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LYU9901-Travel Net LYU9901-Travel Net Supervisor: Prof. Michael R. Lyu Students: Ho Chi Ho Malcolm Lau Chi Ho Arthur (Presentation on 29-02-2000)

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Presentation on theme: "LYU9901-Travel Net LYU9901-Travel Net Supervisor: Prof. Michael R. Lyu Students: Ho Chi Ho Malcolm Lau Chi Ho Arthur (Presentation on 29-02-2000)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LYU9901-Travel Net LYU9901-Travel Net Supervisor: Prof. Michael R. Lyu Students: Ho Chi Ho Malcolm Lau Chi Ho Arthur (Presentation on 29-02-2000)

2 Outline Progress on first term Progress on second term Current Progress Future Plans

3 Work Done in 1st Term Set up an online web application - TravelNet on a NT web server Implement different functions of TravelNet using Java Servlet and HTML

4 Flight Search Search Flights on preferences of users Type of Search: One-way Principle: Call Airline Manager of each airline to query and access its own database for information on flights

5 Travel Shop Selling of travel related accessories such as luggage, map, guide book, etc Principle: A shop basket system which records items bought and initiates the payment system when checkout.

6 Travel Guides Providing textual information on Cities covered by TravelNet Principle: pure HTML pages

7 Membership Require users to register first before using our services for better management and promotion Allow the change of personal information after login Principle: Maintain an user account database and login verification system

8 Security Necessary for user login and payment Consideration: Convenience and compatibility in browser environment Use of SSL between browser and web server

9 Work done in this term Payment Gateway Enhancement of Online shop Enhancement of Flight Search

10 Payment Gateway for TravelNet To be a more realistic system Simulate payment in a secure way In this part: –Description of communication between merchant and Payment Gateway (PG) –Performance measure of a payment transaction

11 Communication method Asymmetric key encryption on a TCP connection. Receiver use it’s own private key to decrypt message. Sender use receiver’s public key to encrypt message. Keys with 512 bit-length Hard to decrypt for hackers even with public key Merchant fill in client object and issue a start operation Merchant (TravelNet) Payment Gateway (PG)

12 Performance: Threaded Model

13 Performance: Non-Threaded Model

14 Enhancement of Online Shop Dynamic generation of shopping item pages Allow easy maintenance

15 Enhancement of Flight Search Implementation of Round-Trip Search Display of search result –shown more complete information –sort result by time

16 Current Progress Implementing Itinerary Management System Investigating CORBA Integration Investigating JSP

17 Itinerary Management Maintain Users’ Flight Itinerary Allow users to reserve flights eventually Basic Functions: –View items –Add items –Delete items –Reserve items to Airline

18 Itinerary Management(2) Will be finished soon so as to finalize the system for CORBA integration

19 CORBA Integration CORBA - general standard on developing distributed programs Refer to CSC5110 for details!

20 CORBA Integration(2) Why CORBA in TravelNet? Existence of distributed component: –e.g. Airlines’ Databases on Flights Current Approach: Airline Manager resides on TravelNet to be called, which lacks parallelism & increase the load

21 CORBA Integration(3) CORBA Approach: Airline Manager resides on each airline server, to increase parallelism and decrease TravelNet’s server load More benefits: the use of Object Activation Daemon(OAD) for better resources allocation

22 CORBA Integration(4) Challenge: –the integration of CORBA is not simple –CORBA is commonly used in Applets and Application but not Servlet Tools: –Visibroker for Java

23 Today’s Web sites want to display dynamic content based on user and session. Mixing the "static" content of HTML files with "directives" for accessing or generating dynamic content. Java Server Pages provide server-side scripting support for generating web pages with combined static and dynamic content. Introduction to JSP

24 Displaying dynamic content Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Active Server Pages (ASP) Java Servlets & Java Server Page (JSP)

25 JSP features Combines the worlds of HTML and Java Servlet programming Similar to HTML pages with new tags to control the generation of dynamic content Pre-compilation of JSP to Servlet which is responsible for generating dynamic pages Reside in application server memory (pre-load OR 1st access)

26 Why use JSP? Platform independent Fast Response Reusability nature with Java classes or Java Beans

27 JSP Content Standard HTML + Tags for scripting in the Java language. Tags like: – :Locates or instantiates a Beam with a specific name and scope – : Contains a code fragment valid in page scripting language – : return expression value to output stream (client browser). JSP will finally be compiled to Servlets to access Beans

28 Compilation of JSP.jsp file will be compiled to be a Servlet Auto compile on –the first request of a.jsp file –the first request after changes on a.jsp file No compilation is needed if there is no update –Generate output (HTML) by Servlet in memory –Can be pre-loaded

29 Request from browser to JSP of HTTP server Servlet request the Bean Bean request information from back-ends JSP response requested information to browser

30 TIME JSP 18:35:20 Request = http://host/Time.jsp Output on Client Browser  TIME JSP : : Time.jsp Simple Example

31 Future Plans Finalize the existing system Integration of CORBA Enhancement to the system, e.g JSP Other possible features depends on time

32 ~ END ~

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