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Chapter 20 Biotechnology Modified by Bronwyn Scott Nov. 2008.

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1 Chapter 20 Biotechnology Modified by Bronwyn Scott Nov. 2008

2 Overview: The DNA Toolbox
Sequencing of the human genome was completed by 2007 DNA sequencing has depended on advances in technology, starting with making recombinant DNA In recombinant DNA, nucleotide sequences from two different sources, often two species, are combined in vitro into the same DNA molecule A mere 12 years later, genome sequencing was under way for more than 2,000 species. By 2007, researchers had completely sequenced hundreds of prokaryotic genomes and dozens of eukaryotic ones, including all 3 billion base pairs of the human genome. Rapid advances in DNA technology—methods of working with and manipulating DNA—had their roots in the 1970s. A key accomplishment was the invention of techniques for making recombinant DNA, DNA molecules formed when segments of DNA from two different sources—often different species—are combined in vitro. Scientists also have powerful techniques for analyzing genes and gene expression.

3 Concept 20.1: DNA cloning yields multiple copies of a gene or other DNA segment
To work directly with specific genes, scientists prepare gene-sized pieces of DNA in identical copies, a process called DNA cloning To study a particular gene, scientists needed to develop methods to isolate the small, well-defined portion of a chromosome that contains the gene of interest. Techniques for DNA cloning enable scientists to prepare multiple identical copies of well-defined segments of DNA. One common approach to cloning pieces of DNA uses bacteria, usually Esherichia coli, whose chromosome is a large circular DNA molecule. In addition, bacteria have plasmids, small circular DNA molecules with a small number of genes that replicate independently from the chromosome. One basic cloning technique begins with the insertion of a “foreign” gene into a bacterial plasmid to produce a recombinant DNA molecule. The plasmid is returned to a bacterial cell, producing a recombinant bacterium, which reproduces to form a clone of genetically identical cells. Every time the bacterium reproduces, the recombinant plasmid is replicated as well. The production of multiple copies of a single gene is called gene cloning. Gene cloning is useful for two basic purposes: to make many copies of a particular gene and to create a protein product. Isolated copies of a cloned gene may enable scientists to determine the gene’s nucleotide sequence or provide an organism with a new metabolic capability, such as pest resistance. Alternatively, a protein with medical uses, such as human growth hormone, can be harvested in large quantities from cultures of bacteria carrying the cloned gene for the protein. Most protein-coding genes exist in only one copy per genome, so the ability to clone rare DNA fragments is very valuable.

4 DNA Cloning and Its Applications: A Preview
Most methods for cloning pieces of DNA in the laboratory share general features, such as the use of bacteria and their plasmids Plasmids are small circular DNA molecules that replicate separately from the bacterial chromosome Cloned genes are useful for making copies of a particular gene and producing a protein product

5 Gene cloning involves using bacteria to make multiple copies of a gene
Foreign DNA is inserted into a plasmid, and the recombinant plasmid is inserted into a bacterial cell Reproduction in the bacterial cell results in cloning of the plasmid including the foreign DNA This results in the production of multiple copies of a single gene

6 Cell containing gene of interest Bacterium
Fig. 20-2a Cell containing gene of interest Bacterium 1 Gene inserted into plasmid Bacterial chromosome Plasmid Gene of interest Recombinant DNA (plasmid) DNA of chromosome 2 2 Plasmid put into bacterial cell Figure 20.2 A preview of gene cloning and some uses of cloned genes Recombinant bacterium

7 Recombinant bacterium
Fig. 20-2b Recombinant bacterium 3 Host cell grown in culture to form a clone of cells containing the “cloned” gene of interest Gene of Interest Protein expressed by gene of interest Copies of gene Protein harvested 4 Basic research and various applications Basic research on gene Basic research on protein Figure 20.2 A preview of gene cloning and some uses of cloned genes Gene for pest resistance inserted into plants Gene used to alter bacteria for cleaning up toxic waste Protein dissolves blood clots in heart attack therapy Human growth hor- mone treats stunted growth

8 Using Restriction Enzymes to Make Recombinant DNA
Bacterial restriction enzymes cut DNA molecules at specific DNA sequences called restriction sites Bacteria protect their own DNA by methylating the sequences recognized by these enzymes. A restriction enzyme usually makes many cuts, yielding restriction fragments Gene cloning and genetic engineering were made possible by the discovery of restriction enzymes that cut DNA molecules at specific locations. In nature, bacteria use restriction enzymes to cut foreign DNA, to protect themselves against phages or other bacteria. Restriction enzymes are very specific, recognizing short DNA nucleotide sequences, or restriction sites, and cutting both DNA strands at specific points within these sequences. Bacteria protect their own DNA by methylating the sequences recognized by these enzymes. Each restriction enzyme cleaves a specific sequence of bases. Because the target sequence usually occurs (by chance) many times on a long DNA molecule, an enzyme makes many cuts. A given restriction enzyme yields the same set of restriction fragments when it cuts a specific DNA molecule.

9 The most useful restriction enzymes cut DNA in a staggered way, producing fragments with “sticky ends” that bond with complementary sticky ends of other fragments DNA ligase is an enzyme that seals the bonds between restriction fragments Restriction enzymes cut the covalent sugar-phosphate backbones of both strands, often in a staggered way that creates single-stranded sticky ends. These extensions can form hydrogen-bonded base pairs with complementary single-stranded stretches (sticky ends) on other DNA molecules cut with the same restriction enzyme. These DNA fusions can be made permanent by DNA ligase, which seals the strand by catalyzing the formation of covalent bonds to close up the sugar-phosphate backbone. Restriction enzymes and DNA ligase can be used to make a stable recombinant DNA molecule, with DNA that has been spliced together from two different organisms.

10 Restriction enzyme cuts sugar-phosphate backbones.
Fig Restriction site DNA 5 3 3 5 1 Restriction enzyme cuts sugar-phosphate backbones. Sticky end 2 DNA fragment added from another molecule cut by same enzyme. Base pairing occurs. Figure 20.3 Using a restriction enzyme and DNA ligase to make recombinant DNA One possible combination 3 DNA ligase seals strands. Recombinant DNA molecule

11 Cloning a Eukaryotic Gene in a Bacterial Plasmid
In gene cloning, the original plasmid is called a cloning vector A cloning vector is a DNA molecule that can carry foreign DNA into a host cell and replicate there Recombinant plasmids are produced when restriction fragments from foreign DNA are spliced into plasmids. The original plasmid used to produce recombinant DNA is called a cloning vector, defined as a DNA molecule that can carry foreign DNA into a cell and replicate there. Bacterial plasmids are widely used as cloning vectors because they can easily be isolated from bacteria, manipulated to form recombinant plasmids by in vitro insertion of foreign DNA, and then reintroduced into bacterial cells. Bacterial cells that carry the recombinant plasmid reproduce rapidly, replicating the inserted foreign DNA.

12 Producing Clones of Cells Carrying Recombinant Plasmids
Several steps are required to clone the hummingbird β-globin gene in a bacterial plasmid: The hummingbird genomic DNA and a bacterial plasmid are isolated Both are digested with the same restriction enzyme The fragments are mixed, and DNA ligase is added to bond the fragment sticky ends Imagine that researchers are interested in studying the -globin gene in a particular species of hummingbird to see whether this oxygen-carrying protein is different from its counterpart in less metabolically active species. The first step is the isolation of hummingbird genomic DNA, which contains the -globin gene, from hummingbird cells. Researchers also isolate the chosen vector, a particular bacterial plasmid from E. coli cells. The plasmid carries two useful genes, ampR, which confers resistance to the antibiotic ampicillin, and lacZ, which encodes the enzyme ß-galactosidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of lactose. ß-galactosidase can also hydrolyze a synthetic mimic of lactose called X-gal to form a blue product. The plasmid has a single recognition sequence, within the lacZ gene, for the restriction enzyme used. Both the plasmid and the hummingbird DNA are digested with the same restriction enzyme. The fragments are mixed together, allowing base pairing between their complementary sticky ends. DNA ligase is added to permanently join the base-paired fragments.

13 Some recombinant plasmids now contain hummingbird DNA
The DNA mixture is added to bacteria that have been genetically engineered to accept it The bacteria are plated on a type of agar that selects for the bacteria with recombinant plasmids This results in the cloning of many hummingbird DNA fragments, including the β-globin gene Some of the resulting recombinant plasmids contain hummingbird DNA fragments; one fragment carries the -globin gene. This step also generates other products, such as plasmids containing several hummingbird DNA fragments, a combination of two plasmids, or a rejoined, nonrecombinant version of the original plasmid. The DNA mixture is mixed with bacteria that have a mutation in the lacZ gene on their own chromosome, making them unable to hydrolyze lactose or X-gal. The bacteria take up foreign DNA by transformation. Some cells acquire a recombinant plasmid carrying a gene, while others may take up a nonrecombinant plasmid, a hummingbird DNA fragment, or nothing at all. The transformed bacteria are plated on a solid nutrient medium containing ampicillin and X-gal. Only bacteria that have the ampicillin-resistance (ampR) plasmid grow. Each reproducing bacterium forms a clone by repeating cell divisions, thus generating a colony of cells on the agar. The X-gal in the medium is used to identify plasmids that carry foreign DNA. Bacteria with plasmids lacking foreign DNA stain blue when ß-galactosidase from the intact lacZ gene hydrolyzes X-gal. Bacteria with plasmids containing foreign DNA inserted into the lacZ gene are white because they lack ß-galactosidase. In the final step, thousands of bacterial colonies with foreign DNA are sorted to find those that contain the gene of interest.

14 Fig TECHNIQUE Hummingbird cell Bacterial cell lacZ gene Restriction site Sticky ends Gene of interest ampR gene Bacterial plasmid Hummingbird DNA fragments Nonrecombinant plasmid Recombinant plasmids Bacteria carrying plasmids Figure 20.4 Cloning genes in bacterial plasmids RESULTS Colony carrying non- recombinant plasmid with intact lacZ gene Colony carrying recombinant plasmid with disrupted lacZ gene One of many bacterial clones

15 Storing Cloned Genes in DNA Libraries
A genomic library that is made using bacteria is the collection of recombinant vector clones produced by cloning DNA fragments from an entire genome A genomic library that is made using bacteriophages is stored as a collection of phage clones In the “shotgun” cloning approach described above, a mixture of fragments from the entire genome is included in thousands of different recombinant plasmids. A complete set of recombinant plasmid clones, each carrying copies of a particular segment from the initial genome, forms a genomic library. In addition to plasmids, certain bacteriophages are common cloning vectors for making genomic libraries. Fragments of foreign DNA can be spliced into a phage genome using a restriction enzyme and DNA ligase. An advantage of using phage as vectors is that phage can carry larger DNA inserts than plasmids can. The normal infection process allows the production of many new phage particles, each carrying the foreign DNA. A genomic library made using phage is stored as a collection of phage clones. Because restriction enzymes do not recognize gene boundaries, some genes in either of these types of genomic library are cut and divided up among two or more clones.

16 Foreign genome cut up with restriction enzyme
Fig. 20-5a Foreign genome cut up with restriction enzyme or Recombinant phage DNA Bacterial clones Recombinant plasmids Phage clones Figure 20.5a, b Genomic libraries (a) Plasmid library (b) Phage library

17 BACs are another type of vector used in DNA library construction
A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) is a large plasmid that has been trimmed down and can carry a large DNA insert BACs are another type of vector used in DNA library construction Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) are used as vectors for library construction. BACs are large plasmids containing only the genes necessary to ensure replication and capable of carrying inserts of 100–300 kb. The very large insert size minimizes the number of clones that are needed to make up the genomic library, but it makes them more difficult to work with. BAC clones are usually stored in multiwelled plastic plates, with one clone per well.

18 Large insert with many genes Large plasmid
Fig. 20-5b Large insert with many genes Large plasmid BAC clone Figure 20.5c Genomic libraries (c) A library of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones

19 A complementary DNA (cDNA) library is made by cloning DNA made in vitro by reverse transcription of all the mRNA produced by a particular cell A cDNA library represents only part of the genome—only the subset of genes transcribed into mRNA in the original cells A more limited kind of gene library can be developed by starting with mRNA extracted from cells. The enzyme reverse transcriptase is used in vitro to make single-stranded DNA transcripts of the mRNA molecules. The mRNA is enzymatically digested, and a second DNA strand complementary to the first is synthesized by DNA polymerase. This double-stranded DNA is called complementary DNA (cDNA). For creating a library, cDNA is modified by the addition of restriction sites at each end and then inserted into vector DNA. A cDNA library represents that part of a cell’s genome that was transcribed in the starting cell from which the mRNA was isolated.

20 Reverse transcriptase Poly-A tail mRNA
Fig DNA in nucleus mRNAs in cytoplasm Reverse transcriptase Poly-A tail mRNA DNA strand Primer Degraded mRNA Figure 20.6 Making complementary DNA (cDNA) for a eukaryotic gene DNA polymerase cDNA

21 Genomic vs. cDNA libraries
If a researcher wants to clone a gene but is unsure in what cell type it is expressed or unable to obtain that cell type, a genomic library will likely contain the gene. A researcher interested in the regulatory sequences or introns associated with a gene needs to obtain the gene from a genomic library. These sequences are missing from the processed mRNAs used in making a cDNA library. A researcher interested in only the coding sequence of a gene can obtain a stripped-down version of the gene from a cDNA library. If a researcher wants to clone a gene but is unsure in what cell type it is expressed or unable to obtain that cell type, a genomic library will likely contain the gene. A researcher interested in the regulatory sequences or introns associated with a gene needs to obtain the gene from a genomic library. These sequences are missing from the processed mRNAs used in making a cDNA library. A researcher interested in only the coding sequence of a gene can obtain a stripped-down version of the gene from a cDNA library. This is an advantage if a researcher wants to study the genes responsible for the specialized functions of a particular kind of cell. By making cDNA libraries from cells of the same type at different times in the life of an organism, one can trace changes in the patterns of gene expression. The researcher screens all the colonies with recombinant plasmids for a clone of cells containing the hummingbird -globin gene.

22 Screening a Library for Clones Carrying a Gene of Interest
A clone carrying the gene of interest can be identified with a nucleic acid probe having a sequence complementary to the gene This process is called nucleic acid hybridization A radioactive or fluorescent tag is used to label the probe The researcher screens all the colonies with recombinant plasmids for a clone of cells containing the hummingbird -globin gene. One technique, nucleic acid hybridization, depends on base pairing between the gene and a complementary sequence on a short, single-stranded nucleic acid, a nucleic acid probe. Identifying the sequence of the RNA or DNA probe depends on knowledge of at least part of the sequence of the gene of interest. A radioactive or fluorescent tag is used to label the probe, which hydrogen-bonds specifically to complementary single strands of the desired gene.

23 For example, if the desired gene is
A probe can be synthesized that is complementary to the gene of interest For example, if the desired gene is – Then we would synthesize this tagged probe 5 G G C T A A C T T A G C 3 3 C C G A T T G A A T C G 5

24 The DNA probe can be used to screen a large number of clones simultaneously for the gene of interest
Once identified, the clone carrying the gene of interest can be cultured The clones in the hummingbird genomic library have been stored in a multiwell plate. If a few cells from each well are transferred to a defined location on a membrane made of nylon or nitrocellulose, a large number of clones can be screened simultaneously for the presence of DNA complementary to the DNA probe. Once the location of a clone carrying the -globin gene has been identified, cells from that colony can be grown in order to isolate large amounts of the -globin gene. The cloned gene itself can be used as a probe to identify similar or identical genes in DNA from other sources, such as other species of birds.

25 Radioactively labeled probe molecules
Fig. 20-7 TECHNIQUE Radioactively labeled probe molecules Probe DNA Gene of interest Multiwell plates holding library clones Single-stranded DNA from cell Film Figure 20.7 Detecting a specific DNA sequence by hybridizing with a nucleic acid probe Nylon membrane Nylon membrane Location of DNA with the complementary sequence

26 Expressing Cloned Eukaryotic Genes
After a gene has been cloned, its protein product can be produced in larger amounts for research Cloned genes can be expressed as protein in either bacterial or eukaryotic cells The protein product of a cloned gene can be created in either bacterial or eukaryotic cells, for research purposes or for practical applications. Inducing a cloned eukaryotic gene to function in bacterial host cells can be difficult because certain aspects of gene expression are different in eukaryotes and bacteria.

27 Bacterial Expression Systems
Several technical difficulties hinder expression of cloned eukaryotic genes in bacterial host cells To overcome differences in promoters and other DNA control sequences, scientists usually employ an expression vector, a cloning vector that contains a highly active prokaryotic promoter One way around this is to insert an expression vector, a cloning vector containing a highly active bacterial promoter, upstream of the restriction site. The bacterial host cell recognizes the promoter and proceeds to express the foreign gene that has been linked to it. Such expression vectors allow the synthesis of many eukaryotic proteins in bacterial cells. The presence of noncoding introns in eukaryotic genes may prevent the correct expression of these genes in bacteria, which lack RNA-splicing machinery. This problem can be surmounted by using a cDNA form of the gene, which includes only the exons.

28 Eukaryotic Cloning and Expression Systems
The use of cultured eukaryotic cells as host cells and yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) as vectors helps avoid gene expression problems YACs behave normally in mitosis and can carry more DNA than a plasmid Eukaryotic hosts can provide the post-translational modifications that many proteins require Molecular biologists can avoid incompatibility problems by using eukaryotic cells as hosts for cloning and expressing eukaryotic genes. Yeast cells, single-celled fungi, are as easy to grow as bacteria and, unlike most eukaryotes, have plasmids. Scientists have constructed recombinant plasmids that combine yeast and bacterial DNA and can replicate in either type of cell. Scientists have produced yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that combine the essentials of a eukaryotic chromosome (an origin site for replication, a centromere, and two telomeres) with foreign DNA. These chromosome-like vectors behave normally in mitosis and can carry more DNA than a plasmid vector. Another advantage of eukaryotic hosts is that they are capable of providing the post-translational modifications that many proteins require. Such modifications may include adding carbohydrates or lipids. For some mammalian proteins, the host must be an animal cell to perform the necessary modifications.

29 One method of introducing recombinant DNA into eukaryotic cells is electroporation, applying a brief electrical pulse to create temporary holes in plasma membranes Alternatively, scientists can inject DNA into cells using microscopically thin needles Once inside the cell, the DNA is incorporated into the cell’s DNA by natural genetic recombination Experimental techniques facilitate the entry of foreign DNA into eukaryotic cells. In electroporation, brief electrical pulses create a temporary hole in the plasma membrane through which DNA can enter. Alternatively, scientists can inject DNA into individual cells using microscopically thin needles. To get DNA into plant cells, the soil bacterium Agrobacterium can be used. Once inside the cell, the DNA is incorporated into the cell’s DNA by natural genetic recombination.

30 Amplifying DNA in Vitro: The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
The polymerase chain reaction, PCR, can produce many copies of a specific target segment of DNA A three-step cycle—heating, cooling, and replication—brings about a chain reaction that produces an exponentially growing population of identical DNA molecules DNA cloning in cells remains the best method for preparing large quantities of a particular gene or other DNA sequence. When the source of DNA is scanty or impure, however, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is quicker and more selective. This technique can quickly amplify any piece of DNA without using cells. PCR can make billions of copies of a targeted DNA segment in a few hours. This process is faster than cloning via recombinant bacteria. In fact, PCR is being used increasingly to make enough of a specific DNA fragment to insert it directly into a vector, skipping the steps of making and screening a library. In PCR, a three-step cycle—heating, cooling, and replication—brings about a chain reaction that produces an exponentially growing population of identical DNA molecules. The reaction mixture is heated to denature (separate) the DNA strands. The mixture is cooled to allow annealing (hydrogen bonding) of short, single-stranded DNA primers complementary to sequences on opposite sides at each end of the target sequence. A heat-stable DNA polymerase extends the primers in the 53 direction. If a standard DNA polymerase were used, the protein would be denatured along with the DNA during the first heating step. The key to easy PCR automation was the discovery of an unusual DNA polymerase, isolated from a bacterium living in hot springs, that can withstand the heat needed to separate the DNA strands at the start of each cycle. Just as impressive as the speed of PCR is its specificity. The key to this high specificity is the primers, which hydrogen-bond only to sequences at opposite ends of the target segment. Only minute amounts of DNA need be present in the starting material, as long as a few molecules contain the complete target sequence. The DNA can be in a partially degraded state. By the end of the third cycle, one-fourth of the molecules are identical to the target segment, with both strands the appropriate length. With each successive cycle, the number of target segment molecules of the correct length doubles, soon greatly outnumbering all other DNA molecules in the reaction. Despite its speed and specificity, PCR amplification cannot substitute for gene cloning in cells when large amounts of a gene are desired. Occasional errors during PCR replication impose limits on the number of good copies that can be made. When PCR is used to provide the specific DNA fragment for cloning, the resulting clones are sequenced to select clones with error-free inserts. Devised in 1985, PCR has had a major impact on biological research and technology. PCR has amplified DNA from a variety of sources: fragments of ancient DNA from a 40,000-year-old frozen woolly mammoth; DNA from footprints or tiny amounts of blood or semen found at the scenes of violent crimes; DNA from single embryonic cells for the rapid prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders; and DNA of viral genes from cells infected with HIV.

31 molecules; 2 molecules (in white boxes) match target sequence
Fig. 20-8 TECHNIQUE 5 3 Target sequence Genomic DNA 3 5 1 Denaturation 5 3 3 5 2 Annealing Cycle 1 yields 2 molecules Primers 3 Extension New nucleo- tides Figure 20.8 The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Cycle 2 yields 4 molecules Cycle 3 yields 8 molecules; 2 molecules (in white boxes) match target sequence

32 DNA cloning allows researchers to
Concept 20.2: DNA technology allows us to study the sequence, expression, and function of a gene DNA cloning allows researchers to Compare genes and alleles between individuals Locate gene expression in a body Determine the role of a gene in an organism Several techniques are used to analyze the DNA of genes Once scientists have prepared homogeneous samples of DNA, each containing a large number of identical segments, they can ask some interesting questions about specific genes and their functions. Does the sequence of the hummingbird -globin gene code for a protein structure that can carry oxygen more efficiently than its counterpart in less metabolically active species? Does a particular human gene differ from person to person? Are certain alleles of that gene associated with a hereditary disorder? Where in the body and when during development is a given gene expressed? What role does a certain gene play in an organism? To answer these questions, researchers need to know the nucleotide sequence of the gene and its counterparts in other individuals and species, as well as its expression pattern.

33 Gel Electrophoresis and Southern Blotting
One indirect method of rapidly analyzing and comparing genomes is gel electrophoresis This technique uses a gel as a molecular sieve to separate nucleic acids or proteins by size A current is applied that causes charged molecules to move through the gel Molecules are sorted into “bands” by their size Gel electrophoresis separates macromolecules—nucleic acids or proteins—on the basis of their rate of movement through a polymer gel in an electrical field. The rate of movement of each molecule depends on its size, electrical charge, and other physical properties.

34 Mixture of DNA mol- ecules of different sizes
Fig. 20-9a TECHNIQUE Power source Mixture of DNA mol- ecules of different sizes Cathode Anode + Gel 1 Power source Figure 20.9 Gel electrophoresis + Longer molecules 2 Shorter molecules

35 Fig. 20-9b RESULTS Figure 20.9 Gel electrophoresis

36 In restriction fragment analysis, DNA fragments produced by restriction enzyme digestion of a DNA molecule are sorted by gel electrophoresis Restriction fragment analysis is useful for comparing two different DNA molecules, such as two alleles for a gene The procedure is also used to prepare pure samples of individual fragments In restriction fragment analysis, the DNA fragments produced by restriction enzyme digestion of a DNA molecule are sorted by gel electrophoresis. When the mixture of restriction fragments from a particular DNA molecule undergoes electrophoresis, it yields a band pattern characteristic of the starting molecule and the restriction enzyme used. The relatively small DNA molecules of viruses and plasmids can be identified simply by their restriction fragment patterns. The separated fragments can be recovered undamaged from gels, providing pure samples of individual fragments. Scientists can use restriction fragment analysis to compare two different DNA molecules representing, for example, different alleles of a gene. Because the two alleles differ slightly in DNA sequence, they may differ in one or more restriction sites. If the alleles do differ in restriction sites, each produces different-sized fragments when digested by the same restriction enzyme. In gel electrophoresis, the restriction fragments from the two alleles produce different band patterns, allowing researchers to distinguish the two alleles.

37 Fig Normal -globin allele Normal allele Sickle-cell allele 175 bp 201 bp Large fragment DdeI DdeI DdeI DdeI Large fragment Sickle-cell mutant -globin allele 376 bp 201 bp 175 bp 376 bp Large fragment DdeI Figure Using restriction fragment analysis to distinguish the normal and sickle-cell alleles of the β-globin gene DdeI DdeI (a) DdeI restriction sites in normal and sickle-cell alleles of -globin gene (b) Electrophoresis of restriction fragments from normal and sickle-cell alleles

38 A technique called Southern blotting combines gel electrophoresis of DNA fragments with nucleic acid hybridization Specific DNA fragments can be identified by Southern blotting, using labeled probes that hybridize to the DNA immobilized on a “blot” of gel Restriction fragment analysis is sensitive enough to distinguish between two alleles of a gene that differ by only one base pair in a restriction site, such as the normal and sickle-cell alleles of the β-globin gene. A method called Southern blotting combines gel electrophoresis with nucleic acid hybridization. One of this method’s many applications is to identify heterozygous carriers of mutant alleles associated with genetic disease, although more rapid methods involving PCR amplification are currently used for this. Because gel electrophoresis yields too many bands to distinguish individually, scientists use nucleic acid hybridization with a specific probe to label discrete bands that derive from the gene of interest. The probe is a radioactive, single-stranded DNA molecule that is complementary to the gene of interest (for example, the β-globin gene).

39 Restriction fragments DNA + restriction enzyme I II III
Fig a TECHNIQUE Heavy weight Restriction fragments DNA + restriction enzyme I II III Nitrocellulose membrane (blot) Gel Sponge I Normal -globin allele II Sickle-cell allele III Heterozygote Paper towels Alkaline solution Figure Southern blotting of DNA fragments 1 Preparation of restriction fragments 2 Gel electrophoresis 3 DNA transfer (blotting)

40 Radioactively labeled probe for -globin gene
Fig b Radioactively labeled probe for -globin gene Probe base-pairs with fragments I II III I II III Fragment from sickle-cell -globin allele Film over blot Figure Southern blotting of DNA fragments Fragment from normal -globin allele Nitrocellulose blot 4 Hybridization with radioactive probe 5 Probe detection

41 The DNA sequence can be read from the resulting spectrogram
DNA Sequencing Relatively short DNA fragments can be sequenced by the dideoxy chain termination method Modified nucleotides called dideoxyribonucleotides (ddNTP) attach to synthesized DNA strands of different lengths Each type of ddNTP is tagged with a distinct fluorescent label that identifies the nucleotide at the end of each DNA fragment The DNA sequence can be read from the resulting spectrogram Gene sequencing has been automated based on a technique called the dideoxyribonucleotide (or dideoxy, for short) chain termination method. Knowing the entire nucleotide sequence of a gene allows researchers to compare it to genes in other species, whose function may be known. If two genes from different species are similar in sequence, their gene products likely perform similar functions.

42 Fig a TECHNIQUE DNA (template strand) Primer Deoxyribonucleotides Dideoxyribonucleotides (fluorescently tagged) dATP ddATP dCTP ddCTP dTTP DNA polymerase ddTTP dGTP ddGTP Figure Dideoxy chain termination method for sequencing DNA

43 Direction of movement of strands Longest labeled strand
Fig b TECHNIQUE DNA (template strand) Labeled strands Shortest Longest Direction of movement of strands Longest labeled strand Detector Figure Dideoxy chain termination method for sequencing DNA Laser Shortest labeled strand RESULTS Last base of longest labeled strand Last base of shortest labeled strand

44 Analyzing Gene Expression
Nucleic acid probes can hybridize with mRNAs transcribed from a gene Probes can be used to identify where or when a gene is transcribed in an organism Labeled nucleic acid probes that hybridize with mRNAs can provide information about the time or place in the organism at which a gene is transcribed. For example, there are two ways to find out how the expression of the -globin gene changes during the embryonic development of the hummingbird.

45 Studying the Expression of Single Genes
Changes in the expression of a gene during embryonic development can be tested using Northern blotting Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction Both methods are used to compare mRNA from different developmental stages In the first method, called Northern blotting, scientists carry out gel electrophoresis on samples of mRNA from hummingbird embryos at different stages of development, transfer the samples to a nitrocellulose membrane, and then allow the mRNAs on the membrane to hybridize with a labeled probe that recognizes -globin mRNA. If the mRNA band is seen at a particular stage, scientists can hypothesize that the protein functions during events taking place at that stage. A new and more sensitive method is called the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, or RT-PCR. Analysis of hummingbird -globin gene expression with RT-PCR begins similarly to Northern blotting, with the isolation of mRNAs from different developmental stages of hummingbird embryos. Next, reverse transcriptase is added to make cDNA, which then serves as a template for PCR amplification using primers from the -globin gene. When the products are run on a gel, copies of the amplified region are observed as bands only in samples that originally contained the -globin mRNA. In the case of hummingbird -globin, scientists might expect to see a band appear at the stage when red blood cells begin forming, with all subsequent stages showing the same band. RT-PCR can also be carried out with mRNAs collected from different tissues at one time to discover which tissue is producing a specific mRNA.

46 Northern blotting combines gel electrophoresis of mRNA followed by hybridization with a probe on a membrane Identification of mRNA at a particular developmental stage suggests protein function at that stage

47 Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is quicker and more sensitive
Reverse transcriptase is added to mRNA to make cDNA, which serves as a template for PCR amplification of the gene of interest The products are run on a gel and the mRNA of interest identified

48 TECHNIQUE 1 cDNA synthesis mRNAs cDNAs Primers 2 -globin gene 3
Fig TECHNIQUE 1 cDNA synthesis mRNAs cDNAs Primers 2 PCR amplification -globin gene 3 Gel electrophoresis Figure RT-PCR analysis of expression of single genes Embryonic stages RESULTS

49 In situ hybridization uses fluorescent dyes attached to probes to identify the location of specific mRNAs in place in the intact organism Specific mRNAs can be identified by using labeled probes in place, or in situ, in the intact organism. This technique, called in situ hybridization, is most often carried out with probes labeled by the attachment of fluorescent dyes. When the entire genomes of a number of organisms have been sequenced, it is possible to study the expression of large groups of genes, to study how genes act together to produce and maintain a functioning organism. Researchers use genome sequences as probes to investigate which genes are transcribed in different situations, such as in different tissues or at different stages of development. Researchers also look for groups of genes that are expressed in a coordinated manner, with the aim of identifying networks of gene expression across an entire genome. The basic strategy in such global (genome-wide) expression studies is to isolate the mRNAs made in particular cells, use these molecules as templates for making the corresponding cDNAs by reverse transcription, and then employ nucleic acid hybridization to compare this set of cDNAs with a collection of DNA fragments representing all or part of the genome. The results identify the subset of genes in the genome that are being expressed at a given time or under certain conditions.

50 Fig Figure Determining where genes are expressed by in situ hybridization analysis 50 µm

51 Studying the Expression of Interacting Groups of Genes
Automation has allowed scientists to measure expression of thousands of genes at one time using DNA microarray assays DNA microarray assays compare patterns of gene expression in different tissues, at different times, or under different conditions Genome-wide expression studies are made possible by the use of DNA microarray assays. A DNA microarray consists of tiny amounts of a large number of single-stranded DNA fragments representing different genes fixed to a glass slide in a tightly spaced array, or grid, also called a DNA chip. Ideally, these fragments represent all the genes of an organism. The DNA fragments on a microarray are tested for hybridization with cDNA molecules that have been prepared from the mRNAs in particular cells of interest and labeled with fluorescent dyes. In one example of a global expression study, researchers performed DNA microarray assays on more than 90% of the genes of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans during every stage of its life cycle. The expression of nearly 60% of the genes changed dramatically during development. Many genes were expressed in a sex-specific pattern. In addition to uncovering gene interactions and providing clues to gene function, DNA microarray assays may contribute to a better understanding of certain diseases and suggest new diagnostic techniques or therapies. Comparing patterns of gene expression in breast cancer tumors and noncancerous breast tissue, for example, has already resulted in more informed and effective treatment protocols.

52 Labeled cDNA molecules (single strands)
Fig TECHNIQUE Tissue sample 1 Isolate mRNA. 2 Make cDNA by reverse transcription, using fluorescently labeled nucleotides. mRNA molecules Labeled cDNA molecules (single strands) 3 Apply the cDNA mixture to a microarray, a different gene in each spot. The cDNA hybridizes with any complementary DNA on the microarray. DNA fragments representing specific genes Figure DNA microarray assay of gene expression levels DNA microarray DNA microarray with 2,400 human genes 4 Rinse off excess cDNA; scan microarray for fluorescence. Each fluorescent spot represents a gene expressed in the tissue sample.

53 Determining Gene Function
One way to determine function is to disable the gene and observe the consequences Using in vitro mutagenesis, mutations are introduced into a cloned gene, altering or destroying its function When the mutated gene is returned to the cell, the normal gene’s function might be determined by examining the mutant’s phenotype In an application called in vitro mutagenesis, specific mutations are introduced into the sequence of a cloned gene, and then the mutated gene is returned to a cell in such a way that it disables (“knocks out”) the normal cellular copies of the same gene. If the introduced mutations alter or destroy the function of the gene product, the phenotype of the mutant cell may help reveal the function of the missing normal protein. Researchers can even put such a mutated gene into cells from the early embryo of a multicellular organism (such as a mouse) to study the role of the gene in the development and functioning of the whole organism. In 2006, government agencies in the United States, Canada, China, and the European Union announced several large-scale projects whose aim is to disable every one of the 25,000 genes in the mouse genome.

54 Gene expression can also be silenced using RNA interference (RNAi)
Synthetic double-stranded RNA molecules matching the sequence of a particular gene are used to break down or block the gene’s mRNA A newer method for silencing the expression of selected genes exploits the phenomenon of RNA interference (RNAi). This approach uses synthetic, double-stranded RNA molecules that match the sequence of a particular gene to trigger the breakdown of the gene’s messenger RNA or to block its translation. To date, the RNAi technique has been used successfully to reduce (“knock down”) the expression of specific genes in mammalian cells, including human cells in culture, and plans are under way to try using RNAi for the treatment of human disorders such as macular degeneration of the eye. In one study, RNAi was used to prevent the expression of 86% of the genes in early nematode embryos, one gene at a time. Analysis of the phenotypes of the worms that developed from these embryos enabled the researchers to classify most of the genes into a small number of groups by function.

55 Concept 20.3: Cloning organisms may lead to production of stem cells for research and other applications Organismal cloning produces one or more organisms genetically identical to the “parent” that donated the single cell Different from gene cloning (discussed previously) and cell cloning, (the division of an asexually reproducing cell into a collection of genetically identical cells). Scientists can now clone multicellular organisms from single cells. This is called organismal cloning to distinguish it from gene cloning and cell cloning, the division of an asexually reproducing cell into a collection of genetically identical cells. Organismal cloning has the potential to generate stem cells, which can develop into many different tissues. The cloning of plants and animals was first attempted more than 50 years ago in experiments designed to determine whether all the cells of an organism have the same genes (a concept called genomic equivalence) or whether cells lose genes during the process of differentiation.

56 Cloning Plants: Single-Cell Cultures
One experimental approach for testing genomic equivalence is to see whether a differentiated cell can generate a whole organism A totipotent cell is one that can generate a complete new organism Successful attempts to clone whole plants from single differentiated cells were made during the 1950s by F. C. Steward of Cornell University. Steward and his students found that cultured, differentiated root cells could grow into normal adult plants, each genetically identical to the parent plant, thus demonstrating that differentiation does not necessarily involve irreversible changes in the DNA. In plants, mature cells can dedifferentiate and then give rise to all the specialized cell types of the organism. Any cell with this potential is said to be totipotent. Plant cloning is now used extensively in agriculture to reproduce plants that have valuable characteristics, such as the ability to resist a plant pathogen.

57 EXPERIMENT RESULTS Transverse section of carrot root 2-mg fragments
Fig EXPERIMENT RESULTS Transverse section of carrot root 2-mg fragments Figure Can a differentiated plant cell develop into a whole plant? Fragments were cultured in nu- trient medium; stirring caused single cells to shear off into the liquid. Single cells free in suspension began to divide. Embryonic plant developed from a cultured single cell. Plantlet was cultured on agar medium. Later it was planted in soil. A single somatic carrot cell developed into a mature carrot plant.

58 Cloning Animals: Nuclear Transplantation
In nuclear transplantation, the nucleus of an unfertilized egg cell or zygote is replaced with the nucleus of a differentiated cell Experiments with frog embryos have shown that a transplanted nucleus can often support normal development of the egg However, the older the donor nucleus, the lower the percentage of normally developing tadpoles Differentiated cells from animals do not readily divide in culture. Early researchers investigating whether differentiated animal cells can be totipotent removed the nucleus of an unfertilized frog’s egg or zygote and replaced it with the nucleus of a differentiated cell from a tadpole, a procedure called nuclear transplantation. If the nucleus from the differentiated donor cell retains its full genetic capability, then it should be able to direct development of the recipient egg into all the tissues and organs of an organism. The transplanted nucleus was often able to support normal development of the egg into a tadpole. However, the potential of a transplanted nucleus to direct normal development was inversely related to the age of the donor: The older the donor nucleus, the lower the percentage of normally developing tadpoles. Clearly, something in the nucleus changed as the tadpole’s cells differentiated. In frogs and most other animals, nuclear potential tends to be increasingly restricted as embryonic development and cell differentiation progress.

59 EXPERIMENT RESULTS Frog embryo Frog egg cell Frog tadpole UV
Fig Frog embryo Frog egg cell Frog tadpole EXPERIMENT UV Fully differ- entiated (intestinal) cell Less differ- entiated cell Donor nucleus trans- planted Donor nucleus trans- planted Enucleated egg cell Egg with donor nucleus activated to begin development RESULTS Figure Can the nucleus from a differentiated animal cell direct development of an organism? Most develop into tadpoles Most stop developing before tadpole stage

60 Reproductive Cloning of Mammals
In 1997, Scottish researchers announced the birth of Dolly, a lamb cloned from an adult sheep by nuclear transplantation from a differentiated mammary cell Dolly’s premature death in 2003, as well as her arthritis, led to speculation that her cells were not as healthy as those of a normal sheep, possibly reflecting incomplete reprogramming of the original transplanted nucleus In 1997, Scottish researchers captured newspaper headlines when they announced the birth of Dolly, a lamb cloned from an adult sheep by nuclear transplantation from a differentiated cell. These researchers cultured donor mammary cells in a nutrient-poor medium and then fused these cells with enucleated sheep eggs. The resulting diploid cells divided to form early embryos, which were implanted into surrogate mothers. Out of several hundred implanted embryos, one successfully completed normal development, and Dolly was born. Later analyses showed that Dolly’s chromosomal DNA was identical to that of the nucleus donor. Dolly’s mitochondrial DNA came from the egg donor. In 2003, at age 6, Dolly suffered complications from a lung disease usually seen in only much older sheep, and she was euthanized. Dolly’s premature death led to speculation that her cells were not quite as “healthy” as those of a normal sheep, possibly reflecting incomplete reprogramming of the original transplanted nucleus.

61 TECHNIQUE RESULTS Mammary cell donor Egg cell donor
Fig TECHNIQUE Mammary cell donor Egg cell donor 1 2 Egg cell from ovary Nucleus removed Cultured mammary cells 3 Cells fused 3 Nucleus from mammary cell 4 Grown in culture Early embryo Figure Reproductive cloning of a mammal by nuclear transplantation For the Discovery Video Cloning, go to Animation and Video Files. 5 Implanted in uterus of a third sheep Surrogate mother 6 Embryonic development Lamb (“Dolly”) genetically identical to mammary cell donor RESULTS

62 Since 1997, cloning has been demonstrated in many mammals, including mice, cats, cows, horses, mules, pigs, and dogs CC (for Carbon Copy) was the first cat cloned; however, CC differed somewhat from her female “parent” Identical human twins, naturally occurring “clones,” always differ somewhat. Since 1997, reproductive cloning—the production of new individuals—has been demonstrated in many other mammals, including mice, cats, cows, horses, mules, pigs, and dogs. Cloned animals of the same species do not always look or behave identically. In a herd of cows cloned from the same line of cultured cells, certain cows are dominant and others are more submissive. The first cloned cat, named CC for Carbon Copy has a calico coat, like her single female parent, but the color and pattern are different because of random X chromosome inactivation, which is a normal occurrence during embryonic development. Identical human twins, naturally occurring “clones,” always differ somewhat. Environmental influences and random phenomena can play a significant role during development. The successful cloning of so many mammals has led to speculation about the cloning of humans. Nuclei from differentiated human cells have been transplanted into unfertilized enucleated eggs, and the eggs stimulated to divide. In 2001, a research group in Massachusetts observed a few early cell divisions in such an experiment.

63 Fig Figure CC, the first cloned cat, and her single parent

64 Problems Associated with Animal Cloning
In most nuclear transplantation studies, only a small percentage of cloned embryos have developed normally to birth Many epigenetic changes, such as acetylation of histones or methylation of DNA, must be reversed in the nucleus from a donor animal in order for genes to be expressed or repressed appropriately for early stages of development In most nuclear transplantation studies, very few cloned embryos develop normally to birth and many of those exhibit defects. Even cloned animals that appear normal likely have subtle defects. In the nuclei of fully differentiated cells, the expression of many genes is repressed as a result of epigenetic changes in chromatin, such as acetylation of histones or methylation of DNA. During the nuclear transfer procedure, many of these changes must be reversed in the later-stage nucleus from a donor animal in order for genes to be expressed or repressed appropriately in early stages of development. DNA in embryonic cells from cloned embryos, like DNA of differentiated cells, tends to have more methyl groups than DNA in equivalent cells from uncloned embryos of the same species. This suggests that the reprogramming of donor nuclei requires chromatin restructuring, which does not occur fully during cloning procedures. Because DNA methylation helps regulate gene expression, misplaced methyl groups in the DNA of donor nuclei may interfere with the pattern of gene expression necessary for normal embryonic development.

65 Stem Cells of Animals A stem cell is a relatively unspecialized cell that can reproduce itself indefinitely and differentiate into specialized cells of one or more types Stem cells isolated from early embryos at the blastocyst stage are called embryonic stem cells; these are able to differentiate into all cell types The adult body also has adult stem cells, which are able to give rise to many, but not all, cell types. Scientists’ major aim in cloning human embryos is the production of stem cells for treating human diseases. A stem cell is a relatively unspecialized cell that can both reproduce itself indefinitely and, under appropriate conditions, differentiate into specialized cells of one or more types. Thus, stem cells are able both to replenish their own population and to generate cells that travel down specific differentiation pathways. Many early animal embryos contain stem cells capable of giving rise to any type of differentiated embryonic cells. Embryonic stem cells can be isolated from early embryos at the blastula or blastocyst stage. The adult body also has adult stem cells, which are able to give rise to many, but not all, cell types. For example, bone marrow contains several types of stem cells, including one that can generate all the different kinds of blood cells and another that can differentiate into bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, and the linings of blood vessels. Even the adult brain contains stem cells that produce certain kinds of nerve cells.

66 From bone marrow in this example
Fig Embryonic stem cells Adult stem cells Early human embryo at blastocyst stage (mammalian equiva- lent of blastula) From bone marrow in this example Cells generating all embryonic cell types Cells generating some cell types Cultured stem cells Different culture conditions Figure Working with stem cells Different types of differentiated cells Liver cells Nerve cells Blood cells

67 The aim of stem cell research is to supply cells for the repair of damaged or diseased organs.
Although most people believe that the reproductive cloning of humans is unethical, opinions vary about the morality of therapeutic cloning, whose major aim is to produce embryonic stem cells to treat disease. Scientists are learning to identify and isolate stem cells from various tissues and, in some cases, to grow them in culture. With the addition of specific growth factors, cultured stem cells from adult animals have been made to differentiate into multiple types of specialized cells. This technology may provide cells for the repair of damaged or diseased organs, such as insulin-producing pancreatic cells for people with diabetes or certain kinds of brain cells for people with Parkinson’s disease or Huntington’s disease. Embryonic stem cells offer more potential than adult stem cells for medical applications, at least for now. However, deriving embryonic stem cells from human embryos raises ethical and political issues. Embryonic stem cells are currently obtained from embryos donated by patients undergoing infertility treatment or from long-term cell cultures originally established from donated embryos. If scientists can clone human embryos to the blastocyst stage, they might be able to use such clones as the source of embryonic stem cells. A donor nucleus from a patient with a particular disease could allow the production of embryonic stem cells for treatment that match the patient and are not rejected by his or her immune system. Although most people believe that the reproductive cloning of humans is unethical, opinions vary about the morality of therapeutic cloning, whose major aim is to produce embryonic stem cells to treat disease. Some believe it is wrong to create embryos that will be destroyed, whereas others, in the words of the researcher who created Dolly, believe that “cloning promises such great benefits that it would be immoral not to do it.”

68 Concept 20.4: The practical applications of DNA technology affect our lives in many ways
Modern biotechnology is making enormous contributions both to the diagnosis of diseases and in the development of pharmaceutical products. The identification of genes whose mutations are responsible for genetic diseases may lead to ways to diagnose, treat, or even prevent these conditions. Modern biotechnology is making enormous contributions both to the diagnosis of diseases and in the development of pharmaceutical products. The identification of genes whose mutations are responsible for genetic diseases may lead to ways to diagnose, treat, or even prevent these conditions.

69 Medical Applications Susceptibility to many “nongenetic” diseases, from arthritis to AIDS, is influenced by a person’s genes. Diseases of all sorts involve changes in gene expression within the affected genes and within the patient’s immune system. Using DNA microarray assays and other techniques to compare gene expressions in healthy and diseased tissue can identify these changes and lead to the development of targets for prevention or therapy. Susceptibility to many “nongenetic” diseases, from arthritis to AIDS, is influenced by a person’s genes. Diseases of all sorts involve changes in gene expression within the affected genes and within the patient’s immune system. Using DNA microarray assays and other techniques to compare gene expressions in healthy and diseased tissue can identify these changes and lead to the development of targets for prevention or therapy.

70 Diagnosis of Diseases Scientists can diagnose many human genetic disorders by using PCR and primers corresponding to cloned disease genes, then sequencing the amplified product to look for the disease-causing mutation Genetic disorders can also be tested for using genetic markers that are linked to the disease-causing allele PCR and labeled nucleic acid probes can track down the pathogens responsible for infectious diseases. For example, RT-PCR can amplify and thus detect HIV DNA in blood and tissue samples, detecting an otherwise elusive infection. Medical scientists can use DNA technology to identify individuals who have genetic diseases before the onset of symptoms, even before birth. Genetic disorders are diagnosed by using PCR and primers corresponding to cloned disease genes, and then sequencing the amplified product to look for the disease-causing mutation. Cloned disease genes include those for sickle-cell disease, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. It is possible to detect abnormal allelic forms of genes even in cases in which the gene has not yet been cloned. The presence of an abnormal allele can be diagnosed with reasonable accuracy if a closely linked genetic marker has been found. A genetic marker is a DNA sequence that varies in a population; in a gene, such sequence variation is the basis of different alleles. Just like coding sequences, noncoding DNA at a specific place or locus on a chromosome may exhibit small nucleotide differences among individuals, or polymorphisms. Single base-pair variations in the genomes of the human population serve as useful genetic markers.

71 Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are useful genetic markers
These are single base-pair sites that vary in a population When a restriction enzyme is added, SNPs result in DNA fragments with different lengths, or restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) A single base-pair site where variation is found in at least 1% of the population is called a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). SNPs occur on average about once in 100 to 300 base pairs in the human genome, in both coding and noncoding sequences. Some SNPs alter the sequence recognized by a restriction enzyme, changing the lengths of the restriction fragments formed by digestion with that enzyme. This type of sequence change is called a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP, pronounced “Rif-lip”). Today, SNPs can be detected by very sensitive microarray analysis or by PCR. The presence of an abnormal allele that causes a genetic disorder can be diagnosed with reasonable accuracy if a closely linked SNP marker has been found. Alleles for Huntington’s disease and a number of other genetic diseases were first detected by means of RFLPs in this indirect way. If the marker and the gene itself are close enough, crossing over between the marker and the gene is very unlikely to occur during gamete formation, and the two regions are almost always inherited together.

72 Disease-causing allele
Fig Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as genetic markers for disease-causing alleles DNA T Normal allele SNP C Figure Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as genetic markers for disease-causing alleles Disease-causing allele

73 Gene therapy is the alteration of an afflicted individual’s genes
Human Gene Therapy Gene therapy is the alteration of an afflicted individual’s genes Gene therapy holds great potential for treating disorders traceable to a single defective gene Vectors are used for delivery of genes into specific types of cells, for example bone marrow Gene therapy raises ethical questions, such as whether human germ-line cells should be treated to correct the defect in future generations Gene therapy—introducing genes into an afflicted individual for therapeutic purposes—holds great potential for treating genetic disorders caused by a single gene. In theory, a normal allele of the defective gene could be inserted into dividing somatic cells of the tissue affected by the disorder, such as bone marrow cells. Bone marrow cells, which include the stem cells that give rise to all the cells of the blood and immune system, are prime candidates for gene therapy. Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), caused by a single defective gene, has been treated in gene therapy trials. If successful, gene therapy cures the patient, whose bone marrow cells then produce the missing protein. In 2000, ten young children with SCID were treated by gene therapy. After two years, nine of these patients showed significant improvement. However, three of the patients subsequently developed leukemia and one died. The retroviral vector used to carry the normal allele into bone marrow cells had inserted near a gene involved in the proliferation and development of blood cells, which may have caused leukemia. In a recent experiment on mice, a replacement of the mouse version of the same gene led to a high incidence of lymphoma, a blood cancer. Perhaps an unknown function of the gene itself may be responsible. Gene therapy also raises technical questions. How can the activity of the transferred gene be controlled so that cells make appropriate amounts of the gene product at the right time and in the right place? How can scientists be sure that the insertion of the therapeutic gene does not harm some other necessary cell function? In addition to these technical challenges, gene therapy raises ethical questions. Some critics believe that tampering with human genes in any way is immoral. Others see no difference between the transplantation of genes into somatic cells and the transplantation of organs. The treatment of human germ-line cells in the hope of correcting a defect in future generations raises ethical questions. Under what circumstances, if any, should we alter the genomes of human germ lines? Would this inevitably lead to the practice of eugenics, a deliberate effort to control the genetic makeup of human populations? From a biological perspective, the elimination of unwanted alleles from the gene pool could be problematic because genetic variation is a necessary ingredient for the survival of a species as environmental conditions change with time. Genes that are damaging under some conditions may be advantageous under other conditions. Do we have the right to make genetic changes that could be detrimental to the survival of our species in the future?

74 Insert RNA version of normal allele into retrovirus.
Fig Cloned gene 1 Insert RNA version of normal allele into retrovirus. Viral RNA 2 Let retrovirus infect bone marrow cells that have been removed from the patient and cultured. Retrovirus capsid 3 Viral DNA carrying the normal allele inserts into chromosome. Bone marrow cell from patient Figure Gene therapy using a retroviral vector Bone marrow 4 Inject engineered cells into patient.

75 Pharmaceutical Products
Advances in DNA technology and genetic research are important to the development of new drugs to treat diseases Synthesis of Small Molecules for Use as Drugs The drug imatinib is a small molecule that inhibits overexpression of a specific leukemia-causing receptor Pharmaceutical products that are proteins can be synthesized on a large scale Small molecules can be tailored to combat certain cancers by blocking the function of a protein crucial for the tumor cells’ survival. One drug, called Gleevec (or imatinib), is a small molecule that inhibits a specific receptor tyrosine kinase. The overexpression of this receptor, resulting from a chromosomal translocation, is instrumental in causing chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Patients in the early stages of CML who have been treated with Gleevec have exhibited nearly complete, sustained remission from the cancer. Similar drugs have also been used to treat a few types of lung and breast cancers, whose molecular basis is fairly well understood.

76 Protein Production in Cell Cultures
Host cells in culture can be engineered to secrete a protein as it is made This is useful for the production of insulin, human growth hormones, and vaccines Cells in culture can also be used to produce vaccines, which stimulate the immune system to defend against specific pathogens. DNA cloning and gene expression systems can produce large quantities of proteins that are present naturally in only minute amounts. The host cells used in these expression systems can be engineered to secrete a protein as it is made, thus removing the need for its purification. Among the first pharmaceutical products “manufactured” in this way were human insulin and human growth hormone (HGH). Some 2 million people with diabetes in the United States require daily insulin injections. Human growth hormone has been used to treat children born with a form of dwarfism caused by inadequate amounts of HGH. Another important pharmaceutical product created by genetic engineering is tissue plasminogen activator (TPA). If administered shortly after a heart attack, TPA helps dissolve blood clots and reduces the risk of subsequent heart attacks. Cells in culture can also be used to produce vaccines, which stimulate the immune system to defend against specific pathogens. Alternatively, genetic engineering can be used to modify a pathogen’s genome, resulting in a weakened pathogen that can then serve as a vaccine.

77 Protein Production by “Pharm” Animals and Plants
Transgenic animals are made by introducing genes from one species into the genome of another animal Transgenic animals are pharmaceutical “factories,” producers of large amounts of otherwise rare substances for medical use “Pharm” plants are also being developed to make human proteins for medical use In some cases, whole animals are used to produce proteins, instead of cell systems. Using experimental methods, scientists introduce a gene from one animal into the genome of another animal, which is then called a transgenic animal. To do this, scientists first remove eggs from a female and fertilize them in vitro. They then inject the cloned DNA from another organism directly into the nuclei of the fertilized eggs. Some of the cells integrate the foreign DNA, the transgene, into their genomes and are able to express the foreign gene. The engineered embryos are then surgically implanted into a surrogate mother. If an embryo develops successfully, the result is a transgenic animal, containing a gene from a third “parent.” Assuming the introduced gene encodes a protein desired in large quantities, these transgenic animals can act as pharmaceutical “factories.” For example, a transgene for a human blood protein such as antithrombin has been inserted into the genome of a goat so that antithrombin is secreted in the animal’s milk. The protein can then be purified from the milk. Researchers have also engineered transgenic chickens that express large amounts of the transgene’s product in eggs. The human proteins produced by farm animals may differ in some ways from the corresponding natural human proteins, so they must be tested carefully to ensure that they will not cause allergic reactions or other adverse effects in patients who receive them. In a novel twist, the pharmaceutical industry is beginning to develop “pharm” plants, analogous to “pharm” animals. “Pharm” plants make human proteins for medical use and viral proteins for use as vaccines. In 2007, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a plan to plant more than 3,000 acres in Kansas with rice containing genes for milk proteins, used to treat infant diarrhea.

78 Fig Figure Goats as “pharm” animals

79 Forensic Evidence and Genetic Profiles
An individual’s unique DNA sequence, or genetic profile, can be obtained by analysis of tissue or body fluids Genetic profiles can be used to provide evidence in criminal and paternity cases and to identify human remains Genetic profiles can be analyzed using RFLP analysis by Southern blotting Body fluids or small pieces of tissue may be left at the scene of a violent crime or on the clothes of the victim or assailant. If enough blood, semen, or tissue is available, forensic laboratories can determine the blood type or tissue type by using antibodies to detect specific cell-surface proteins. Such tests require fairly fresh samples in relatively large amounts, however, and can serve only to exclude a particular suspect. DNA testing, in contrast, can identify the guilty individual with a high degree of certainty because the DNA sequence of every person is unique (except for identical twins). Genetic markers that vary in the population can be analyzed for a given person to determine that individual’s unique set of genetic markers, or genetic profile. The FBI started applying DNA technology in forensics in 1988, using RFLP analysis by Southern blotting to detect similarities and differences in DNA samples. This method required much smaller samples of blood or tissue than earlier methods—only about 1,000 cells.

80 Even more sensitive is the use of genetic markers called short tandem repeats (STRs), which are variations in the number of repeats of specific DNA sequences PCR and gel electrophoresis are used to amplify and then identify STRs of different lengths The probability that two people who are not identical twins have the same STR markers is exceptionally small Today, in place of RFLPs, forensic scientists usually use an even more sensitive method, which takes advantage of genetic markers called short tandem repeats (STRs). STRs are variations in the lengths of certain repeated base sequences in specific regions of the genome. The number of repeats present in these regions is highly polymorphic, varying from person to person. For example, one individual may have the sequence ACAT repeated 30 times at one genome locus, whereas another individual may have 18 repeats at this locus. PCR is used to amplify particular STRs using sets of primers that are labeled with different colored fluorescent tags; the length of the region, and thus the number of repeats, can then be determined by electrophoresis. Since Southern blotting is not required, this method is quicker than RFLP analysis. The PCR step allows the method to be used even when the DNA is in poor condition or available in only minute quantities. A tissue sample containing as few as 20 cells can be sufficient for PCR amplification. In a murder case, for example, this method can be used to compare DNA samples from the suspect, the victim, and a small amount of blood found at the crime scene. Forensic scientists test only a few selected portions of the DNA—about 13 STR markers. The probability that two people (who are not identical twins) would have exactly the same set of STR markers is vanishingly small.

81 Fig (a) This photo shows Earl Washington just before his release in 2001, after 17 years in prison. Source of sample STR marker 1 STR marker 2 STR marker 3 Figure STR analysis used to release an innocent man from prison The Innocence Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to overturning wrongful convictions, uses STR analysis of archived samples from crime scenes to revisit old cases. As of 2006, 18 innocent people had been released from prison as a result of forensic and legal work by this group. In another example of genetic profiling, a comparison of the DNA of a mother, her child, and the purported father can conclusively settle a question of paternity. Sometimes paternity is of historical interest: Genetic profiles provided strong evidence that Thomas Jefferson or one of his close male relatives fathered at least one of the children of his slave, Sally Hemings. Analyzing genetic profiles can also identify victims of mass casualties. After the World Trade Center attack in 2001, more than 10,000 samples of victims’ remains were compared with DNA traces on personal items provided by families. These comparisons led to the identification of nearly 3,000 victims. Just how reliable is a genetic profile? The greater the number of markers examined in a DNA sample, the more likely it is that the profile is unique to one individual. In forensic cases using STR analysis with 13 markers, the probability of two people having identical DNA profiles is somewhere between one chance in 10 billion and one in several trillion. The exact probability depends on the frequency of those markers in the general population. Information on how common various markers are in different ethnic groups is critical because these marker frequencies may vary considerably among ethnic groups and between a particular ethnic group and the population as a whole. With the increasing availability of frequency data, forensic scientists can make extremely accurate statistical calculations. Genetic profiles are now accepted as compelling evidence by legal experts and scientists alike. Semen on victim 17, 19 13, 16 12, 12 Earl Washington 16, 18 14, 15 11, 12 Kenneth Tinsley 17, 19 13, 16 12, 12 (b) These and other STR data exonerated Washington and led Tinsley to plead guilty to the murder.

82 Environmental Cleanup
Genetic engineering can be used to modify the metabolism of microorganisms Some modified microorganisms can be used to extract minerals from the environment or degrade potentially toxic waste materials Biofuels make use of crops such as corn, soybeans, and cassava to replace fossil fuels Microorganisms can be used for environmental cleanup. As a group, microorganisms have a remarkable ability to transform chemicals. Many bacteria can extract heavy metals, such as copper, lead, and nickel, from their environments and incorporate the metals into compounds such as copper sulfate or lead sulfate, which are readily recoverable. Genetically engineered microbes may become important in both mining minerals (especially as ore reserves are depleted) and cleaning up highly toxic mining wastes. Biotechnologists are also trying to engineer microbes that can be used in wastewater treatment plants to degrade chlorinated hydrocarbon. Biofuels can supplement or replace fossil fuels. Biofuels from crops such as corn, soybeans, and cassava have been proposed as a supplement or even replacement for fossil fuels. To produce “bioethanol,” starch is converted to sugar and then fermented by microorganisms; a similar process can produce “biodiesel” from plant oils. Either product can be mixed with gasoline or used alone to power vehicles. Critics charge that the environmental effects of growing these crops makes their total impact greater than that of fossil fuels.

83 Genetic Engineering in Plants
Agricultural scientists have endowed a number of crop plants with genes for desirable traits The Ti plasmid is the most commonly used vector for introducing new genes into plant cells Genetic engineering in plants has been used to transfer many useful genes including those for herbicide resistance, increased resistance to pests, increased resistance to salinity, and improved nutritional value of crops The selective breeding of livestock, or animal husbandry, has exploited naturally occurring mutations and genetic recombination for centuries. DNA technology permits the genetic engineering of transgenic animals, which speeds up the selective breeding process. The goals of creating a transgenic animal are often the same as the goals of traditional breeding—for instance, to make a sheep with better quality wool, a pig with leaner meat, or a cow that will mature in a shorter time. Scientists might, for example, identify and clone a gene that leads to the development of larger muscles (muscles make up most of the meat we eat) in one variety of cattle and transfer it to other cattle or even to sheep. This manipulation may cause low fertility or increased susceptibility to disease, however. Plants are easier to genetically engineer than most animals because a single tissue cell grown in culture and genetically manipulated can give rise to an adult plant with new traits. The most commonly used vector for introducing new genes into plant cells is a plasmid, called the Ti plasmid, from the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This plasmid integrates a segment of its DNA, known as T DNA, into the chromosomal DNA of its host plant cells. For vector purposes, researchers work with versions of the plasmid that do not cause disease. Scientists can introduce recombinant Ti plasmids into plant cells by electroporation or by infecting plant cells in culture with bacteria containing the recombinant plasmid. Alternatively, the recombinant plasmid can be put back into Agrobacterium; susceptible plants or plant cells growing in culture are then infected with bacteria that contain the recombinant plasmid. Genetic engineering is rapidly replacing traditional plant-breeding programs for simple genetic traits such as herbicide or pest resistance. Genetically engineered crops that can resist destructive insects have reduced the need for chemical insecticides. In India, the insertion of a salinity-resistance gene from a coastal mangrove plant into the genomes of several rice varieties has resulted in rice plants that can grow in water three times as salty as seawater. The research foundation that carried out this genetic engineering estimates that one-third of all irrigated land has high salinity owing to over-irrigation and intensive use of chemical fertilizers, which represents a serious threat to the food supply. Salinity-resistant crop plants would be enormously valuable worldwide. Genetic engineering also has great potential for improving the nutritional value of crop plants. For instance, scientists have developed transgenic rice plants that produce yellow rice grains containing beta-carotene, which our body uses to make vitamin A. This “golden” rice could help prevent vitamin A deficiency in the half of the world’s population that depends on rice as a staple food.

84 Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Fig TECHNIQUE Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid Site where restriction enzyme cuts T DNA RESULTS DNA with the gene of interest Figure Using the Ti plasmid to produce transgenic plants For the Cell Biology Video Pronuclear Injection, go to Animation and Video Files. For the Discovery Video Transgenics, go to Animation and Video Files. Recombinant Ti plasmid Plant with new trait

85 Safety and Ethical Questions Raised by DNA Technology
Potential benefits of genetic engineering must be weighed against potential hazards of creating harmful products or procedures Guidelines are in place in the United States and other countries to ensure safe practices for recombinant DNA technology Early concerns about potential dangers associated with recombinant DNA technology focused on the possibility that hazardous new pathogens might be created. What might happen, for instance, if cancer cell genes were transferred into bacteria or viruses? To guard against such rogue microbes, scientists developed strict laboratory procedures designed to protect researchers from infection by engineered microbes and to prevent the microbes from accidentally leaving the laboratory. Strains of microorganisms to be used in recombinant DNA experiments are genetically crippled to ensure that they cannot survive outside the laboratory, and certain obviously dangerous experiments have been banned.

86 Most public concern about possible hazards centers on genetically modified (GM) organisms used as food Some are concerned about the creation of “super weeds” from the transfer of genes from GM crops to their wild relatives Today, most public concern about possible hazards centers not on recombinant microbes but on genetically modified (GM) organisms used as food. A GM organism is one that has acquired by artificial means one or more genes from another species or even from another variety of the same species. Salmon, for example, have been genetically modified by the addition of a more active salmon growth hormone gene. GM crops are widespread in the United States, Argentina, and Brazil; together these countries account for more than 80% of the world’s acreage devoted to GM crops. In the United States, the majority of corn, soybeans, and canola are GM crops, and GM products are not required to be labeled. GM crops are a subject of ongoing controversy in Europe, where the GM revolution has met with strong opposition from countries concerned about the safety of GM foods and possible environmental consequences of growing GM plants. Although a small number of GM crops have been grown on European soil, their products have generally failed in local markets, and the future of GM crops in Europe is uncertain.

87 As biotechnology continues to change, so does its use in agriculture, industry, and medicine
National agencies and international organizations strive to set guidelines for safe and ethical practices in the use of biotechnology Early in 2000, negotiators from 130 countries (including the United States) agreed on a Biosafety Protocol that requires exporters to identify GM organisms present in bulk food shipments and allows importing countries to decide whether the products pose environmental or health risks. Advocates of a cautious approach toward GM crops fear that transgenic plants might pass their new genes on to close relatives in nearby wild areas. If crop plants carrying genes for resistance to herbicides, diseases, or insect pests pollinated wild plants, the offspring might become “super weeds” that are very difficult to control. Another possible hazard, suggested by one laboratory-based study, is that a transgene encoding a pesticide-type protein might cause plants to produce pollen toxic to butterflies. However, scientists with the Agricultural Research Service concluded from a two-year study that butterflies are unlikely to be exposed to toxic levels of pollen. Some people fear that the protein products of transgenes might lead to allergic reactions, although advocates suggest that advance tests would prevent the production of such proteins. In the United States, new applications of biotechnology are evaluated for potential risks by various regulatory agencies. Advances in biotechnology have enabled scientists to obtain complete genome sequences for humans and many other species, providing a vast treasure trove of information about genes. The increasing speed and decreasing cost with which genome sequences of individual people can be determined are raising significant ethical questions. Who should have the right to examine someone else’s genetic information? How should a person’s genetic information be used? Should a person’s genome be a factor in suitability for a job or eligibility for insurance? The power of DNA technology and genetic engineering—our ability to profoundly and rapidly alter species that have been evolving for millennia—demands that we proceed with humility and caution.

88 You should now be able to:
Describe the natural function of restriction enzymes and explain how they are used in recombinant DNA technology Outline the procedures for cloning a eukaryotic gene in a bacterial plasmid Define and distinguish between genomic libraries using plasmids, phages, and cDNA Describe the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and explain the advantages and limitations of this procedure

89 Explain how gel electrophoresis is used to analyze nucleic acids and to distinguish between two alleles of a gene Describe and distinguish between the Southern blotting procedure, Northern blotting procedure, and RT-PCR Distinguish between gene cloning, cell cloning, and organismal cloning Describe how nuclear transplantation was used to produce Dolly, the first cloned sheep

90 Describe the application of DNA technology to the diagnosis of genetic disease, the development of gene therapy, vaccine production, and the development of pharmaceutical products Define a SNP and explain how it may produce a RFLP Explain how DNA technology is used in the forensic sciences

91 Discuss the safety and ethical questions related to recombinant DNA studies and the biotechnology industry

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