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VHDL Coding Exercise 4: FIR Filter. Where to start? AlgorithmArchitecture RTL- Block diagram VHDL-Code Designspace Exploration Feedback Optimization.

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Presentation on theme: "VHDL Coding Exercise 4: FIR Filter. Where to start? AlgorithmArchitecture RTL- Block diagram VHDL-Code Designspace Exploration Feedback Optimization."— Presentation transcript:

1 VHDL Coding Exercise 4: FIR Filter

2 Where to start? AlgorithmArchitecture RTL- Block diagram VHDL-Code Designspace Exploration Feedback Optimization

3 Algorithm High-Level System Diagram  Context of the design  Inputs and Outputs  Throughput/rates  Algorithmic requirements Algorithm Description  Mathematical Description  Performance Criteria  Accuracy  Optimization constraints  Implementation constraints  Area  Speed FIR

4 Architecture (1) Isomorphic Architecture:  Straight forward implementation of the algorithm

5 Architecture (2) Pipelining/Retiming:  Improve timing  Insert register(s) at the inputs or outputs  Increases Latency

6 Architecture (2) Pipelining/Retiming:  Improve timing  Insert register(s) at the inputs or outputs  Increases Latency  Perform Retiming:  Move registers through the logic without changing functionality Forward: Backwards:

7 Architecture (2) Pipelining/Retiming:  Improve timing  Insert register(s) at the inputs or outputs  Increases Latency  Perform Retiming:  Move registers through the logic without changing functionality Forward: Backwards:

8 Architecture (2) Pipelining/Retiming:  Improve timing  Insert register(s) at the inputs or outputs  Increases Latency  Perform Retiming:  Move registers through the logic without changing functionality Forward: Backwards:

9 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain

10 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain

11 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

12 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

13 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

14 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

15 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

16 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

17 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

18 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

19 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

20 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

21 Architecture (3) Retiming and simple transformation:  Optimization  Reverse the adder chain  Perform Retiming

22 Architecture (4) More pipelining:  Add one pipelining stage to the retimed circuit  The longest path is given by the multiplier  Unbalanced: The delay from input to the first pipeline stage is much longer than the delay from the first to the second stage

23 Architecture (5) More pipelining:  Add one pipelining stage to the retimed circuit  Move the pipeline registers into the multiplier:  Paths between pipeline stages are balanced  Improved timing  Tclock = (Tadd + Tmult)/2 + Treg

24 Architecture (6) Iterative Decomposition:  Reuse Hardware  Identify regularity and reusable hardware components  Add control  multiplexers  storage elements  Control  Increases Cycles/Sample

25 RTL-Design Choose an architecture under the following constraints:  It meets ALL timing specifications/constraints:  Throughput  Latency  It consumes the smallest possible area  It requires the least possible amount of power Decide which additional functions are needed and how they can be implemented efficiently:  Storage of samples x(k) => MEMORY  Storage of coefficients b i => LUT  Address generators for MEMORY and LUT => COUNTERS  Control => FSM Iterative Decomposition

26 RTL-Design RTL Block-diagram:  Datapath FSM:  Interface protocols datapath control:

27 RTL-Design How it works:  IDLE  Wait for new sample

28 RTL-Design How it works:  IDLE  Wait for new sample  Store to input register

29 RTL-Design How it works:  IDLE  Wait for new sample  Store to input register  NEW DATA:  Store new sample to memory

30 RTL-Design How it works:  IDLE  Wait for new sample  Store to input register  NEW DATA:  Store new sample to memory  RUN: 

31 RTL-Design How it works:  IDLE  Wait for new sample  Store to input register  NEW DATA:  Store new sample to memory  RUN:   Store result to output register

32 RTL-Design How it works:  IDLE  Wait for new sample  Store to input register  NEW DATA:  Store new sample to memory  RUN:   Store result to output register  DATA OUT:  Output result

33 RTL-Design How it works:  IDLE  Wait for new sample  Store to input register  NEW DATA:  Store new sample to memory  RUN:   Store result to output register  DATA OUT:  Output result / Wait for ACK

34 RTL-Design How it works:  IDLE  Wait for new sample  Store to input register  NEW DATA:  Store new sample to memory  RUN:   Store result to output register  DATA OUT:  Output result / Wait for ACK  IDLE: …

35 Translation into VHDL Some basic VHDL building blocks:  Signal Assignments:  Outside a process:  Within a process (sequential execution): AxD YxD AxD YxD BxD Sequential execution The last assignment is kept when the process terminates AxD YxD BxD This is NOT allowed !!!

36 Translation into VHDL Some basic VHDL building blocks:  Multiplexer:  Conditional Statements: AxD BxDYxD SELxS CxD Default Assignment AxD BxD SelAxS CxD DxD OUTxD SelBxS STATExDP

37 Translation into VHDL Common mistakes with conditional statements:  Example: AxD ?? SelAxS BxD ?? OUTxD SelBxS STATExDP NO default assignment NO else statement ASSIGNING NOTHING TO A SIGNAL IS NOT A WAY TO KEEP ITS VALUE !!!!! => Use FlipFlops !!!

38 Translation into VHDL Some basic VHDL building blocks:  Register:  Register with ENABLE: DataREGxDNDataREGxDP DataREGxDNDataREGxDP DataREGxDN DataREGxDP

39 Translation into VHDL Common mistakes with sequential processes: DataREGxDNDataREGxDP CLKxCI DataRegENxS DataREGxDNDataREGxDP CLKxCI DataRegENxS DataREGxDNDataREGxDP 0 1 Can not be translated into hardware and is NOT allowed Clocks are NEVER generated within any logic Gated clocks are more complicated then this Avoid them !!!

40 Translation into VHDL Some basic rules:  Sequential processes (FlipFlops)  Only CLOCK and RESET in the sensitivity list  Logic signals are NEVER used as clock signals  Combinatorial processes  Multiple assignments to the same signal are ONLY possible within the same process => ONLY the last assignment is valid  Something must be assigned to each signal in any case OR There MUST be an ELSE for every IF statement More rules that help to avoid problems and surprises:  Use separate signals for the PRESENT state and the NEXT state of every FlipFlop in your design.  Use variables ONLY to store intermediate results or even avoid them whenever possible in an RTL design.

41 Translation into VHDL Write the ENTITY definition of your design to specify:  Inputs, Outputs and Generics

42 Translation into VHDL Describe the functional units in your block diagram one after another in the architecture section:

43 Translation into VHDL Describe the functional units in your block diagram one after another in the architecture section:

44 Translation into VHDL Describe the functional units in your block diagram one after another in the architecture section: Register with ENABLE

45 Translation into VHDL Describe the functional units in your block diagram one after another in the architecture section: Register with CLEAR

46 Translation into VHDL Describe the functional units in your block diagram one after another in the architecture section: Counter

47 Translation into VHDL Describe the functional units in your block diagram one after another in the architecture section:

48 Translation into VHDL The FSM is described with one sequential process and one combinatorial process

49 Translation into VHDL The FSM is described with one sequential process and one combinatorial process

50 Translation into VHDL The FSM is described with one sequential process and one combinatorial process

51 Translation into VHDL The FSM is described with one sequential process and one combinatorial process MEALY

52 Translation into VHDL The FSM is described with one sequential process and one combinatorial process

53 Translation into VHDL The FSM is described with one sequential process and one combinatorial process MEALY

54 Translation into VHDL The FSM is described with one sequential process and one combinatorial process MEALY

55 Translation into VHDL Complete and check the code:  Declare the signals and components  Check and complete the sensitivity lists of ALL combinatorial processes with ALL signals that are:  used as condition in any IF or CASE statement  being assigned to any other signal  used in any operation with any other signal  Check the sensitivity lists of ALL sequential processes that they  contain ONLY one global clock and one global async. reset signal  no other signals

56 Other Good Ideas Keep things simple Partition the design (Divide et Impera):  Example: Start processing the next sample, while the previous result is waiting in the output register:  Just add a FIFO to at the output of you filter Do NOT try to optimize each Gate or FlipFlop Do not try to save cycles if not necessary VHDL code  Is usually long and that is good !!  Is just a representation of your block diagram  Does not mind hierarchy

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