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1 Routing as a Service Karthik Lakshminarayanan (with Ion Stoica and Scott Shenker) Sahara/i3 retreat, January 2004
2 Problem Applications demand greater flexibility in route selection –Resilience: RON, Tapestry –Performance: Detour Applications need different routing functionality –Multicast: ESM, Overcast –DDoS defense: SOS, Mayday –Anycast: Gia Difficult to change any routing-level component in the Internet today!
3 Current approach Overlay networks –Layer above IP –Deployability Problems: –Ossification: overlay solutions again ossify routing in the protocol; hard to modify once deployed on large scale (lessons from the Internet) –Efficiency: replicate packets multiple times along a physical link; inefficient route construction –Lack of control for ISPs: traffic hard for ISPs to control; circumvent ISPs’ policies
4 Routing in transportation network Multiple route providers
6 Multiple route metrics
7 Time taken Distance
8 Our thesis Push routing out of infrastructure Argument for “edge-controlled” routing –Related: NIRA (NewArch group, MIT/ISI) Our contribution: –Fine-grained control over routing –Control plane for achieving this
9 System architecture 1.Forwarding infrastructure –Provides basic routing (referred to as default routing) –Exports primitives for inserting routes
10 System architecture 2. NEWS/Route selector –Aggregates network information –Selects routes on behalf of applications NEWS-1 NEWS-2 Network information Performance-based, policy-based routing (span multiple ISPs)
11 System architecture 3. End-hosts –Queries NEWS to setup paths NEWS-1 NEWS-2 Network information Query/reply routing info. Setup routes Client A Client D Client B Client C
12 Architectural position Separate control plane and data plane by using clean abstractions Host Infrastructure Internet & Infrastructure overlays Data plane Control plane P2P & End-host overlays Data plane Control plane Our proposal Data planeControl plane
13 Challenges Open, multi-provider system (design of primitives) –Unlike intra-domain, e.g. GSMP –Security: control provided should not be used for attacking the system –Trust: between entities of the system, e.g. what information does system give to NEWS Large-scale system (route selection) –Scalability: monitoring; service to end-hosts –Stability: should not lead to oscillations Deployability: ISP control
14 Infrastructure primitives Label-switching-like primitive –Allows insertion of forwarding entries (id 1, id 2 ), where id 1, id 2 are labels –id = [ NodeID : LocalID ] Establishing paths – Loose virtual path (LVP) –Composition of label switches: T = (id 1, id 2, …, id n ) is composed as (id 1, id 2 ), …, (id n-1, id n ) –Construct different topologies –Aggregation can be performed at the level of tunnels that end at infrastructure nodes
15 1. Trust Infrastructure provides network information to NEWS Network infrastructure NEWS Verification: NEWS should be able to verify this –Indirect measurement techniques using primitive alone –Metrics: Delay, loss, bandwidth
16 1. Trust NEWS provides routes across the network Network infrastructure NEWS Client C Verification: Network verifies correctness
17 2. Scalability Monitoring: –Monitor a subset of links –Update period depends on stability (exploit link stationarity) For e.g., updates can be sent when metric on the link changes by a factor of x Computation: –Incremental computation of best paths –Multiple paths are returned Querying: –Default paths are used if special routing is not needed –Hierarchical dissemination –Caching of results: TTL chosen to reflect stability of paths
18 3. Deployment Infrastructure nodes –Hosted at certain points within ISPs NEWS/Route selection –3 rd party provider like Akamai –Few in number –Determined by application requirements Trust relations –NEWS trusts infrastructure for information (verifiable) –ISPs trust paths that NEWS returns (verifiable) –Export links that obey the underlying policy constraints
19 Implementation status i3 primitives for setting up forwarding state Distributed NEWS implemented –Route computation based on delay, loss and bandwidth –Deployed on PlanetLab i3 proxy has been modified to query NEWS –Legacy applications can be used with NEWS
20 Summary of results Verification of measurement techniques –Delay: 97% of cases have error < 10% –Loss-rate: 90% in over 80% of the cases –Bandwidth: Within a factor of 1.5 in 60% of cases Scalability of monitoring –Simulation-based –Logarithmic-degree graph –Achieve 90% RDP of 2.3 (for delay) for TS-16384
21 Summary Routing control pushed outside the infrastructure Routes computed by third-party entities (NEWS) along with measurement information provided by the infrastructure Leads to “evolvable” networks –Deploy new routing schemes or optimize existing routing without changing the infrastructure
22 Backup slides
23 NEWS: Round-trip delay Use path selection primitive to send packet m along R→n 1 →R Use path selection in conjunction with packet replication to send packet along R→n 1 →n 2 →n 1 →R Difference yields the RTT of the link (n 1 ↔n 2 ) m R n1n1 n2n2 m1m1 m1m1 m1m1 To measure: RTT(n 1 →n 2 )
24 NEWS: Measuring loss rate Forwarding links –(n 11 → n 21 ) –(n 11 → R) –(n 21 → n 12 ) –(n 21 → R) –(n 12 → R) m R m2m2 n1n1 n2n2 m1m1 m1m1 m1m1 To measure loss(n 1 →n 2 )
25 NEWS: Measuring loss rate Forwarding links –(n 11 → n 21 ) –(n 11 → R) –(n 21 → n 12 ) –(n 21 → R) –(n 12 → R) R n1n1 n2n2 To measure: loss(n 1 ↔n 2 ) m m1m1 m1m1 m m1m1 m2m2
26 NEWS: Measuring loss rate m 2 used to differentiate loss on (n 1 →n 2 ) from that on (n 2 →n 1 ) ( m Λ ~m 1 Λ ~m 2 ) loss on virtual link (n 1 →n 2 ) –False positives –False negatives Probability of false positives/negatives ≈ O(p 2 ) m R m2m2 n1n1 n2n2 m1m1 m1m1 m1m1 To measure loss(n 1 →n 2 )
27 NEWS: Available bandwidth Delay-based bandwidth measurement (TCP Vegas like) Increase sending rate till increase in delay is seen T = received time – sent time T’ = smallest RTT seen thus far R n2n2 n1n1 1 1 1 cwd=1cwd=2cwd=4 Bottleneck?
28 NEWS: Available bandwidth Use packet replication to identify if the bottleneck is on (n 1 →n 2 ) or not R n2n2 n1n1 1 1 T = received time – sent time 1 1 cwd=2 cwd=3
29 NEWS: Available bandwidth R n2n2 n1n1 1 1 T = received time – sent time 1 1 cwd=2 1 Use packet replication to identify if the bottleneck is on (n 1 →n 2 ) or not
30 NEWS: Bottleneck bandwidth Packet-pair-like technique R n2n2 n1n1 1 2 2 1 1 2 d Bottleneck
31 NEWS: Bottleneck bandwidth BBW = k*p/d 1, where k = deg of replication More the degree of replication, greater is the possibility of error –Intervening packets would affect this R n2n2 n1n1 Bottleneck 1 2 2 1 1 2 d 1 2 d 1 >d 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 d
32 1. Trust Problem: Verify network information (delay, loss, bandwidth) provided by the network –Partial trust relations between the third party (NEWS) that computes routes and the infrastructure Solution: Ability to measure network characteristics using the simple label-switching primitive alone –Infrastructure cannot differentiate data packets and measurement packets
33 2. Security Problem: To prevent construction of illegitimate forwarding graphs using the primitives (e.g. loops) Implicit mechanisms: –Cryptographic constraints on successive forwarding labels (described in Secure-i3) –Protects against forming loops, confluences in the forwarding graph Explicit mechanisms: –NEWS servers ensure that computed paths are legal –NEWS signs the paths that it returns –Infrastructure trusts NEWS and inserts the signed paths –Can verify the validity of the paths that NEWS returns
34 Scalability Multiple vantage points for measurements/monitoring Maintain a subset of links Division of overlay graph to reflect underlying paths NEWS-1 NEWS-2
35 Scalability 2-level hierarchy Random partitioning of nodes into buckets Maintain few edges within the same bucket Maintain few edges to every other bucket If bucket size is √N, each measurement point responsible for only O(√N) links NEWS-1 NEWS-2
36 Implementation status i3 primitives are used as the infrastructure primitives Distributed NEWS is implemented and can perform route computation based on delay, loss and bandwidth i3 proxy has been modified to query NEWS –Legacy applications can be used with NEWS
37 Evaluation Effectiveness of indirect measurements –Planetlab experiments Scalability techniques
38 NEWS: Delay Estimation More than 97% of the samples have error < 10% If we consider median over 10 consecutive samples, 99.3% of the samples have error < 10%
39 NEWS: Loss-Rate Estimation Accuracy of 90% in over 80% of the cases that have loss rate more than 0.1% Performs well in identifying high lossy links
40 NEWS: Avail- BW Estimation Relative error < 0.5 in 60% of the cases Underestimates for Far-Far Overestimates for Far-Close in some cases Compare with stable TCP bandwidth Measurement points are classified on the basis of distance of two targets from the source of measurement
41 Scalability Delay based route selection 90 th percentile RDP is 2.33 (HRG), 3.74 (RG) and 1.16 (PRG) RG = Random gh PRG = Proximity random gh HRG = Hierarchical random gh Transit stub network 16384 nodes Average node degree = 20
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