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Play book can cost $479 A camera on front and back Same internal storage as ipad. Weighs 0.l lbs The ipad is heavier, but slimmer than the playbook. The.

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2 Play book can cost $479 A camera on front and back Same internal storage as ipad. Weighs 0.l lbs The ipad is heavier, but slimmer than the playbook. The ipad is $499 (depending on gb) Only the ipad 2 has a camera. Same internal storage as playbook Weighs 1.5 lbs

3 The battery on an ipad lasts a really long time. Plat formed for audio-visual media including books, periodicals, movies, music, games and web content. Controlled by multi-touch display. Apple sold 3 million ipads in 80 days. Many verities of apps.

4 The ipad will only run programs approved and distributed by apple. Larger than the playbook. 7:30 (3G) battery life

5 Playbook Will not give you email or PIM apps, if you don’t have a blackberry Not as many apps as ipad. Limited android support. No SIM card slot Can only use it when connected to Wi-Fi If you want full usage of the playbook, you would have to own a blackberry cellphone.

6 Playbook Uses ARM cortex duel core processor running at a speed of 1GHz. Small and easy to transport Most processor-advanced apps designed for blackberry will run smoothly. Built in multi-tasking into core of playbook. Up to 10 hours of active use.

7 o The ipad has more apps to choose from o The screen is bigger and easier to see o The ipad 2 has a front and rear camera o Battery lasts along time

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