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Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Building.

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Presentation on theme: "Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Building Models and Building Modelling Research Presentation Theoretical Foundation Building Modelling Framework Aalborg University – Associate prof. Kaj A. Jørgensen Aarhus School of Architecture – Associate prof. Jørn Skauge

2 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Physical Building and Building Model Building and model have separate lives

3 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Building Modelling, Analysis and Simulation

4 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Presentation Outline Building Modelling Framework –Primary building modelling activities and modelling phases Function modelling Design modelling Detail modelling –Framework for building modelling Integral modelling – the first official building model Concurrent modelling of spaces and construction components Modelling of details Discussion

5 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Modelling – general characteristics

6 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Building Modelling – general characteristics

7 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Identification of Building Function Modelling Building function modelling –modelling on higher abstraction levels –work on data about the building preliminary to identification of physical substance –the purpose of the building –the intended primary functions of the building Establish reliable foundation for subsequent modelling

8 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Functional Modelling – Investment considerations - + Primary elements of investment: Initial investment and re-investments Annual cost Annual income Mutual relationships between elements Initial investment vs. annual income Initial investment vs. annual cost Economy vs. building functions Building functions vs. building performance

9 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Investment considerations: Initial investment vs. annual cost Calculation of contributing economy elements Type of building Demand for building space Usability and flexibility of spaces/rooms Selected materials Quality of construction, installations, etc. Energy consumption, window area, insulation, lightning, etc. Needs for service and maintenance Many other contributing elements Initial calculations Normally rather roughly based on m 2 cost factors Building price based one single cost estimate Aggregation of cost elements from different space layouts These cost estimates include materials, labour, building site, etc. At what stage is it possible to get more exact quantities and to use better costing data?

10 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Initial Space Modelling – Site Space Hierarchy (Example) Exterior Drive Garage Entrance Garden Front Back Upper Lower Terrace Interior Basement Rooms... Ground floor Shared rooms Entrance hall Stairway Lift... Apartment A Rooms Hall Family room Dining room Kitchen Living room Bed room Bath... Apartment B Rooms... First floor The hierarchy shows whole-part relationships. Cross-going relationships are not shown. Example: escape routes.

11 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Building Modelling – general characteristics

12 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Building Modelling – Start of Design Modelling Design Modelling Detail Modelling The initial modelling phase is extremely important

13 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Traditional and Preferred Design Effort Variation Cost of making changes increases over time Design effort variation

14 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Integral modelling: performance, spaces, components and structure Spaces: components surfaces, lightning, fixtures, furniture Components: sub-components, structure, attributes, etc. Further B u i l d i n g m o d e l Building Modelling Framework Design Modelling Detail Modelling composition detailed specification modelling:

15 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Integral modelling: performance, spaces, components and structure Spaces: components surfaces, lightning, fixtures, furniture Components: sub-components, structure, attributes, etc. Further B u i l d i n g m o d e l Integral Building Modelling composition detailed specification modelling: Design Modelling Detail Modelling

16 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Integral Building Modelling Architecture Spaces Structure Integral modelling: performance, spaces, components and structure Performance Early identification of building model objects is essential

17 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Integral Building Modelling Initial modelling includes taking all requirements into consideration The approach is highly iterative and integrated Primary decisions are taken but many concrete solutions are not yet found The chosen solutions are balanced if requirements contradict All design proposals are united and tested as a whole A primary focus may be selected but secondary areas must also be considered The modelling result must be a consistent model It must be proved with reasonable probability that the model is stable Minimal consumption of resources Spaces as well as construction components are modelled

18 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Initial Construction Modelling – Construction Hierarchy (Example) Building Basement Ground floor Walls.... Floors.... Columns.... Beams.... First floor.... Second floor.... Building.... Ground floor Walls Wall 1 Wall 2 Openings Opening 1 Window 1 Opening 2 Door 1 Door frame.... Wall layers Layer 1 Layer 2.... Floors Floor 1 Openings Opening 1.... The hierarchy shows whole-part relationships. Cross-going relationships are not shown.

19 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Integral Building Modelling Different modelling approaches: - space layout design → identification of primary construction - construction design (architecture) → fitting of spaces within construction - design of the primary bearing construction → architecture and spaces Focus on bearing structure Focus on space layout

20 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Integral Building Modelling Different degrees of abstraction at different areas depending on requirements Different degrees of detail depending on analysis and simulation - Walls and floors may be created in large units – from corner to corner - Openings may be created without specific window/door products - Attributes may be specified for analysis/simulation purposes - Etc. Energy simulation can be based on a roughly specified construction - Additional specifications can easily be applied, e.g. materials Static analysis can be performed by transformation of the building model - Static systems can easily be generated Cost calculations can be improved substantially - More exact quantities can be generated - Important additional quantities can be derived - Costing data can be separated on materials and labour - Supplementary quantities (percentages) for production and scrap

21 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Quantity Take off and Cost Estimation Example: wall with openings (doors and windows) Quantities: Length Height Thickness Gross volume Net volume Gross area Net area Length of wall connections Opening width Opening height Length of opening circumference Materials of each layer Activities/jobs Scaffolding Etc.

22 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Integral modelling: performance, spaces, components and structure Spaces: components surfaces, lightning, fixtures, furniture Components: sub-components, structure, attributes, etc. Further B u i l d i n g m o d e l Modelling of Spaces/Rooms composition detailed specification modelling: Design Modelling Detail Modelling

23 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Surfaces, colours, furniture and lightning: Spaces: components surfaces, lightning, fixtures, furniture Fixtures: Doors, windows, stairs, etc.: Space program: Modelling of Spaces/Rooms

24 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Modelling of User Spaces Openings –windows –doors –etc. Surfaces –colours –materials –etc. Terminals –electricity –water –gas –waste water –antennas –etc. Lightning Fixtures –kitchen cabinets –bath cabinets –sanitary –etc. Equipment Convectors Panels Acoustic arrangements Curtains Furniture Banisters Access paths Escape routes Etc.

25 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Integral modelling: performance, spaces, components and structure Spaces: components surfaces, lightning, fixtures, furniture Components: sub-components, structure, attributes, etc. Further B u i l d i n g m o d e l Modelling of Construction Components composition detailed specification modelling: Design Modelling Detail Modelling

26 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Composite walls: Simple walls: Specification of attributes: Components: sub-components, structure, attributes, etc. Composite floors: Modelling of Construction Components

27 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Modelling of Construction Components Architecture Primary construction – bearing construction Secondary construction Roof construction Heating installations Ventilation inst. Water distribution installations Waste Water installations Electrical/electronic installations and equipment Etc. Detailing by subdivision and specification of attributes

28 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Integral modelling: performance, spaces, components and structure Spaces: components surfaces, lightning, fixtures, furniture Components: sub-components, structure, attributes, etc. Further B u i l d i n g m o d e l Further Detailed Building Modelling composition detailed specification modelling: Design Modelling Detail Modelling

29 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Detailing Tasks Walls – material layers Floors – material layers Subdivision of walls

30 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Collections of Model Objects Horizontal layers

31 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Collections of Model Objects Delimitation between storeys Dislocated storeys Delimitation at foundations Delimitation at upper storeys

32 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Detailing of walls at openings and wall ends Detailing of walls at openings Detailing of walls at wall ends

33 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Levels of Detail (example) RoomsConstruction 1Model is the result from integral modelling 2The primary geometry of the model is defined 3The bearing construction is completed 4Installations and equipment are defined 5Building products are defined 6Model is completed for exact quantity take off 7Model is completed with details for construction work 1Model is the result from integral modelling 2Openings with windows and doors are placed 3Fixtures, sanitary and banisters are defined 4Terminals and convectors are defined 5Surfaces, colours, etc. are defined 6Panels and curtains are defined 7Lightning and furniture are placed

34 Building Models and Building Modelling Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design Summay – Primary Issues Theories about building models and building modelling –Primary building modelling activities and modelling phases Function modelling Design modelling Detail modelling –Framework for building modelling Integral modelling – the first official building model Concurrent modelling of spaces and construction components Modelling of details Building modelling in practice –Various approaches –Support for detailing

35 Kaj Jørgensen, Aalborg University, Department of Production and Jørn Skauge, School of Architecture Aarhus, Department of Architectural Design The End

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