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Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 Korea Standardization and Research activities of Biometrics Testing Technique 16. Sept 2004 Director, Jason Kim / Director,

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Presentation on theme: "Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 Korea Standardization and Research activities of Biometrics Testing Technique 16. Sept 2004 Director, Jason Kim / Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 Korea Standardization and Research activities of Biometrics Testing Technique 16. Sept 2004 Director, Jason Kim / Director, Jason Kim / KISA (

2 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 2 Table of Contents  Instruction of Biometrics Test Technologies  BioAPI-CTS  Fingerprint and Face-PTS  Standardization in Korea  Korea Activities in ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37

3 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 3 Instruction of Biometrics Test Technologies (1/2)  Conformance Test Suites (CTS)  Conformance testing is "black box" testing of the functionality of a standard implementation.  CTS shall be capable of executing the test script sets, capturing the returned results, evaluating the results, and reporting them in a human-readable form.

4 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 4 Instruction of Biometrics Test Technologies (2/2)  Performance Test Suites (PTS)  Performance testing in biometrics allows the developer to rapidly grasp the status of the current technology.  To provide the reliability of the product to users and establishes a wide market.  PTS consists of test target, test index, test method, and database.

5 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 5 BioAPI-CTS (1/7)  BioAPI-CTS  The BioAPI specification, ISO/IEC FCD 19784, enables components of a biometric system provided by different vendors to inter-work through a fully defined Application Programming Interface.  BioAPI Conformance Test Suite (CTS), including documentation of the test suite, describing test categories, test objectives for each individual test, instructions on how to execute the test suite, and the expected results of executing the individual tests.  Three conformance testing models are defined within the methodology, one for the testing of each standard component. o For applications o For Frameworks o For BSPs

6 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 6  Normal BioAPI Component Model BioAPI-CTS (2/7)

7 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 7  Conformance Testing Model for BioAPI Applications BioAPI-CTS (3/7)

8 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 8  Conformance Testing Model for BioAPI Frameworks BioAPI-CTS (4/7)

9 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 9  Conformance Testing Model for BioAPI BSPs (1/2) BioAPI-CTS (5/7)

10 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 10  Conformance Testing Model for BioAPI BSPs (2/2) BioAPI-CTS (6/7)

11 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 11  K-CTS(Conformance Test Suite) for BioAPI  Developed conformance test tool for BioAPI v1.1  To check BSP is conformed to BioAPI  Correctness check  Functionality check BioAPI-CTS (7/7)

12 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 12 Fingerprint and Face-PTS (1/7)  Fingerprint-PTS  Fingerprint recognition system Performance Test Suite (PTS) o To Test Fingerprint recognition system by KISA fingerprint image Database  Face-PTS  FACE recognition system Performance Test Suite (PTS) o Started in this year (2004) o Developing domestic standard on K-FACE PTS Draft, Nov. 2004 o To Test Face recognition system by KISA Face image Database

13 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 13  Collecting Fingerprint & Face Image  Period : 2002 ~ 2004 (3 years)  Goals o Fingerprint : 3,000 persons x 160 images/person o Face : 1,520 persons x 118 images/person  It would be used just for research o Companies, Laboratories of Universities Fingerprint and Face-PTS (2/7)

14 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 14  Fingerprint-PTS - The Fingerprint PTS program - Fingerprint and Face-PTS (3/7)

15 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 15  PTS Test Items  Score Distribution  FMR/FNMR  ROC  Enroll o Total Enroll Attempt o Failure to Enroll o Module Crash o Average Enroll Time  Match o Total Match Attempt o Failure to Match o Module Crash o Average Match Time o Total Match Time  Equal Error Rate  Template Size Fingerprint and Face-PTS (4/7)

16 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 16  Score Distribution Curve Fingerprint and Face-PTS (5/7)

17 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 17  FMR/FNMR Curve Fingerprint and Face-PTS (6/7)

18 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 18  ROC Curve Blue : Atmel Green :Authentec Pink : Hunno Red : Nitgen Black UareU Fingerprint and Face-PTS (7/7)

19 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 19 Standardization in Korea (1/12)  Korea Biometrics Activities KBA Technology WG Standards WG Test & Evaluation WG KOREA, JAPAN, TAIWAN, HONGKONG, MALYSIA SINGAPORE, etc Biometric Technology & Standards ABWG SC27(Security) WG3 BEM Study SC37(Biometrics) WG2/WG5 Performance and Conformance Testing European Biometric Forum Biometric Research & Standardization ASIA BIOMETRIC WORKING GROUP Submission Collaboration Harmonization Collaboration Harmonization

20 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 20 Standardization in Korea (2/12)  Domestic Standardization Korea Information Security Agency TC 1 / PG103 Biometrics KBA Korea Biometrics Association

21 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 21  KISA  National Project : o A Development of test techniques standardization for biometric identification system o Overview Period : January 2004 – December 2005(for 2 years) Institute : KISA IT Security Technology Standardization Team Funding : Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) Standardization in Korea (3/12)

22 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 22  Goals o Biometric system operation environment and Security Policy o Test Model for user authentication system applied Biometric techniques o Development of Test Methodology (security evaluation and performance test) for biometric system o Development of Test Standards for biometric technologies. BioAPI Conformance Test(WG2), Fingerprint and Face Performance Test(WG5) Standards to ISO SC37 Standardization in Korea (4/12)

23 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 23  Current Activity o K-BioAPI, K-Face Recognition System Performance Test draft for Domestic Standardization, July, 2004 o K-BioAPI Domestic Standardization processing, TTA TC10/PG103(Technical Committee / Biometric Project Group) o Developed of automatic fingerprint performance testing tool o Developed of Conformance Test Suite for BioAPI of ISO o Developing of Performance test tool for Face Recognition system Technical and Scenario test using biometic image DB o Developing of face recognition system performance testing tool(’04) Standardization in Korea (5/12)

24 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 24  Facial Image Database o Image Collection Studio Facial Image DatabaseStandardization in Korea (6/12)

25 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 25 Standardization in Korea (7/12)  Samples of Facial Images Database o 4 Facial Expressions

26 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 26 Standardization in Korea (8/12)  Samples of Facial Images Database o Glasses, illumination

27 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 27 Standardization in Korea (9/12)  Samples of Facial Images Database o Pose, Hair-Band, Glasses

28 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 28 Standardization in Korea (10/12)  TTA TC 1/PG 103 Num of STDStandardDate TTAS.AS- X9.84 Biometric Information Management and Security Standard (K-X9.84) 2002.08.28 TTAS.AS- BioAPI The Korea Application Interface Standard Specification for Biometric Systems (K-BioAPI) 2002.08.28

29 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 29 Standardization in Korea (11/12)  TTA TC 1/PG 103 NumNum of ProjectName of ProjectStep 12004-585 Standard Interface of fingerprint sensors for the on-line authentication NP 22004-584Standards of metrics for fingerprint image qualityNP 32004-011 Testing Method and Procedure for BioAPI (K-CTS) NP 42003-845Multi-Modal Biometric Framework StandardProcessing 52003-844Fingerprint Data Interchange Formats StandardProcessing 62003-206 The Korean Standard for Common Biometric Exchange File Format Developing 72003-205Biometrics Glossary StandardDeveloping

30 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 30 Standardization in Korea (12/12)  KBA NumName of ProjectStep 1Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework Forum STD Completed 2Biometric Vocabulary and Definitions Forum STD Completed

31 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 31 Korea Activities in ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 (1/2)  SC 37 DutyProject/WG/SCProject Convener Young Bin, Kwon (CAU) WG2Biometric Technical Interface Editor Jason, Kim (KISA) 24709-1 Conformance Testing for BioAPI – Part 1 : Methods and Procedures Editor Jung, Soh (ETRI) 24772Multi-Modal Biometric Fusion Editor Alex, Choi (Techsphere) 19794-9 Biometric Data Interchange Formats – Part 9 : Vascular Biometric Image Co-Editor Jung, Soh (ETRI) 19784-1BioAPI – Part 1 : BioAPI Specification Co-Editor Young Bin, Kwon (CAU) 19794-4 Biometric Data Interchange Formats – Part 4 : Finger Image Data

32 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 32 Korea Activities in ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 (2/2) DutyProject/WG/SCProject Co-Editor Jason, Kim (KISA) 24709-2 Conformance Testing for BioAPI – Part 2 : Test Assertions Liaison Officer Young Bin, Kwon (CAU) SC 37JTC 1/SC 31 Liaison Suk chul, Ki (SAIT) SC 37JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11(Mpeg) Rapporteur Group Hak Il, Kim (INHA) WG 5Biometric Equipment Performance Team Member Jason, Kim (KISA) SC 37 Participation in JTC 1/SC 27 Work(ISO 19790, 19792) Team Member Young Bin, Kwon (CAU),Alex, Choi (Techsphere) SC 37Participation in ISO/TC 68 Work

33 Asia Biometrics Workshop 2004 33 Thank you !!

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