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Development and evaluation of shared learning wiki in an Interprofessional context Date or reference Denis McGrath, Leslie Robinson and Melanie Stephens.

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Presentation on theme: "Development and evaluation of shared learning wiki in an Interprofessional context Date or reference Denis McGrath, Leslie Robinson and Melanie Stephens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development and evaluation of shared learning wiki in an Interprofessional context Date or reference Denis McGrath, Leslie Robinson and Melanie Stephens

2 Aims and Objectives To demonstrate an overview of the wiki project and its outcomes for HE / Interprofessional Education Define and review the importance of Interprofessional Education Internet Landscape (Godwin Jones, 2003) Methodology Findings Discussion Test drive Feedback

3 Interprofessional Education Healthcare delivered by multiple professionals and support workers Community Care Act (DH, 1990), The New NHS Modern and Dependable (DH, 1997), NSFs (DH, 2001 onwards). Professional Tribes (Maben et al, 2007) Focus on holistic, humanistic, compassionate and co-operative care and embrace collective responsibility (Wilcock and Headrick, 2000)

4 Internet Landscape New Technologies such as, wikis, social book marking, blogs, podcasts, RSS feeds. Transformation of isolated static information stores to dynamic applications. A social phenomena: an approach to generating and distributing Web content in a social context. Flexible open communication, –decentralisation of authority, –allows the freedom to share and re- use information, –simple to use Embodies the flexible socio-centric approach to learning (Vygotsky, 1920)

5 Methodology 125 nurses and 50 radiography undergraduate students Face-to-face Problem-based trigger 5 on-line wikis Mixed professional groups Wiki Champions

6 What is a wiki? A web site that can be individually or collaboratively edited No special tools and no special IT skills are required. Participants collaboratively work on the content of the site without needing to exchange word processor documents. Gaining rapid acceptance in education (Pereira and Soares, 2007, Long, 2006, Rafaeli, 2006, Fisher and Baird, 2005, Lamb, 2004).

7 Technologies used: –Blackboard VLE –Learning Objects “Wiki Tool” –University & Remote PCs. Closed System : Log on / off Group wiki access only.


9 We took some students from different disciplines: radiography (2 nd years) & nursing (3 rd years) Step 1

10 GROUP 1: Mary Seacole Inter-disciplinary group Step 2 We put the selected students into a group comprised of the two professions: 25 from nursing & 10 from radiography

11 Mary Seacole Inter- Disciplinary group A Learning Champion from each of the two professions Step 3 Identification and nomination of wiki champions

12 Step 4 Four additional similar groups were created

13 Viewing and editing rights

14 Hive Brain (Levy 2001)

15 Tutor monitoring of process Interaction between student and wiki Tutor observation of and Contribution to wiki / student progress

16 Complete Overview of wiki construction Number of contributors Number of page edits Number of page views - Identities of contributors

17 Editing history in complete detail Complete Overview of wiki construction

18 Detailed journal of revision history Slide 1 Complete Oversight of wiki construction Editing history in detailing, participant, date of change and version information

19 Detailed journal of revision history Slide 2 A full range of statistics can be drawn from the monitoring tools. Including Access time of day Access days of week

20 Detailed journal of revision history Slide 3 A full range of statistics can be drawn from the monitoring tools. Including Access time of day Access days of week

21 Findings (Quantitative) Views, edits and contributors

22 Findings (Qualitative) Online Questionnaire General Attitude “It’s fun and I really enjoyed it” Shared & Inter-professional learning “is great for interdisciplinary collaboration, sharing of info And most importantly made us more aware of the nurses knowledge” Teamwork “It encourages online teamwork “The concept is a good one but not everyone participated”

23 Findings (Qualitative) Online Questionnaire Student Engagement “Not everyone would feel comfortable putting work on [The Wiki]” “..being able to share information without the pressure of being in a group discussion in uni” Flexibility “It was great to participate from home Outcome & application to other areas “The outcome of the wiki was great, I could see how many would benefit from this”

24 Limitations of study Number of respondents On-line questionnaire skewing sample

25 Benefits and limitations of wikis Benefits wikis for teaching and learning –Students enjoy it –IT skills development –Critical peer review and collaboration –Resource material Limitations –Engaging non participants –Technical support –Summative assessments –Selling benefits of wikis –Resources

26 Test Drive Wiki Races

27 Feedback Open Mic

28 Contacts Denis McGrath Leslie Robinson Melanie Stephens

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