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Lecture Navigation. What is Navigation? Hypertext – creates links Process of linking from a page to: –Another page in the same website –Another page on.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture Navigation. What is Navigation? Hypertext – creates links Process of linking from a page to: –Another page in the same website –Another page on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture Navigation

2 What is Navigation? Hypertext – creates links Process of linking from a page to: –Another page in the same website –Another page on a different website –A graphic –A document, worksheet, or PDF –A song, video, etc

3 Your Site Navigation index.html products.htmlabout.htmlinvestorrelations.html links.html Link Text

4 The Anchor Tag … Creates an element that becomes a hyperlink with the HREF attribute set to: –URL –File –Image –Document

5 The Anchor Tag Click for Options. The opening anchor tag has target that specifies where the hypertext will take you. Anchor Hypertext

6 Tag Attributes Tags can have attributes that further specify how they look or act... All tags can have attributes: Better to do formatting style sheets attributetagvalue

7 Common Types of Links Internal - Links to a web page that is part of the same website External – Links to a web page somewhere else on the internet Email – Launches a blank email using the user’s default email program

8 Internal Links Link to a page on your site: Click here to buy something. HOME

9 Internal Links (cont.) You can also link to any kind of file: –Excel Workbook, Word Doc, or PDF –MP3 or WAV or WMA or WMV –Image Click here

10 External Links Link to a page on the internet: Visit Microsoft’s homepage. Check out Comp25, what a great class! Required on external links!

11 Linking to Email Click here to email me.

12 Special Notes Links are CasE sEnsiTiVe Filenames must match exactly Products.html  products.html My File.doc  MyFile.doc graphic.gif  graphic.jpg

13 Link Troubleshooting Click Here Click Here to Email Me

14 Navigation Easy to find –Links should stand out –Special section of the page Predictable –A viewer should be able to interpret your navigation very quickly –Navigation should be identical from page to page

15 Symbols Symbols Link

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