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Prof. Steve Phelan Lecture 12

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1 Prof. Steve Phelan Lecture 12
Change Management Prof. Steve Phelan Lecture 12

2 Today LMZ Chs 28-30 Telecom Australia case Radical change
Creating readiness for change (1993) Defining a political model of organizations (1988) Functional roles of group members (1948) Telecom Australia case Radical change United in the quest to become radical (2000) Oticon A/S (A)

3 Creating readiness for change
Message Must sell people on discrepancy and efficacy Influences on message Change agent attributes Must appear/be credible, trustworthy, sincere, and knowledgeable Influence strategies Active participation, persuasive communication, management of external information Interpersonal and social dynamics Opinion leaders

4 Defining a political model
Three types of power Downwards, upwards, sideways Three models of organizations Rational/bureaucratic Focused on downward power Collegial/consensus (truth/love model) Focused on upward power, favored by OD Pluralistic/political All three, more realistic, focused on compromise

5 Functional roles of group members
Group Roles Group Building Individual Roles Initiator Encourager Aggressor Info giver/seeker Harmonizer Blocker Opinion giver/seeker Compromiser Recognition seeker Elaborator Gatekeeper/expediter Self confessor Coordinator Standard setter Playboy Orienter Commentator Dominator Evaluator/critic Follower Help seeker Energizer Observer Special interest pleader Procedural technician Recorder

6 Group roles Two problems Training
Groups in different stages of an act of problem selection and solution will have different role requirements An equally important objective is the development of role flexibility skill and security in a wide range of member roles Training Sensitization to roles, external observers, role playing, internal observers, recordings

7 Telecom Australia case

8 Situation Incompatible systems Plan All executives using Windows
All admin assistants using WordPerfect on Wang minicomputer Plan Move AAs to Windows and install servers, network printers, , and internet access for all users

9 Quest to become radical
Zzzzzzzzzzzz In business, as in anything else, it helps to see things for yourself i.e. people learn better from first hand experience BG conclusions Be honest and blunt about your position in market Develop an ability to look ahead Create a ‘question everything’ culture and a ‘hothouse’ where ideas could develop

10 Oticon Case Questions Should he proceed with his vision?
Had he perhaps already gone far enough? Was such radical restructuring really necessary?

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