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Single Display Groupware Ana Zanella - CPSC 601.13 -

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1 Single Display Groupware Ana Zanella - CPSC 601.13 -

2 Definition Single Display Groupware (SDG) is a class of CSCW applications that supports multiple simultaneous users interacting co- located on a single shared display, usually using multiple input devices (MID) [Stewart]

3 Group’s Interactions What are the types of functions groups execute during the work? How do groups interact in terms of shared artifacts being manipulated? How do groups communicate in a face-to- face situation?

4 Group’s Behaviors Visible behaviors (Whittaker) –Gesture –Posture –Eye gaze –Facial expressions Shared surface actions (Tang) –List –Draw –Gesture –Talk

5 Grounding Communication Grounding changes with purpose and medium (Clark) Mediate communication Store information Explain a concept Create a reminder Reference something Emphasize a talk Simulate ordered events Face-to-face Telephone E-mail Fax Video/audio Computer tool

6 Characteristics of SDG Applications Support to face-to-face interaction Shared and coupled view Shared user interface Shared feedback Multiple cursors Different types of input devices No privileged devices No global data –Per user or per device

7 Potential Advantages Maintaining face-to-face interactions Enabling collaboration that was inhibited by social barriers Enabling types of collaborations that require multiple users Enriching existing collaborations Reducing/eliminating conflicts Encouraging peer learning/teaching Strengthening communication skills

8 Potential Disadvantages It may take longer to complete tasks Navigation may be frustrating Applications may be slower Applications may not be portable Screen real state problem Adding technology may add constrains to face-to-face interactions

9 Types of SDG Applications Children’s Application games, educational tools Software demonstration Meeting Tools brainstorming, discussing and design tasks SDG Editors text, drawing Multiple Input Device Systems two handed input

10 SDG Applications MidDraw MID [Bederson]

11 SDG Applications KidPad MID [Bederson]

12 SDG Applications PebblesDraw Pebbles [Myers]

13 SDG Applications MID Editor [Zanella] uses MIDFrame [Shoemaker]

14 SDG Applications Connect the Dots games [Zanella] uses MIDFrame [Shoemaker]

15 Issues in SDG Design Technological issues –Input devices –Output devices Widgets issues Data issues

16 Issue: Input Devices Multiple users and input –Operating Systems do not allow several inputs at the same time: mouse vs. keyboard –Simultaneous input data to be treated Average of the inputs

17 Issue: Input Devices Multiple input devices and multiple pointers –Operating System allows one cursor only Two mice connected, input is the average of both –Several pointers: One pointer per user in the room –Confusion More users than pointers –Who is interacting and who is not

18 Issue: Input Devices Multiple input devices Turn taking vs. Simultaneous access –One user per device Parallel work: collaboration may not occur –More users than devices Some turn-taking: may encourage users to collaborate more, even though some are working in parallel

19 Issue: Input Devices Different types of input devices Treat different devices’ inputs Different issues: –Mouse, joystick : restricts gestures, do not avoid interference, not much awareness –PDA’s: personal screen, restricts gestures –Pens: allows some gestures, awareness of users, avoid interference –Touch screen: allows gestures, awareness of users, avoid interference

20 Tabletop Whiteboard Multiple whiteboards side by side Tabletop and whiteboards Monitor Laptop Issue: Architectural Setting

21 Architectural setting Scalability (display size) –Monitor Small display: screen real state, people are closer, looking possible to the same information Mouse or keyboard –Whiteboard People are more far away, less integrated to work together, can be looking at or working on a different parts of the display Pen or touch screen

22 Issue: Output Devices Screen real state problem –Several users at the same time working on different information On the screen Too much data –Coupled view If a user scrolls to an empty area, other may not be able to see their work

23 Orientation –Monitor, whiteboard Unique orientation –Tabletop Orientation mediates collaboration Read and write upside-down Orientation is extremely important for some tasks –Location in maps –Interior design –Floor plans Issue: Output Devices

24 Issue: Widgets Interference –Monitor: Small work area Mouse, keyboard –Whiteboard: Larger work area Touch screen, pen, mouse –Tabletop: Larger work area Pen, touch screen, mouse

25 Issue: Widgets Awareness –What others are doing –Many information is captured outside the system –What is important to be embedded into the system? Modes? Global actions messaging?

26 Issue: Widgets User identification –Who is and who is not interacting? (More users that input devices) –Which cursor is mine? –Whose cursors are the others? Name Picture Icon Color

27 Issue: Widgets Personal vs. Global actions –Personal: may not affect others Mode change –Global: related to all users, everybody must be aware Social protocols? Clear screen Save

28 Issue: Widgets Joint actions –KidPad –Educational applications –How does it apply to meetings? (real world applications) Marking important topics Persistent data

29 Personal widgets: menus, popup menus? Multiple selection of tools Undo Scroll bar Menu selection and menu option selection Other Widgets Issues

30 Issue: Data Multiple selection of data at a time: –Move –Delete –Modify Data per user –Can others delete my data? –When I undo: does it undo my last action or general last action?

31 Restriction on the Definition One display –Single display groupware Vs. –Co-located groupware Multiple screens Multiple input devices – some with own display Some issues apply to both, but new ones can be added with the addition of several displays

32 Conclusions Based on face-to-face interactions –Some aspects are maintained –When technology is added some behaviors may change Multiple input devices is necessary –Simultaneity Operating Systems do not support multiple input devices –Applications have to treat MID –Non portable applications

33 Conclusions Several issues have not been studied in detail: –Different types of devices –Scalability –Interference –Orientation –Co-located groupware: several displays

34 What I Am Doing Widgets Interference Architecture for SDG – multiple types of devices

35 Interference Transparent popup menus

36 One Pair Data

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