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Fond D'Or Mangrove Study Site By: Nathaly Agosto Filión & Ted Ortiz y Pino CDAE 195/295: Sustainable Development in Island Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Fond D'Or Mangrove Study Site By: Nathaly Agosto Filión & Ted Ortiz y Pino CDAE 195/295: Sustainable Development in Island Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fond D'Or Mangrove Study Site By: Nathaly Agosto Filión & Ted Ortiz y Pino CDAE 195/295: Sustainable Development in Island Communities

2 Map of Project Location GEF-IWCAM Demo Site aims to address water supply and quality issues through demonstration projects and community participation

3 FOND D'OR BAY MANGROVES PROBLEM STATEMENT: - in transition from historical management - little is understood about: - ecosystem health - ecosystem services - extent of current uses - poor water quality - facing possible development pressures

4 Mangrove Services Worldwide - vital fisheries habitat - sediment trapping and erosion control - reduction of nutrient loading - flood control

5 1) Basic Understanding - ecosystem health - extent mapping - current uses 2) Recommendations - sustainable uses Project goals:

6 Objectives and Methods - determine health and extent: - mapping perimeter and waterways - water quality testing - study woody vegetation - field observations - determine use: - stakeholder interviews - make recommendations: - managing for sustainable use - future areas of study

7 Study Area: - approximately 5 acres along Fond D'Or River outlet to sea - contains all three spp. of mangrove (red, white, black) - home to unique swamp bloodwood tree (awaiting confirmation) - used mainly for crabbing and fishing and as cut-through to beach - managing agency unclear

8 Water Quality Testing Results Green = good/acceptable Yellow = borderline Red = bad Gray = missing data

9 Preliminary: healthy mix of large and small trees, low diversity – South side: Red mangroves, almond, bloodwood – Northern side: Bloodwood, lots of black and white mangroves. Transects

10 Community Perspectives Interviews with stakeholders indicate: - Many (50+) crab hunters - Recreational fishing - Cut through/beach access (esp. weekends) - Little wood extraction or charcoal production - Unregulated access

11 Recommendations - further study - clean up! - set preservation/conservation boundaries - identification of managing agency(ies) - community participation/organizing local users - communication of results with allied agencies

12 Thanks!!  Especially to...  IWCAM  The field crew  Forestry Officers  Herbarium  And local interview participants

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