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Storm clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds Cold rain process.

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Presentation on theme: "Storm clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds Cold rain process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Storm clouds

2 Cumulonimbus clouds

3 Cold rain process

4 Saturated vapour pressure

5 Ice crystals grow at the expense of supercooled water droplets. Air is saturated over ice. Air is not saturated over water. Water evaporates from the supercooled droplets - the droplets disappear The water vapour deposits on the ice crystals - the crystals grow

6 Falling ice particles

7 Development of cumulonimbus

8 Multi-cell storm

9 Thunder and Lightening

10 Lightening Forked lightening from cloud, showing stepped leaders and main return stroke Lightening originating from a tower on the ground, note forks go upwards.

11 Time resolved lightening formation

12 Supercell thunderstorm

13 Contrails At high altitude ~10 km temperature very low, condensation aided by exhaust particulates and vortices.

14 Nacrecous clouds Nacrecous clouds are 15 - 25 km high, in the stratosphere well above tropospheric clouds, and occur mostly in polar regions and in winter at high latitudes. Seen after dusk. Also called mother-of-pearl or polar stratospheric clouds.

15 Noctilucent clouds Noctilucent clouds are thought to be composed of small ice- coated particles; their precise nature remains a mystery. They form at very high altitudes ~ 82 km - and are a quite separate phenomenon from normal tropospheric clouds.

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