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The Cults Ron Williams University of Life Ridgecrest Baptist Church © 2007 Ron Williams.

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1 The Cults Ron Williams University of Life Ridgecrest Baptist Church © 2007 Ron Williams

2 What do you hope to learn?

3 The Class Consists of 8 weeks of one-hour classes 8 weeks of one-hour classes No homework, but No homework, but you are encouraged to read some of the primary literature of the cult, especially if you have someone you are specifically witnessing to you are encouraged to read some of the primary literature of the cult, especially if you have someone you are specifically witnessing to

4 The Cults Based upon information developed by the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention (Tal Davis), and Based upon information developed by the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention (Tal Davis), and information pulled from many of the primary books or doctrinal statements of each cult. information pulled from many of the primary books or doctrinal statements of each cult.

5 The Cults We will learn about the major organized cults We will learn about the major organized cults their beliefs their beliefs how they were started how they were started how they differ from Christian thought how they differ from Christian thought how to witness to those involved how to witness to those involved

6 Who gets involved with a cult? True seekers True seekers those disillusioned with Christianity those disillusioned with Christianity those seeking their own way those seeking their own way those denying specific components of Christian thought those denying specific components of Christian thought those captivated by a specific teacher or leader those captivated by a specific teacher or leader

7 Who are these people? Your neighbor Your neighbor your coworker your coworker your son, daughter, brother, sister your son, daughter, brother, sister your world your world

8 Major Cults in America Church of Latter Day Saints Church of Latter Day Saints Jehovah Witnesses Jehovah Witnesses United Pentecostal Church United Pentecostal Church Unitarian Universalism Unitarian Universalism Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Christian Science Christian Science

9 Major Cults in America Unity School of Christianity Unity School of Christianity International Church of Christ International Church of Christ The Way International The Way International Church of Scientology International Church of Scientology International Baha’i Faith Baha’i Faith Nation of Islam Nation of Islam

10 What are some of the cults you are familiar with? Name some of these established in Durham JehovahJehovah Witness MormonsMormons UnitarianUnitarian

11 What is a Cult or Sect? Most Christian theologians define a cult based upon the groups: Most Christian theologians define a cult based upon the groups: stated doctrinal beliefs, not necessarily upon its sociological, psychological or behavioral facts. stated doctrinal beliefs, not necessarily upon its sociological, psychological or behavioral facts. Cults or sects deny one or more of the basic Biblical truths we hold to be true Cults or sects deny one or more of the basic Biblical truths we hold to be true

12 Cults often claim to be Biblically-based, Christian organizations The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints (LDS) insists it is a Christian church The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints (LDS) insists it is a Christian church The Christian Science church also considers itself as being Christian The Christian Science church also considers itself as being Christian Why do you think this makes a difference in winning converts to their teaching? Why do you think this makes a difference in winning converts to their teaching?

13 Specific Cult Characteristics Often claim to use the Bible. Prime example are the Mormons. Often claim to use the Bible. Prime example are the Mormons. All cults either deny or redefine any or some Christian doctrine. An example is the existence of matter for Christian Scientists. Mormons deny the deity of Christ All cults either deny or redefine any or some Christian doctrine. An example is the existence of matter for Christian Scientists. Mormons deny the deity of Christ

14 Sects May Follow Essential Christian teachings But exhibit other characteristics. Such as: But exhibit other characteristics. Such as: Considering that only their members are saved (International Church of Christ) Considering that only their members are saved (International Church of Christ)

15 Cults usually claim to have a divinely-led leader Most state they have received a special (non-witnessed) revelation from God, or Most state they have received a special (non-witnessed) revelation from God, or A personal revelation of scripture not given to others. A personal revelation of scripture not given to others. Many of the leaders claim special status (Sun Myung Moon= a position equivalent to Christ; the Mormon president is considered to receive direct revelation from God Many of the leaders claim special status (Sun Myung Moon= a position equivalent to Christ; the Mormon president is considered to receive direct revelation from God

16 Cults usually deny the Priesthood-Believer status promised to us in the Bible Doing so prevents discussionDoing so prevents discussion Limits the value of self-study of scriptureLimits the value of self-study of scripture Helps to maintain control over the congregationHelps to maintain control over the congregation

17 Cults believe in new writing Christian Science teaches that Mary Baker Eddy’s “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is a companion document to the Bible.” Christian Science teaches that Mary Baker Eddy’s “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is a companion document to the Bible.” Scientologists hold that L. Ron Hubbard’s “Dianetics” writing describe keys to understanding life and death Scientologists hold that L. Ron Hubbard’s “Dianetics” writing describe keys to understanding life and death

18 Most Cults Believe Theirs is the true religion Membership is often required as a means to salvation Membership is often required as a means to salvation Most deny the basis for other churches and believe them to be false Most deny the basis for other churches and believe them to be false

19 How should we evaluate other religious movements? What is the source of the church’s authority for doctrine and practice? What is the source of the church’s authority for doctrine and practice? Do the members rely on the Bible alone or add some other book(s). Do the members rely on the Bible alone or add some other book(s). Do they depend upon a single teacher or leader to interpret the Bible or their set of teachings Do they depend upon a single teacher or leader to interpret the Bible or their set of teachings

20 How should we evaluate other religious movements? Does the church clearly affirm basic Christian tenets Does the church clearly affirm basic Christian tenets What do their leaders think about the nature of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the plan of salvation What do their leaders think about the nature of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the plan of salvation

21 How should we evaluate other religious movements? What is their attitude toward true Christians What is their attitude toward true Christians Are Christians accepted or rejected Are Christians accepted or rejected Must you be a member of their church to be saved Must you be a member of their church to be saved Do they allow freedom in joining and leaving church membership Do they allow freedom in joining and leaving church membership

22 How should we evaluate other religious movements? How do they explain salvation How do they explain salvation What is the role of grace in salvation What is the role of grace in salvation What is the role of obedience to specific church leaders What is the role of obedience to specific church leaders

23 Cult Literature One needs to be careful in reading cult literature and be strong in their faith One needs to be careful in reading cult literature and be strong in their faith It often blends truth and error which may even sound inviting to a Christian It often blends truth and error which may even sound inviting to a Christian If it wasn’t strong teaching, it would not be successful…so be careful If it wasn’t strong teaching, it would not be successful…so be careful

24 Witnessing to People in Cults Have a clear understanding of basic Christian doctrine. Focus on the Biblical nature of God, Christ and who he was- what he did, salvation, and what happens after death Have a clear understanding of basic Christian doctrine. Focus on the Biblical nature of God, Christ and who he was- what he did, salvation, and what happens after death

25 Witnessing to People in Cults Get to know the person you are witnessing to. It is easier to share with a friend than a stranger. It is not a debating match. You are sharing God’s love and truth. Get to know the person you are witnessing to. It is easier to share with a friend than a stranger. It is not a debating match. You are sharing God’s love and truth.

26 Witnessing to People in Cults Understand how committed the individual is to their cult-you may not be able to reach some individual Understand how committed the individual is to their cult-you may not be able to reach some individual

27 Witnessing to People in Cults Cults often misuse Bible text to their advantage. They may give common words different meanings. Know your Bible and stand firm on its authority Cults often misuse Bible text to their advantage. They may give common words different meanings. Know your Bible and stand firm on its authority

28 Witnessing to People in Cults Define the terms you use. “God” will mean different things to different groups. Your understanding of the Holy Spirit will be different than some. Define the terms you use. “God” will mean different things to different groups. Your understanding of the Holy Spirit will be different than some.

29 Witnessing to People in Cults Ask the person in the cult to define their terms. Listen carefully to what they believe and what you know to be true. Ask the person in the cult to define their terms. Listen carefully to what they believe and what you know to be true.

30 Witnessing to People in Cults Stay on the main issues. God-Christ- Holy Spirit-salvation by grace-eternal reward or punishment-the Bible. Do not get sidetracked on denominational differences between Baptists, Presbyterians, etc. Stay on the main issues. God-Christ- Holy Spirit-salvation by grace-eternal reward or punishment-the Bible. Do not get sidetracked on denominational differences between Baptists, Presbyterians, etc.

31 Witnessing to People in Cults Share your personal testimony and how you know the Christ you know is real and evident in your life Share your personal testimony and how you know the Christ you know is real and evident in your life

32 Witnessing to People in Cults Specifically discuss man’s sin state (such as Romans 3:23 and 6:23) Specifically discuss man’s sin state (such as Romans 3:23 and 6:23) God’s answer was (and is) Jesus Christ (Romans 4:25; John 1:14) God’s answer was (and is) Jesus Christ (Romans 4:25; John 1:14) Everyone must independently repent of their sin and receive Christ (Acts 3:19; Ephesians 2:8-9) Everyone must independently repent of their sin and receive Christ (Acts 3:19; Ephesians 2:8-9)

33 Witnessing to People in Cults Most importantly: Most importantly: Pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit will provide you the words to witness to those lost Pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit will provide you the words to witness to those lost

34 Witnessing to People in Cults How do I know I am right in my beliefs and they are in error How do I know I am right in my beliefs and they are in error 66 books written by many different authors all agreeing on the nature of God and his Son, Jesus Christ 66 books written by many different authors all agreeing on the nature of God and his Son, Jesus Christ the working of the Holy Spirit in you. the working of the Holy Spirit in you.

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