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Restaurant Dining System Donald Kaulukukui. Introduction ► Team manager = ME ► Secretary = ME ► President = ME ► R & D = ME ► Tester = ME.

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Presentation on theme: "Restaurant Dining System Donald Kaulukukui. Introduction ► Team manager = ME ► Secretary = ME ► President = ME ► R & D = ME ► Tester = ME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Restaurant Dining System Donald Kaulukukui

2 Introduction ► Team manager = ME ► Secretary = ME ► President = ME ► R & D = ME ► Tester = ME

3 Overview ► Create a computer system for a restaurant that will handle checks, tables, servers, and item information. ► Allow easy manipulation of table data and allow for ease of customization.

4 General Approach ► My main approach will be to design the program using C++ object oriented design. ► Data structures (lists, classes, etc.)to handle data modification and access. ► Implement a GUI for use on touch screen terminals

5 General Program Structure

6 Table.h ► class Table { ► public: ► // constructors ► Table(); ► Table(char *name,int table); ► ~Table(); ► // accessors ► char* getname(); ► float gettotal() const; ► int getnumber() const; ► int getchecknumber()const; ► //mutators ► void Deleteitem(int listpos,int tablepos=0); //deletes an item from pos in sent list (need privlages) ► void Addtempitem(Item item); //adds to temp list ► void Deletetempitem(int pos=0); //deletes from temp list ► void Sendtemplist(); //adds temp list onto end of pos list ► void CloseTable(); //calls destructor ► void setname(char *); ► void setnumber(int); ► friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s,const Table &table); ► friend istream& operator>>(istream& s,Table &table); ► List temp; ► private: ► // private helper functions ► //private data fields ► char custname[MAX_NAME]; ► int checknumber; ► int tablenumber; ► float checktotal; //total of all posotion numbers

7 The Table

8 Remaining Tasks ► Server Class ► Main Program ► Implement GUI ► Add Features

9 Future Problems ► GUI  No Experience  Difficulty? ► Program Structure  Changing entire structure ► Advanced Features  Not entirely sure what will be added later

10 Progress Chart

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