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11-12 November 2011, Moscow, Russia
Bologna 2020 – New Developments in European Quality Assurance of Higher Education lmplementation of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance Systems - The Sixth Annual Conference of Experts in Higher Education 11-12 November 2011, Moscow, Russia
ASIIN in Europe broad based alliance anchored in the scientific community and in the economy, working together for quality- assurance and -improvement of HE in Germany and the the EHEA Coordination Group of German Technical Universities Technical and Scientific Associations + Professional Organizations national bodies representing the faculties of engineering at German universities Cooperation with the German student accreditation pool Industrial Federations and Labour Unions Coordination Group of German Universities of Applied Sciences Hinweis auf Vortrag iw > europäische politische Rahmenbedigungen und Entwicklungen ASIIN is member of: ENQA, EQAR, CEENQA, EQANIE, ENAEE, ECTNA, INQAAAE, APQN Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
The European Higher Education Area:
Paris Bologna Prague Berlin Bergen London Leuven 2009-Vienna 2010-Bukarest 2012 47 Signatory States (*since 2005) Albania Kazakhstan Andorra Latvia *Armenia Liechtenstein *Azerbaijan Lithuania Austria Luxembourg Belgium Malta Bosnia - Herzegovina FYR of Macedonia Bulgaria *Moldova Croatia Netherlands Cyprus Norway Czech Republic Poland Denmark Portugal Estonia Romania Finland Russia France Serbia and Montenegro *Georgia Slovak Republic Germany Slovenia Greece Spain Holy See Sweden Hungary Switzerland Iceland Turkey Ireland *Ukraine Italy United Kingdom
Political Context of QA in Europe
Completion of the European Higher Education Area until 2010, in which citizens can choose from a wide and transparent order of high quality courses and benefit from smooth recognition procedures Goals: European knowledge society characterized by high mobility and permeability, lifelong learning Promotion of comparability and compatibility of degrees: Two cycle study system, ECTS, adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, Diploma Supplement, permeability of study structures Promotion of the European Dimension in Higher Education Academic Mobility Recognition of Degrees/Qualification Frameworks/European Learning Outcomes and Competence Profiles Transnational Cooperation in QA/Mutual Recognition Agreements Common European Market Goals: freedom of movement of workers, right of establishment, freedom of services. Declaration of Lisbon, Barcelona: „to make Europe the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.“ The European Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications: Goal: „A clear, secure and quick system for the recognition of qualifications in the field of the regulated professions is required to ensure free movement.“ The EC institutions and member states should facilitate employment and the provision of services through wholesale consolidation of the existing regimes of professional recognition in the regulated professions. Professional Mobility Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
Main European Instruments for Quality Assurance
European Quality Assurance is based on The European Qualification Frameworks (Bologna as well as Copenhagen OF, Dublin Descriptors) European Standards and Guidelines, European Code of Good Practice European Register of QA/Accreditation Agencies European Learning Outcomes/Competence Profiles on the Disciplinary Level Dr. Iring Wasser, Geschäftsführer ASIIN e.V.
The growing importance of the Learning Outcome Concept for European Mobility
The Leuven Communique in 2009: ”We reassert the importance of the teaching mission of higher education institutions and the necessity for ongoing curricular reform geared toward the development of learning outcomes... Academics in close cooperation with student and employer representatives, will continue to develop learning outcomes and international reference points for a growing number of subject areas…“ ”It is arguably that the main end product of the Bologna reforms is better qualifications based on learning outcomes and certainly not just new educational structures. For this sort of bottom-up reform it is recognised that there is a need for fundamental changes at the institutional level where academics are responsible for creating and maintaining qualifications”. (Stephan Adam, UK Bologna Promoter) Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
The Organisational Structure of QA in Europe and Beyond
Global level GGP ESG Dublin Descriptors Discipline LO INQAAHE Europe/Continental level ENQA/ ECA CEENQA CANQA Islamic Network … APQN Subject Specific/Professional level ENAEE EQANIE AEC ECTNA EAPAA The Tuning Association The European Countries Biologists Association IFA EFG … Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education
European Disciplinary Accreditation Networks: Pan European Definition of Learning Outcomes as Entry Route to the Profession European Quality Labels EQAS Euro-Inf Bachelor/Master Eurobachelor Euromaster EUR-ACE FC/SC ISEKI Food EQANIE European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education ECTNA European Chemistry Thematic Network Association ENAEE European Network Accreditation Engineering Education ASIIN/IFA have developed pan-European LO/QA structures in the field of food science CEPIS, Informatics Europe, ASIIN + many European Informatics societies More than 150 HEIs + chemical societies in Europe + ASIIN have developed LO for the European BA/MA in Chemistry All European Engineering Accreditation Agencies + FEANI, SEFI etc. : LO for FCD and SCD
Best Practice in QA as defined by the European Commission
(to read): EU Commission Report from September 2009: The EUR-ACE label in engineering exists at the bachelor and master level. Standards were defined at European level, but are applied through national quality assurance agencies that are authorised to issue EUR-ACE “labels” together with their national accreditation. Several hundred labels have already been awarded, but they are still available from only seven national agencies. Dr. Iring Wasser, Geschäftsführer ASIIN e.V.
New European Developments in QA
ENAEE EQANIE AEC ECTNA EAPAA The Tuning Association The European Countries Biologists Association IFA EFG … EASPA / European Alliance of Subject Specific Professional Accreditation and Quality Assurance Am 29. November 2011 in Brüssel Europe United States ASPA … Other world regions Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
CEENQA Background Oldest European Quality Assurance Network - Set up in 2000 legally registered as association in 2011 “The purpose of the Association is the cooperation between the member organizations in the development and harmonization of their activities in the field of quality assurance and quality improvement in higher education in Central and Eastern Europe, thereby making a contribution towards the development and implementation of the European Higher Education Area.” (Statutes) Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
CEENQA - 22 members in 15 countries
Albania Austria ÖAR, FHR, AQA Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Germany ACQUIN, ASIIN, FIBAA Hungary Latvia North Cyprus Poland UKA, PKA Romania Russia, NAA, NCPA, AKKORK Slovakia Slovenia Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
CEENQA - Activities Providing information and “best practice” examples in quality assurance and quality development in higher education, Launching or participating in projects for the sake of better quality in higher education, Seeking possibilities for applying for funds to support projects, Organizing events, seminars, workshops, and conferences in its field, Exchanging quality experts among CEENQA members, Maintaining relations with other European and non-European organizations, which are important in terms of the purpose of the Association, Maintaining a website in order to inform about these activities. Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
ENQA at a glance Founded in 2000 as a network and transformed into an association in 2004 Umbrella NGO for European QA agencies in HE Membership: 41 Full members, 10 Candidate members 36 Affiliates (covers more than 40 countries) Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
ENQA and the Bologna process
Quality Assurance as one pillar of EHEA Consultative member of the Bologna Follow-up Group Main contributions: Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European higher Education Area (ESG), adopted in 2005 drafted by ENQA together with EUA, EURASHE and ESU (“E4”) The “European Quality Assurance Register”, founded in 2008 Addressing relevant issues of quality assurance and feeding the results into discussions at the European level Sharing good practice, fostering cooperation Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
ENQA - The European Standards and Guidelines
Main feature: ESG are “designed to be applicable to all higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies in Europe, irrespective of their structure, function and size, and the national system in which they are located” ESG part I: Internal quality assurance ESG part II: External quality assurance ESG part III: Quality assurance agencies ESG provide a “common understanding” of quality assurance in higher education Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
ENQA - Core aims of ESG part III and of ENQA membership criteria
Support development of professionally working, trustworthy and independent agencies, which share the same values and apply the same principles. Create mutual trust in order to contribute to mutual recognition and to mobility. Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
ECA - Foundation and Aim
Established in November 2003 as project organisation Consortium of national accreditation/QA agencies 17 member organisations from 11 European countries: all regions involved Aims: mutual recognition of accreditation and QA decisions providing transparent information on quality supporting internationalisation of institutions and students Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
ECA - Phases I and II ECA I ECA II ECA III Multilateral MR
Agreement on JPs Bilateral MR Agreements Cooperation projects; external reviews New EU funded projects TEAM projects Common tools/principles Certificate Internatio- nalisation E-TRAIN Qross- roads JProgr. Accred JOQAR Information exchange 2008 2010 2012 2004 2007 ECA I ECA II ECA III Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
Lacking transparency on the job market
Professional Cards as an answer to impediments of professional mobility? Lacking transparency on the job market Different degrees and complicated acceptance procedures have hampered the change of employment in European Countries and between European Countries. EU Mobility Regulation of 2005 The EU therefore demands the mutual acceptance of the competencies required to carry out a profession in order to eliminate impediment at the change of employment between individual member states in the long-term. 20 20
Objectives of the professional cards
Promotion of EU-wide mobility of professionals in accordance with the European Directive 2005/36/EG on the recognition of professional qualifications Profile shaping and further development of the profession through orientation on European-wide standards Strengthening the Euroepan professional communities through transparency of professional status, individual degrees and intensified identification 21 21
The example of the engineerING card
Given Name Surname Date and Place of Birth 4a Date of Issue 4b Date of Expiry Member of Association/ Organisation ID Number Signature Key for qualifications
engineerING card: Back
Academic Studies Professional Experience Continuing Education Legend of classification of the front of the card
The Register Data Sheet Features all Important Details
Academic Studies Professional Experience Continuing Education Personal Details 24 24
The Way Forward Learning Outcomes/Competence Profiles will continue to be developed internationally/continental scale as a vehicle of academic and professional mobility:the founding of EASPA a crucial step forward Development of measurable cross-national outcomes (The AHELO project) ; Institutionaliziation of international peer groups which visit institutions and programs in several countries at the same time to cross-examine the output of study programs Development of international/joint degree programms; joint accreditation procedures for binational/joint degree programs ESG revision must be supplemented by a drive towards Mutual Recognition Agreement European Databases of Best Practices in QA will emerge Stakeholder involvement must be intensified; Involvement of the Business Community is still one of the biggest challenges Dr. Iring Wasser, Geschäftsführer ASIIN e.V.
Contact Dr. Iring Wasser CEO of ASIIN INQAAHE Board Director
President of CEENQA Vice-President of ENAEE Chairman of the EUR-ACE Label Committee Vice-President EQANIE Mail: Web: phone: +49 (0)211 / Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director ASIIN e.V.
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