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UHOHIFPRI UTalca UfZ INIA. Introduction Wasim-ETH Subcatchment definition and Water Flow for Irrigation Files for Coupling Wasim and MAS Reservoir Problems.

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Presentation on theme: "UHOHIFPRI UTalca UfZ INIA. Introduction Wasim-ETH Subcatchment definition and Water Flow for Irrigation Files for Coupling Wasim and MAS Reservoir Problems."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Wasim-ETH Subcatchment definition and Water Flow for Irrigation Files for Coupling Wasim and MAS Reservoir Problems in input data, running, coupling Scenarios for Reservoir Survey location

3 Project Area Location Bocatomas in 4 Rivers Longavi = 19 Ancoa = 29 Putagan = 13 Achibueno = 22

4 Ancoa y Putagan

5 Achibueno y Longavi

6 Channels Spread the water in different Irrigation Areas Define Irrigation Areas

7 EDIC Sectors Associated a channel distribution there are Irrigation Sectors 20 Sectors (4–5)

8 Pour Point (Subcatchment) Bocatomas were aggregated in 1 or 2 per river Embalse Ancoa Alto External Input (Flow station) Achibueno_La Recoba Longavi_Quiriquina Perquilauquen_unrea l Flow Station for control Loncomilla Bodega, Locomilla_Las Brisas Ancoa_El Morro Putagan_ Yerbas Buenas

9 Subcatchment 15 Subcatchment

10 Final Sectors Intersection of EDIC Sectors and Wasim Sub catchment Nº > 187 Water distributed Proportionally inside EDIC sector

11 Water Distribution Table

12 Running Wasim For Wasim is important the water flow between subcatchment In 7 is the Ancoa Dam and enter Melado Channel From 9 are distributed Melado water right

13 Water Sources and Irrigation zones Different situations (Melado, Ancoa, Achibueno, Longaví, Putagan) in Network Channel Only Melado water right Only Ancoa water right Only Achibueno water right Ancoa y Melado water right Ancoa y Achibueno water right Achibueno y Melado water right Putagan and Melado water right Putagan and Ancoa water right Only Longavi water right Longavi and Melado water right Rari water right Longavi, Achibueno, Melado water right Digua water right from Longaví WATER SOURCES IRRIGATION ZONES

14 Water Sources and Irrigation zones Water Right, acciones and regadores 1 regador from Melado Channel is 15 l/s 1 acción from Ancoa river is 1.0 l/s 1 acción from Achibueno river is 1.474 l/s 1 accion from Longavi river is 1.5 l/s (permanent right) and 1.0 l/s (eventual right). 1 accion from Putagan river is 1.0 l/s Eventual Right from Ancoa river. Not used actually. Government Property. This values are considered for maximal flow estimation

15 Running Wasim Wasim RUN I - Bocatomas Wasim RUN II -Irrigation -Reservoir Abtra_XX_YY External Abstraction MAS External Inflow Irrigation.IRR ¿ Potential Evapotranspiration ? 1 Month, daily Monthly file, daily data

16 External Abstraction and Inflows (Water Flow between Sub catchments) Abtra_XX_YY External Abstraction External Inflow Water FromWater To FILE FORMAT

17 Running Wasim Reservoirs Q JFM Q = f(Vol, Area irrigated) Time Q management V Water loses: -Evaporation -Filtrations EXTERNAL ABSTRACTION Input: Wasim 1. Define Maximal Volume (Occurrence Probability 85%). 2. Analysis for different Volumes. Using cost in Ancoa Study Q Management MAS Different options for distribution ΣQ = V 85% OTHER USES

18 Problems waiting for solutions Clearing Water Right in the rivers Inflow Water from Maule Sur are missing Water flow generation in Putagan and Ancoa basins (difficult calibration in summer for irrigation and melt) GW is important for calibration Potential Evapotranspiration (low values in February and march for irrigation schedule)

19 Use Case: Ancoa Reservoir V Melado Ancoa Putagan R. Ancoa R. Achibueno R. Longavi R. Melado Channel Ancoa Reservoir Other Irrigation Zones Bullileo Reservoir To Digua Dam Rari R. Other Sources Robleria Llepo Long-Mel. LONCOMILLA RIVER

20 Use Case: Ancoa Reservoir Reservoir Volumes: 120, 100, 90, 80, 75, 50 y 40 millions of m3 Combination of Water Sources: Ancoa and Melado (totally, 25 m 3 /s) water resources Ancoa and Melado (totally, 19 m 3 /s) water resources Ancoa and Melado (19 m 3 /s and 50%) water resources Ancoa, Melado and Achibueno (improving Robleria Channel) Ancoa and Achibueno Water Price($5, 10, 15, 20, 25) Inclusion of Canal Melozal

21 Survey Location



24 Research Question 1. Technification of irrigation methods and Small Reservoir Effect to improve the irrigation effiency upstream, over the water availability downstream. 2. System Efficiency including water reuse Wish is the irrigation effiency in the basin level, including the water reuse 3. Dam Evaluation (Ancoa) Projection of water disponibility, water price, irrigated area, and farmers incomes. Comparison of options of management (utility of farmers, rubros changes, soil use, trancision time, irrigation technology). 4. Comparison of options to improve small irrigation structures Analysis of Possible Investment in small irrigation structures. Implications in basin level (increase in irrigation surface, reduction in water return or reuse) of small irrigation structures. 5. Environmental Implication Reseach Water Quality

25 Research Question 6. Water Market Benefit and Cost of Water Rent. Impact to change kind of short contract (1 year) for long contract (10 years). 7. Water Reduction in the future Effect of low water disponibility and higher variability ih thr future (climate change). 8. Superficial and Groundwater Conjunctive use Beneficios of thr conjunctive use of surface water and grounwater. 9. Farmer’s optimization behavior

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