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Air Force Plant 4 Risk Assessment Atrayee Banerjee Basu Pradipta Joel Engleson.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Force Plant 4 Risk Assessment Atrayee Banerjee Basu Pradipta Joel Engleson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Force Plant 4 Risk Assessment Atrayee Banerjee Basu Pradipta Joel Engleson

2 Air Force Plant 4 602-acre government-owned contractor- operated aircraft manufacturing facility Located seven miles northwest of Fort Worth in Tarrant County Bordered by –Lake Worth –Residential community of White Settlement –Meandering Creek –Naval Air Station, fmr. Carswell Air Force Base

3 Air Force Plant 4


5 Site History The site has been in continuous operation producing aircraft since 1942 Prior to 1973, waste materials were disposed of on site or burned in fire training exercises. Waste materials include –Waste oils –Fuels –Solvents –Paint Residues –Spent process chemicals

6 Site History Placed on the National Priorities List in August 1990 In September 1995 the EPA & TNRCC approved a Remedial Investigation/ Feasibility Study A final Record of Decision describing the selected remedial actions to be taken was issued in July 1996

7 TDH & ATSDR Public Health Assessment The Texas Department of Health (TDH) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) developed a Public Health Assessment for AFP4 in July 1998. Identified several exposure situations including exposure to contaminants in the Foodchain Sediment Surface water Air Soil Groundwater

8 TDH & ATSDR Public Health Assessment Study determined that the site poses no apparent public health threat save one exposure situation. Exposure to contaminants through the foodchain was determined to represent an intermediate public health hazard. Contaminants were found in low concentrations in non-edible mosquito fish from Meandering Creek.

9 SITE DESCRIPTION AFP4 is currently operated by Lockheed Martin Corporation. The areas south, west, and west-northwest of AFP4 are mainly residential. The communities of White Settlement, Lake,Worth Village, Westworth Village, River Oaks, and Samson Park Village lie within a 3-mile radius of AFP4. Approximately 13,000 people reside in White Settlement. Six schools are within a 2-mile radius of AFP4; the closest school is located ½ mile south of the facility. The nearest drinking water well is located approximately 1/4 of a mile from the site.

10 SITE DESCRIPTION Lake Worth, bordering AFP4 to the north, provides recreational boating, fishing, and water skiing. This lake also furnishes municipal water to the city of Fort Worth and is a recharge source to the underlying Paluxy Aquifer. Ground water wells completed in this aquifer supply municipal water to the city of White Settlement.

11 Air Force Plant 4

12 Exposure Assessment Contaminants have been detected in surface water samples collected from two creeks in the area. Contaminants have been detected beneath AFP4 in the Terrace Alluvium Aquifer, the Upper Sand ground water of the Paluxy Aquifer, and in the Paluxy Aquifer above safe drinking water levels.

13 Exposure Assessment Landfill 3 – Metals Landfill 4 – Metals, Benzo(a) pyrene Meandering Road Creek – Soil contamination with PCB’s & metal Paluxy Aquifer,Upper Sand Groundwater & East Parking Lot – TCE & 1,2dichloroethane Building 181 - TCE

14 Exposure Assessment Industrial Scenario Workers ( at Air Force Plant) Residential Scenario Adult Children Recreational Scenario Adult


16 Chemicals Of Concern Carcinogens Trichloroethylene Chloromethane DDE Dichloromethane1,2- Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Dieldrin Vinyl chloride Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Ethyl Benzene Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethylene Non carcinogens Barium Chromium Dichloroethane 1,1- Dichloroethylene,1,2- Napthalene Phenanthrene Toluene Chlorobenzene Chlorodifluromethane Dichlorofluoromethane Dichloroethylene,1,2-cis Stryene Trichloroethane,1,1,1- Trichlorofluromethane Trimethylbenzene,1,2,4 Trimethylbenzene,1,3,5 Xylene Lead Nickel

17 Health Effects TCE (Probable Carcinogen,IARC) Breathing In small doses - Causes headaches, lung irritation, dizziness, poor coordination, and difficulty concentrating. For long periods cause nerve, kidney, and liver damage. Drinking Large amounts of trichloroethylene may cause nausea, liver damage, unconsciousness, impaired heart function, or death. Dermal contact for short periods may cause skin rashes. Benzo(a)pyrene (Carcinogen,IARC) It can affect you by passing through skin and when breathed in. Exposure may also damage the fetus.

18 Health Effects Benzene (Carcinogen, IARC) Breathing Inhaling levels of benzene can result in death, while high levels can cause drowsiness, dizziness, rapid heart rate, headaches, tremors, confusion, and unconsciousness. Eating or drinking foods containing high levels of benzene can cause vomiting, irritation of the stomach, dizziness, sleepiness, convulsions, rapid heart rate, and death. The major effect of benzene from long-term exposure is on the blood. Lead (Non carcinogen) Lead can affect almost every organ and system in your body. The most sensitive is the central nervous system, particularly in children. Lead also damages kidneys and the reproductive system.

19 Risk Characterization

20 Contaminant Concentrations Exposure Parameters SmartRisk Analysis Risk Values

21 Risk Characterization Contaminant Concentration – Groundwater CAS#ContaminantsMax.Conc (mg/L) 7440-39-3Barium0.1 74-87-3Chloromethane0.0057 16065-83-1Chromium (III)0.0067 75-34-3Dichloroethane, 1,1-0.014 75-34-3Dichloroethane, 1,1-0.014 540-59-0Dichloroethylene, 1,2- (Mixed Isomers)1.8 156-59-2Dichloroethylene,1,2,-cis-0.43 108-88-3Toluene0.007 79-01-6Trichloroethylene11.1 75-01-4Vinyl Chloride0.12

22 Risk Characterization Contaminant Concentration – Surfacewater CAS#ContaminantsMax Conc (mg/L) 107-06-2Dichloroethane, 1,2-1.8 156-59-2Dichloroethylene,1,2,-cis-0.43 79-01-6Trichloroethylene0.14 75-01-4Vinyl Chloride0.12

23 Risk Characterization Contamination Concentration – Locally caught Fish (Recreation) CAS#ContaminantsMax.Conc (mg/kg) 205-99-2Benzo(b)fluoranthene0.01 60-57-1Dieldrin0.01 72-55-9DDE0.01 91-20-3Naphthalene0.02 85-01-8Phenanthrene0.03

24 Risk Characterization Contamination Concentration – Soil and Dust CAS #ContaminantsMax.conc (mg/kg) 71-43-2Benzene0.18 56-55-3Benzo(a)anthracene1.662 50-32-8Benzo(a)pyrene1.59 207-08-9Benzo(k)fluoranthene1.551 7440-43-9WCadmium (water)3.963 18540-29-9SChromium (VI) Solid206.1 218-01-9Chrysene1.704 7440-50-8Copper2070 206-44-0Fluoranthene2.701 7439-92-1Lead (inorganic)14.2 91-20-3Naphthalene1.376 7440-02-0Nickel (soluble salts)193.3 85-01-8Phenanthrene2.57 129-00-0Pyrene1.915 7440-66-6Zinc and Compounds6174

25 Risk Characterization Contamination Concentration – Air (source : ATSDR) CAS#ContaminantAvg.Conc (mg/m3) On-site Off-site 71-43-2Benzene0.002230.00159 56-23-5Carbon Tetrachloride0.00062 108-90-7Chlorobenzene0.00050.00046 75-45-6Chlorodifluromethane0.000420 67-66-3Chloroform0.0004880.00034 74-87-3Chloromethane0.0007430.00074 75-71-8Dichlorodifluoromethane0.0120.00232 156592Dichloroethylene,1,2-cis0.000390 100-41-4Ethyl Benzene0.001430.0016 75092Methylenechloride0.000660.00052 100-42-5Styrene0.0004260.00046 127-18-4Tetrachloroethylene0.00122 108-88-3Toluene0.007230.00422 71-55-6Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-0.003320.0019 79-01-6Trichloroethylene0.003810.00096 75694Trichlorofluromethane0.003930.00185 95636Trimethylbenzene,1,2,40.002160.00132 108678Trimethylbenzene,1,3,50.000880.00054 1330-20-7Xylenes0.007160.0089

26 Risk Characterization SmartRisk Software –Integrated risk analysis software. –Considers both inorganic and organic contaminants. –All possible scenarios can be accounted for. –Exposure pathways summary –Risk Values and Analyte Summary

27 Risk Characterization Exposure Pathway Summery for Groundwater and Surfacewater –Industrial Scenario-(Cancer)

28 Risk Characterization Exposure Pathway Summery for Groundwater and Surfacewater –Industrial Scenarios-(Non-Cancer)

29 Risk Characterization Exposure Pathway Summery for Groundwater and Surfacewater –Residential Scenarios-(Cancer)

30 Risk Characterization Exposure Pathway Summery for Groundwater and Surfacewater –Residential Scenarios-(Non-Cancer)

31 Risk Charaterization Exposure Pathway Summery for Groundwater and Surfacewater –Residential Scenarios-(Cancer) Child (Below age 6)

32 Risk Characterization Exposure Pathway Summery for Groundwater and Surfacewater –Residential Scenarios-(Non-Cancer) Child (Below age 6)

33 Risk Characterization Exposure pathways for soil –Ingestion Exposure pathways for air –Inhalation Exposure pathways for recreation –Ingestion (Consumption of Locally Caught Fish)

34 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Groundwater & Surfacewater –Adult –Industrial Scenario –Cancer – 3.44e-02 –Non-cancer-7.40e+02 –TCE

35 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Groundwater & Surfacewater –Adult –Residential Scenario –Cancer –5.73e-02 –Non-cancer-1.03e+03 –TCE

36 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Groundwater & Surfacewater –Child (below age 6) –Residential Scenario –Cancer –2.12e-02 –Non-cancer-2.26e+03 –TCE

37 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Groundwater & Surfacewater –Adult –Recreation Scenario –Cancer –5.41e-05 –Non-cancer-1.51e+01 –Dieldrin

38 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Onsite air –Adult –Industrial Scenario –Cancer –9.72e-06 –Non-cancer-4.97e-02 –TCE

39 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Onsite air –Adult –Residential Scenario –Cancer –4.90e-05 –Non-cancer-2.08e-01 –TCE

40 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Onsite air –Child –Residential Scenario –Cancer –2.14e-05 –Non-cancer-5.48e-01 –TCE

41 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Soil –Adult –Industrial Scenario –Cancer –2.84e-06 –Non-cancer-1.11e-01 –BAP –Chromium

42 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Soil –Adult –Residential Scenario –Cancer –8.79e-06 –Non-cancer-2.88e-01 –BAP –Chromium

43 Risk Characterization Analyte Summary –Soil –Child –Residential Scenario –Cancer –1.18e-05 –Non-cancer-1.94e+00 –BAP –Chromium

44 Risk Characterization Total Cancer Risk- 1.12e-1 Total Hazard Index- 4.04e+3 TCE is the main chemical of concern in groundwater, surface water and air. BAP and Chromium in soil.

45 Conclusion A very conservative risk analysis taking the maximum concentration values provided by EPA and ATSDR. Protective of human health was our main concern. Suitable Site remediation measures should be taken to prevent future contamination with adequate monitoring.

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