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COSYSMO Workshop Summary Ricardo Valerdi Tuesday March 14, 2006 Los Angeles, CA USC Center for Software Engineering Annual Research Review.

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Presentation on theme: "COSYSMO Workshop Summary Ricardo Valerdi Tuesday March 14, 2006 Los Angeles, CA USC Center for Software Engineering Annual Research Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 COSYSMO Workshop Summary Ricardo Valerdi Tuesday March 14, 2006 Los Angeles, CA USC Center for Software Engineering Annual Research Review

2 Roadmap Model refinements Most critical issues in area Most promising opportunities Ongoing work

3 Attendees (25) Bettina Babbitt, Aerospace Corp. Barry Boehm, USC-CSE Jim Cain, BAE Systems Ed Casey, Raytheon Suzanne Dawes, Aerospace Corp. Madeline Ellis, Boeing Peter Hantos, Aerospace Corp. Linda Huang, Northrop Grumman George Huling, USC-CSE Tony Jordano, SAIC Jo Ann Lane, USC-CSE Dan Ligett, Softstar Systems Miles Nesman, Boeing Ali Nikolai, SAIC Cindy Nikolai, US Air Force/Notre Dame Karen Owens, Aerospace Corp. Anthony Peterson, Raytheon Garry Roedler, LMCO Gary Thomas, Raytheon Rich Turner, SSCI Ricardo Valerdi, MIT Marilee Wheaton, Aerospace Corp. Josh Wilson, PRICE Systems By phone Ben Carter, Boeing David Watkins, Rockwell Collins


5 Model Refinements Upcoming book "Systems Engineering Cost Estimation With COSYSMO“ Upcoming user manual for academicCOSYSMO COSYSMO maintenance estimation Overview of COCOMO/COSYSMO overlap COSYSMOstar, et al

6 Outline of academicCOSYSMO User Manual I.Model definition & scope page count A.Definition of terms1 B.COSYSMO Algorithm1 C.Size Drivers2 D.Cost Drivers5 E.Work Breakdown Structure1 II.Model Usage A.Determining size via REQ, INTF, ALG, SCN2 B.How to avoid double counting½ C.Deciding between Easy, Medium, and Difficult½ D.Adjusting nominal effort (rating cost drivers)1 III.Model output A.Project effort distribution across activities1 B.Project effort distribution across phases1 C.Potential overlap with other models (especially COCOMO II)1 IV.Local calibration A.Data collection1 1)Measurement process 2)Measurement instrument 3)Customization B.Data analysis2 C.Modification of model spreadsheet 1 TOTAL21

7 Most critical issues Calibration –Local tailoring based on historical data –Calico!!! Counting rules –For size drivers Guidance –On usage constraints –Possible overlap between COSYSMO, et al

8 Most Promising Opportunities Continue fostering the synergistic relationship between CSE and Affiliates via: –Case studies (LSI, PIC, Sub, etc.) –Workbook development (with examples and exercises) –Usage feedback

9 Ongoing Work Systems Engineering staffing profiles Operation & Maintenance –Business strategies –Scenarios –Potential drivers/considerations Piecemeal estimating Schedule compression effects Synchronization with SE Leading Indicators

10 Potential Cost Drivers/Considerations in O&M Phases Evolution profiles of existing COSYSMO cost drivers (i.e., Architecture Understanding may go down, then up) Requirements understanding Documentation New driver: Known quality of the existing system (migration complexity?) System component obsolescence (hardware parts, COTS) Supply chain, spares Parts availability Vendor obsolescence Changes in architecture and the ability to address these changes (flexibility) Defect tracking, possible redesign/rearchitect Operational scenarions…evolution of system use Upgrade frequency (fixed) # and diversity of installations and platforms Level of service expected by the customer (to meet system reliability goals) Typical Total Ownership Costs of Aerospace systems: 30% development, 70% O&M

11 Next working group meetings: October 23-27 21 st Forum on COCOMO and Software Cost Modeling/Inaugural Convocation of CSSE (Los Angeles) AND November 9-10 COCOMO East (Washington, D.C.)

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