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Sean’s Research and Stuff By Sean Hoyt – October 10, 2001 DMS Laboratory EE1-159.

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Presentation on theme: "Sean’s Research and Stuff By Sean Hoyt – October 10, 2001 DMS Laboratory EE1-159."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sean’s Research and Stuff By Sean Hoyt – October 10, 2001 DMS Laboratory EE1-159

2 October 10, 2001DMS Laboratory Main Areas of Research Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) –Understanding –Optimization – Cypris’ PSoC –Extending into other sensing areas Portable Chemical Sensor “Electronic Nose” –  controller and LCD interface –PCA display for chemical discrimination Art/Tech Beginnings

3 October 10, 2001DMS Laboratory RFID – Understanding the Basics System is comprised of a reader, antenna, and tag. Antenna and tag act as a loosely-coupled transformer

4 October 10, 2001DMS Laboratory Quick Run-through RFID fun-damentals Decoding Circuit Peak DetectRipple Detect PIC16f84 4MHz clock, 20mA at 5VDC. 125 KHz Square Wave - + + AC Level Booster (5V-18V) Current Amplifier 125 KHz Sine Tag Drive Circuit Antenna Circuit R L C V out - + - + V - + 5V V analog ClampFilter Digitize MicrocontrollerRS-232 Crystal

5 October 10, 2001DMS Laboratory RFID Optimization Match antenna to the reader’s current amplifier Improve decoding of AM signal from tag PSoC –Move external components such as the crystal, decoding section, RS232 section onto one chip –Save power, real-estate, costs and time

6 October 10, 2001DMS Laboratory Extending RFID Use decoding voltages to correlate the distance from antenna to tag –Distance measurement resolution of 7.8mm. Future work may involve extracting moisture content, density and other properties of an object a tag is embedded into.

7 October 10, 2001DMS Laboratory Portable Chemical Sensor System Using Sam’s array of sensors, a chemical can be characterized – Each sensor will react differently to the analyte – The combination of reactions forms a pattern – Principal components analysis is used to display the combination in 2D for a person to make the distinction  controller and LCD interface – Do an AD conversion on each sensor to find its voltage – Make matrix internally and apply the PCA values – Use LCD to plot the real-time 2D point – Compare location of 2D point to known 2D points of other chemicals on the screen

8 October 10, 2001DMS Laboratory Combining Art with Technology Create a visualization of vapor propagation –Use Light Emitting Polymers (LEPs) and polymer chemical sensors together in an array Chemical Direction

9 October 10, 2001DMS Laboratory Conclusion I have a lot of work to do:

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