 11 LT = 7LT = 6LT = 4 Orange tasks are not on critical path, so can be delayed up to some point.
CS-413 59 Network Diagrams (Sample: Network Diagram) 3 IDTask NameDurationPredecessors 3Implement visualiser2- 4Implement database4- 5Integrate components23, 4 6Correct bugs48 8Prepare test document15 9Perform unit tests15, 8 10Perform integration tests15, 9 11Report test results15, 10 12Prepare sample data74 13Prepare deliverables16, 12 4 56 11 8 910 12 13 D = 2 D = 4 D = 1D = 4 D = 1 D = 7 Slack time is the amount of time a task can be delayed without delaying the project. Slack-time = LT-ET ET = 2 ET = 4 ET = 6 ET = 11 ET = 7ET = 11 ET = 8ET = 9ET = 10 ET = 12 LT = 12 LT = 11LT = 10 LT = 11 LT = 7LT = 6LT = 4 Tasks not on the critical path contain some slack time (st). st = 2
CS-413 60 Techniques Supporting Project Management Task related: –Work breakdown structures –Gantt Charts –Network Diagrams –Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) –Calender View –Task usage View Resource related: –Resource Sheet –Resource Calenders –Resource Graph View –Resource Usage View
CS-413 61 Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) A technique used for determining the duration of tasks in work breakdown structures. It is difficult to estimate a tasks duration –When it involves a high degree of complexity and uncertainty. PERT uses; –Optimistic, –Most likely, and –Pessimistic time estimates To calculate expected time.
CS-413 62 Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) PERT uses a weighted average method. PERT duration is equal to: W optimistic x optimistic t. + W mostlikely x most likely t. + W pessimistic x pessimistic t. W optimistic + W mostlikely + W pessimistic Sample Duration = 1 x 9 workdays + 4 x 12 workdays + 2 x 24 workdays 1+4+2 Sample Duration = 105/7 = 15
CS-413 63 Techniques Supporting Project Management Task related: –Work breakdown structures –Gantt Charts –Network Diagrams –Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) –Calender View –Task usage View Resource related: –Resource Sheet –Resource Calenders –Resource Graph View –Resource Usage View
CS-413 64 Calender View From Microsoft Office
CS-413 65 Task Usage View From Microsoft Office
CS-413 66 Techniques Supporting Project Management Task related: –Work breakdown structures –Gantt Charts –Network Diagrams –Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) –Calender View –Task usage View Resource related: –Resource Sheet –Resource Calenders –Resource Graph View –Resource Usage View
CS-413 67 Resources Resources are: –Any person, –A group of people, –A piece of Equipment, Hardware Software or Material used in accomplishing a task.
CS-413 68 Resource Sheet From Microsoft Office
CS-413 69 Resource Calenders From Microsoft Office
CS-413 70 Techniques Supporting Project Management Task related: –Work breakdown structures –Gantt Charts –Network Diagrams –Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) –Calender View –Task usage View Resource related: –Resource Sheet –Resource Calenders –Resource Graph View –Resource Usage View
CS-413 71 Resource Graph View From Microsoft Office
CS-413 72 Resource Usage View From Microsoft Office
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