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Leadership Ch 13 Part 2: April 17. Fiedler’s LPC (cont.) Low LPC most effective when? High LPC most effective when?

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Ch 13 Part 2: April 17. Fiedler’s LPC (cont.) Low LPC most effective when? High LPC most effective when?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Ch 13 Part 2: April 17

2 Fiedler’s LPC (cont.) Low LPC most effective when? High LPC most effective when?

3 Applying LPC theory Match leader to situation; practical Evaluation of theory – –Conclusions about leader effectiveness derived from many studies –Criticisms?

4 Normative Decision Theory (Vroom & Yago) Another contingency theory, focused on styles of participative decision making Prescriptive theory indicating which of 5 styles a leader should adopt based on decision tree –Autocratic (2 types) –Consultative (2 types) –Group decision (1 type)

5 Normative Decision Theory (cont.) Follow decision tree, questions related to quality of decision needed and acceptance of decision Evaluation of theory?

6 Self-Leadership Idea that there are substitutes for leadership, may not need leader position anymore –What 3 things could substitute? How well do these variables predict important outcomes?

7 Hogan & Kaiser (2005) article ‘Bright side’ and ‘Dark side’ of personality: –Bright: initial impressions, best social performance (interview) –Dark: let guard down (who actually comes to work) Difficulty with identifying these tendencies? –‘Troubador’ and ‘Academic” research on leadership: Troubador – Academic –

8 (cont.) Leader Effectiveness: –They define leadership as the ability to build/maintain a group that performs well relative to competition. –How would they prefer to evaluate leaders? –Any focus on leader emergence? Leader competencies can be explained by their model (Table 1 in article)

9 H & K’s Model 4 competencies: –1) –2) –3) –4) Developmental model (in above order); hierarchy of increasing trainability Does leadership matter? –Affects culture of top mgmt team  business outcomes –Best predictor of employee satisfaction?

10 (cont.) Managerial incompetence: –Poor interpersonal skills –Unable to get work done –Unable to build a team –Unable to transition after promotion Using DSM-IV to examine failures – 3 points –1) –2) –3)

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