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Integration Week 7 LBSC 690 Information Technology.

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2 Integration Week 7 LBSC 690 Information Technology

3 Agenda Questions The grand plan Media synchronization Cold Fusion Midterm review

4 The Grand Plan Networks XML Multimedia Computers Databases Programming Search Interaction Communication Web Life Cycle Policy Integration Midterm

5 Narrated PowerPoint Create your slides Slide Show -> Record Narration –Set microphone level Record the narration –Slide transitions are automatically captured Narration plays automatically when displayed

6 Adding Video to PowerPoint Insert->Movies and Sounds –Movies from file (a.mpg file) Decide whether you want autostart –If not, it starts when you click on it

7 Illustrating RealAudio Create a.ram file –URL for the RealAudio –Dimensions of the picture –URL for the picture

8 Synchronizing Multiple Media Scripting Languages –Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) Custom applications –Macromedia Flash Content representation standards –MPEG 4

9 SMILe Standards: W3C backup Extensions: individual player company –We only show examples for realone player Structure like HTML …

10 Elements in SMIL Controls on two-dimension window –Layout:, –Stated in section Controls on time line –Sequence:,, –Timing:,, –Stated in section Content types –,,, –Stated in section

11 SMIL Examples Implemented in RealOne Player Example: –First, View the executable –Then, View smil file

12 Hands on Point: Add some fun Add following to previous example First play the original, then the new

13 Discussion Point: Generating SMIL with a Program File input and output Iteration and arrays Sequential execution

14 Ways of Generating Web Pages Written in a markup language –HTML, XML Generated the HTML using a programs –Common Gateway Interface (.cgi) –Active Server Pages (.asp) Generate the HTML using a database –Cold Fusion (.cfm) –PHP Hypertext Processor (.php)

15 Why Database-Generated Pages? Remote access to a database –Client does not need the database software Serve rapidly changing information –e.g., Airline reservation systems Provide multiple “access points” –By subject, by date, by author, … Record user responses in the database

16 Two Ways to Use a Database Web Browser Cold Fusion Server.mdb file ( Microsoft Access “Mapping” a “network drive” On Windows Explorer: Tools->Map Network Drive->Browse Your Computer

17 Cold Fusion Markup Language SQL Command Value1: #value1# Value2: #value2# All the files have extension.cfm

18 CFQUERY and CFOUTPUT Show All Students in Our School SELECT * FROM Students All Students in Our School studentID FirstName MiddleName LastName #studentID# #FirstName# #MiddleName# #LastName# Must be the same name CF variables

19 ColdFusion Table Show all books BookID " ALIGN="left" WIDTH="8" TEXT="#BookID#"> Title " ALIGN="left" WIDTH="40" TEXT="#Title#"> Author " ALIGN="left" WIDTH="18" TEXT="#Author#"> ISBN " ALIGN="left" WIDTH="15" TEXT="#ISBN#">

20 SQL in ColdFusion Show who borrowed which book SELECT Books.Title, Students.FirstName, Students.MiddleName, Students.LastName, Checkout.DueDate FROM Books, Students, Checkout WHERE Books.BookID=Checkout.BookID AND Students.StudentID=Checkout.StudentID;

21 Hands-On Point: Link Databases Using ColdFusion Task 1: –Put plane.mdb to your Cold Fusion account using FTP –Download books.cfm page to your class directory rename books.html to books.cfm –Modify the page for the two queries in plane.dbm Task 2: –If you find it easy, try to connect your database homework to CF –Download the two cfms in 5 –Modify them to build a search interface

22 A Layered Architecture: Topics We Have Covered Computer System Computer System Web Pages HTML Human World Wide Web Information Exchange Internet Encoding Information XML Multimedia Information Database Programming Integration, SMIL Integration, ColdFusion Low level, specific High level, abstract

23 The Midterm Quiz/homework should be good preparation –A variety of question types –Some questions will require computer use Lots of prior exams are available –Many have solutions available Open book/notes/Internet/mind/… –Just don’t get help from another person

24 Computer Systems Hardware –Types of hardware –Storage hierarchy –Moore’s law Software –Types of software –Types of interfaces

25 Networks Types of Networks –LAN, WAN, Internet, Wireless Packet Switching –Ethernet, routers, routing tables Layered Architecture and protocols –TCP/UDP –IP address/domain name Encryption

26 Structured Documents My Browser The Web –HTTP, HTML, URL XML –DTD, XSL, XLink

27 Multimedia Compression, compression, compression –Image: lossy vs loseless –Video: frames are alike –Speech: voice predictable –Music: masking Streaming Media Sever Internet Buffer

28 Programming Programming links machines & human –Machines require low-level specific instructions –Humans require high-level abstraction Object models represent aspects of reality Can create any behavior from 3 control structures –Sequential execution –Conditional –Iteration Javascript interpreters are in Web browsers –Mozilla has javascript debugger

29 Databases Structured information –Filed->record->table->database –Primary key is the key Normalized tables (relations) –Remove redundancy, inconsistency, error –Easy update, search Join links tables together –Through foreign key Access provides visual operations

30 Integration Multimedia –SMIL Databases –Cold Fusion

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