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MTBE (methyl-tertiary butyl ether) Sarah Lilley ES 333.

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Presentation on theme: "MTBE (methyl-tertiary butyl ether) Sarah Lilley ES 333."— Presentation transcript:

1 MTBE (methyl-tertiary butyl ether) Sarah Lilley ES 333

2 History of MTBE First introduced in 1979 Used as an oxygenate to curb lead emissions Wide-spread use following CAA of 1990 Reduced ground-ozone and cancer risk due to automobile emissions Easily produced Cheaper than alternatives, such as ethanol

3 The Issue Found to contaminate groundwater as early as 1980 Doesn’t adhere to soil particles Easily soluble in water, difficult to remove Main leak source: underground storage tanks Contaminated water tastes like turpentine States which once had high levels of air pollution now had high levels of water contamination Cleanup is estimated at $29 billion

4 Advocates Oil companies and their lobbyists Oil-state politicians Republicans Environmental groups and their lobbyists Corn-state politicians Democrats Opponents Who’s Responsible for Cleanup? Government: for requiring the use of oxygenates in gasoline? Oil Companies: for using MTBE since it was cheap and easy to produce, rather than investigating alternatives?

5 Energy Policy Act of 2005 Sponsored by Joe Barton, R-TX, with co- sponsors Richard Pombo, R-CA, and William Thomas, R-CA Congress is aware that it authorized use of MTBE, knowing it to be a water contaminant Congress recognizes the problem of MTBE contamination and the need for change Offers assistance to oil companies to make switch from MTBE to other additives

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