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MLA Style Guidelines (Name-Page Method). MLA Style Guidelines MLA: Modern Language Association MLA: Modern Language Association Widely used in Arts &

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Presentation on theme: "MLA Style Guidelines (Name-Page Method). MLA Style Guidelines MLA: Modern Language Association MLA: Modern Language Association Widely used in Arts &"— Presentation transcript:

1 MLA Style Guidelines (Name-Page Method)

2 MLA Style Guidelines MLA: Modern Language Association MLA: Modern Language Association Widely used in Arts & Humanities Widely used in Arts & Humanities

3 MLA Style PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE NOTE: Titles of poems, short stories, magazine or newspaper articles, essays, journal articles – basically anything that is a smaller part of a larger work – are put in “quotation marks” Titles of poems, short stories, magazine or newspaper articles, essays, journal articles – basically anything that is a smaller part of a larger work – are put in “quotation marks” Titles of novels, plays, magazines, newspapers, anthologies, journals, movies, television shows, etc., are underlined Titles of novels, plays, magazines, newspapers, anthologies, journals, movies, television shows, etc., are underlined If you are unsure which method the title you are citing requires, ask me. If you are unsure which method the title you are citing requires, ask me.

4 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations Mention the name of the author as you introduce the quotation Mention the name of the author as you introduce the quotation Citation comes in parentheses at the end of the sentence that contains the quotation Citation comes in parentheses at the end of the sentence that contains the quotation If the sentence is long or complicated, the citation may come directly after the quotation If the sentence is long or complicated, the citation may come directly after the quotation When paraphrasing, place the citation at the end of the paraphrase When paraphrasing, place the citation at the end of the paraphrase

5 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations If you state the name of the author as you introduce the quotation, the citation will consist of page number only If you state the name of the author as you introduce the quotation, the citation will consist of page number only If you do not state the name of the author as you introduce the quotation, the citation will consist of name of author and page number If you do not state the name of the author as you introduce the quotation, the citation will consist of name of author and page number

6 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations Note: Note: no intervening punctuation comes between author name and page number no intervening punctuation comes between author name and page number No “p.” before page number No “p.” before page number End punctuation comes after the parenthetical citation End punctuation comes after the parenthetical citation (if you have cause to put something in quotation marks that is not followed immediately by a citation, punctuation goes inside the quotation marks) (if you have cause to put something in quotation marks that is not followed immediately by a citation, punctuation goes inside the quotation marks)

7 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations Example: Example: The reaction in China to the end of World War I has been described by one historian as “popular rejoicing” – particularly among young people, who had “an uncritical admiration for Western democracy, Western liberal ideals, and Western learning (MacMillan 322). The reaction in China to the end of World War I has been described by one historian as “popular rejoicing” – particularly among young people, who had “an uncritical admiration for Western democracy, Western liberal ideals, and Western learning (MacMillan 322).

8 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations The reaction in China to the end of World War I has been described by historian Margaret MacMillan as “popular rejoicing” – particularly among young people, who had “an uncritical admiration for Western democracy, Western liberal ideals, and Western learning (322). The reaction in China to the end of World War I has been described by historian Margaret MacMillan as “popular rejoicing” – particularly among young people, who had “an uncritical admiration for Western democracy, Western liberal ideals, and Western learning (322).

9 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations If you are discussing multiple texts by the same author you also need to give the title in your citation If you are discussing multiple texts by the same author you also need to give the title in your citation Example: Example: The reaction in China to the end of World War I has been described by one historian as “popular rejoicing” – particularly among young people, who had “an uncritical admiration for Western democracy, Western liberal ideals, and Western learning (MacMillan, Paris 1919 322). The reaction in China to the end of World War I has been described by one historian as “popular rejoicing” – particularly among young people, who had “an uncritical admiration for Western democracy, Western liberal ideals, and Western learning (MacMillan, Paris 1919 322). (Note the comma after author name, but no punctuation between title and page number) (Note the comma after author name, but no punctuation between title and page number)

10 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations When quoting several short passages from the same page in quick succession, leave the citation until after the final quotation When quoting several short passages from the same page in quick succession, leave the citation until after the final quotation Example: Example: Crane emphasises the harshness of the sea with his description of its “jagged” waves that shot up “like rocks” the colour of “slate” (918).

11 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations When quoting a passage that itself contains a quotation, use double quotes for your quotation and single quotes for the internal quotation When quoting a passage that itself contains a quotation, use double quotes for your quotation and single quotes for the internal quotation Example: Example: As Kelley points out, “To cope with their anxieties when lacking a man, many women become what Dowling calls ‘counterphobic’” (611).

12 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations When quoting a passage of text written by another author and quoted in your source, quote as normal, but acknowledge in the citation that the passage is “quoted in” your source When quoting a passage of text written by another author and quoted in your source, quote as normal, but acknowledge in the citation that the passage is “quoted in” your source Example: Example: Colette Dowling explains that to counterphobic women, “Feeling helpless and frightened is so threatening... that they devote all their energies to constructing a life... calculated to throw everyone (themselves included) off the track (qtd. in Kelley 611).

13 In-text (Parenthetical) Citations Citing electronic sources is the same as for print sources: include the last name of the author and, if available, the page number of the document Citing electronic sources is the same as for print sources: include the last name of the author and, if available, the page number of the document If there are no page numbers, include the paragraph number(s) from which you are quoting, and use “par.” (abbreviation for “paragraph”) If there are no page numbers, include the paragraph number(s) from which you are quoting, and use “par.” (abbreviation for “paragraph”) If neither page number nor paragraph number is available, use “n. pag.” (abbreviation for “no pagination”) If neither page number nor paragraph number is available, use “n. pag.” (abbreviation for “no pagination”) If there is no author listed, use a keyword from the title in place of author last name If there is no author listed, use a keyword from the title in place of author last name

14 Works Cited For every source that you cite in your essay, you must include an entry at the end of your paper in a “Works Cited” For every source that you cite in your essay, you must include an entry at the end of your paper in a “Works Cited” These entries are listed alphabetically by author; if there is no author named for a source, that source gets listed alphabetically by title These entries are listed alphabetically by author; if there is no author named for a source, that source gets listed alphabetically by title

15 Works Cited Basic Rules: Basic Rules: Begin with author last name, followed by author first name, followed by a period. Begin with author last name, followed by author first name, followed by a period. Titles of articles, book chapters, etc. are put in quotation marks, followed by a period within the quotation marks Titles of articles, book chapters, etc. are put in quotation marks, followed by a period within the quotation marks Titles of books, journals, etc. are underlined, followed by a period that is not underlined Titles of books, journals, etc. are underlined, followed by a period that is not underlined

16 Works Cited Please consult your writing guide for proper MLA Works Cited style guidelines for the type of source from which you are citing Please consult your writing guide for proper MLA Works Cited style guidelines for the type of source from which you are citing Note that Works Cited information is always double spaced (as is your essay) Note that Works Cited information is always double spaced (as is your essay)

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