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Overview of Distributed Layout Manager Presented by: u Mark Boyd, SunGard SCT u Marlin Benson, SunGard SCT u Todd Trann, University of Saskatchewan.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Distributed Layout Manager Presented by: u Mark Boyd, SunGard SCT u Marlin Benson, SunGard SCT u Todd Trann, University of Saskatchewan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Distributed Layout Manager Presented by: u Mark Boyd, SunGard SCT u Marlin Benson, SunGard SCT u Todd Trann, University of Saskatchewan

2 Definition of Distributed Layout Manager u The Distributed Layout Manager gives a Fragment Owner the capability of pushing content to users. u A Fragment is simply a collection of content that can be placed on a tab. u The Fragment Owner is someone who has rights to add content to a fragment. u A Fragment Audience is the set of users that the fragment will be pushed out to. u The DLM feature also allows a fragment owner to restrict actions available individual users in the fragment audience with respect to the fragment content.

3 Standard Layout Student Layoutdemo Layout defines defaultTemplateUser Student Layout snapshot

4 Integrated Layout demo Layout defaultTemplateUser News Fragment defines news-lo Student Integrated Layout snapshotdynamic update

5 How do I Install and run DLM? u DLM is now located in uPortal version 2.5 u Activate DLM by performing the following steps: 1. Stop the web server. 2. Change properties in org.jasig.portal.layout.UserLayoutStoreFactory.implementation =org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.RDBMDistributedLayoutStore org.jasig.portal.layout.UserLayoutManagerFactory.coreImplementation =org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.DistributedLayoutManager 3. Update Database table UP_USER_PROFILE UPDATE UP_USER_PROFILE SET STRUCTURE_SS_ID = 4, THEME_SS_ID = 3 WHERE THEME_SS_ID = 11; 4. Start the web server

6 DLM.XML u Fragments, Fragment Owners, and Fragment Audiences are defined in the file dlm.xml. u The top level element in dlm.xml is the element. u The only two supported child elements for the element are and

7 Element u The child element of the top level managedLayoutFragments element requires two attributes, ‘name’ and ‘value’. u There are currently only two properties supported by DLM n n <dlm:property name= 'org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.RDBMDistributedLayoutStore.fragment_cache_refresh' value="5"/>

8 element u The child element of the top level managedLayoutFragments element is used to define a fragment.

9 element u The child element of the top level managedLayoutFragments element is used to define a fragment.

10 element u The child element of the top level managedLayoutFragments element is used to define a fragment. u - ant md5passwd -Dusername=guest-lo

11 element u The child element of the top level managedLayoutFragments element is used to define a fragment.

12 DLM’s Concept of Precedence u The precedence value is relative only. u User layout elements have a precedence of zero. u Layout owner can lock a tab as not moveable. u A tab with a higher precedence value can override a locked tab in a more valuable real estate location. u Real estate values (tabs, columns, and channels).

13 element u The child element of the element is used to define a fragment audience.

14 Simple Default Evaluator Factories u Default evaluator factories are found in the org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.providers package: u The GuestUserEvaluatorFactory u The AllUsersEvaluatorFactory

15 PersonEvaluatorFactory u This factory produces an evaluator that supports complex grants of the fragment that are made based on attributes found in the passed-in IPerson object. u ELEMENT Attribute: mode (optional). Possible values are: OR (default), AND, or NOT. u ELEMENT Attributes: name (required), mode (required), and value (optional). Possible values for mode are: exists, equals, contains, startsWith, and endsWith.

16 The Entertainment Fragment

17 GroupMembershipEvaluatorFactory u This factory returns an evaluator that can evaluate group memberships. u The syntax semantics are identical to PersonEvaluatorFactory except for the element. mode = ‘memberOf’ name =

18 The News Fragment Students who are not also Faculty members -->

19 Custom Evaluator Factories u Implement the org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.EvaluatorFactory interface. public Evaluator getEvaluator( org.w3c.dom.Node audience ) throws Exception; u Implement the org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.Evaluator interface. public boolean isApplicable( IPerson p ); u Future direction of DLM.

20 Summary of Potentially Restricted Activities within DLM u Tabs 1. Move Tab 2. Edit Properties (name) 3. Add columns 4. Delete tab u Columns 1. Move column 2. Edit Properties (width) 3. Add channels 4. Delete column u Channels 1. Move channel 2. Delete channel

21 Future Direction of DLM

22 University of Saskatchewan

23 U of S Layout Design Approach Original committee design (2003): u different home tabs for each role; plus u additional tabs conditionally merged in; plus u a set of tabs for all users

24 A Look at Some Default Layouts Live demo during JA-SIG, static slides for the presentation archive The screenshots will show, in this order: u employee default layout u faculty default layout u student default layout

25 Employee Layout

26 Faculty Layout

27 Student Layout

28 Roles and Grants (support docs)

29 Portion of U of S dlm.xml alumni

30 Lessons learned u wrong approach was taken with regards to home tab u users are traumatized when their home tab changes are discarded u we need to stop regarding user's home tab as "web pages", it is very personal space u maintaining multiple home tabs is time- consuming u - looking forward to "smart tabs" (my term) with Luminis 4 / uPortal 2.5

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