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Performed by: Kobbi Kfir-El Ohad Brandelstein Instructor: Konstantin Sinyuk המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High Speed Digital Systems Laboratory הטכניון.

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Presentation on theme: "Performed by: Kobbi Kfir-El Ohad Brandelstein Instructor: Konstantin Sinyuk המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High Speed Digital Systems Laboratory הטכניון."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performed by: Kobbi Kfir-El Ohad Brandelstein Instructor: Konstantin Sinyuk המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High Speed Digital Systems Laboratory הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי לישראל הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל Technion - Israel institute of technology department of Electrical Engineering Final Presentation Smart Door Controller Spring semester 2004

2 SDC vision

3 Server LAN 2 CAN CAN Door 1Door 2Door 3 Web Remote station

4 Initial project goals  Lab ’ s board validation  Implementations:  CAN transportation  SDC operating system  Server software  Integration of peripherals under RT demands  Network behavior & performances

5 Getting started Lab ’ s board validation:  Operating all peripherals devices  Keypad  Magnetic card readers  I2C module (EPROM, Thermometer)  LCD screen, Buzzer, Leds  USART  Operating all PIC relevant modules:  ISR (Interrupt Service Routine)  Timers  CAN

6 Difficulties SDC card : SDC card : Stability & Reliability : Different results in same program during development Stability & Reliability : Different results in same program during development Unable operating CAN, LCD modules Unable operating CAN, LCD modules Keypad : Needed modifications. Keypad : Needed modifications. Lab equipment : Lab equipment : Insufficient Demo boards, Computers. Insufficient Demo boards, Computers. CBA0 D987 E654F321

7 Progress April 04 ------------- Characterization Presentation Getting familiar with PIC Tools Basic SDC Power Up May 04 ------------- Half Semester Presentation May – September -- Stuck at Basic Power Up October -------------- New Project Goals April 05 --------------Final Presentation

8 Redefinition of project goals Completion of project Implementation on PICDEM2 demo boards Create prototype of a RT access system controller Operate CAN protocol between 2 boards Enable Magnetic card reader usage

9 Redefinition of project goals LCD Thermometer EPROM Key pad Magnetic card CAN

10 SDC Prototype Simple operating system Simple operating system Resources management (ISR, Timers, EPROM) Resources management (ISR, Timers, EPROM) I/O handlers I/O handlers Interface Interface CAN implementation CAN implementation Master / Slave Master / Slave Protocol fundamentals Protocol fundamentals

11 SDC Prototype Operating System Implementation I/O device External interrupt Main routine Checking temperature Checking flags ISR Service Interrupt (priority) Handle interrupt event Flag ON Execute Flag event Timer/CAN Internal interrupt Flag OFF

12 Solution - Hash table ( RT ) Solution - Hash table ( RT ) Hash code - last 3 digits of ID Hash code - last 3 digits of ID Hash properties: Hash properties: Insert O(1) Insert O(1) Delete O(1) Delete O(1) Search O(1) Search O(1) Principle of search: Principle of search: First look in relevant cell, if full look in STACK. First look in relevant cell, if full look in STACK. SDC Prototype Data management (EPROM)

13 32750 30020 30010 100687566030000 29990 29980 29970 80 70 200521656060 100586652050 100662593040 100164982030 20 10 00085257500 9876543210ADDRESS Stack Cell 0 (000) Cell 1 (001) Cell 2 (002) Cell 999 (999) 32Kbyte

14 SDC Prototype CAN protocol & transportation Master / Slave implementation Master / Slave implementation Master ( Server ) - knows all SDC ’ s ( nodes ) Master ( Server ) - knows all SDC ’ s ( nodes ) Slave ( SDC controller ) - knows only the master Slave ( SDC controller ) - knows only the master Every node has unique ID Every node has unique ID Master SlaveSlave Slave Slave CAN

15 SDC Prototype CAN protocol & transportation Slave : Slave : Transmits to CAN bus, own ID Transmits to CAN bus, own ID Listens only to messages with it ’ s ID - Implemented by Filters & Masks mechanism Listens only to messages with it ’ s ID - Implemented by Filters & Masks mechanism Master : Master : Listens to CAN bus, response to all nodes Listens to CAN bus, response to all nodes Transmits emergency messages to all nodes (broadcast) Transmits emergency messages to all nodes (broadcast) Transmits to specific node Transmits to specific node

16 SDC Prototype CAN protocol & transportation CAN message - 3 main fields Arbitration, Control, Data. CAN message - 3 main fields Arbitration, Control, Data. Arbitration field: Arbitration field: Mask Mask Master 111100000000 Master 111100000000 Slave 111111111111 Slave 111111111111 MSG Type Node ID 00100000011 ArbitrationControlData

17 Lab ’ s board problems PIC 18f458 : wrong type PIC 18f458 : wrong type PLCC instead of TQFP Suspected mismatch in connecting PIC to SDC board. - result: LCD not functioning Suspected mismatch in connecting PIC to SDC board. - result: LCD not functioning Both CAN transceivers not operating Both CAN transceivers not operating PLCC TQFP

18 Lab ’ s board problems Connections - antennas, short welding might cause unstable behavior Connections - antennas, short welding might cause unstable behavior

19 Finding SDC problems LA, DVM testing SDC running Same program Programming module on Demo Board Compare Good results Conclusions Bad results

20 Project benefits Project benefits (what we learned … ) Read hardware specifications Learn about MCU ’ s System design, implementation and integration Basic understanding of hardware Communication protocols: I2C, CAN Lab equipment usage : DVM, Logical Analyzer Experience: Wire-up, Welding Use the Internet as a help tool Use Wire-up prototype prior to board design

21 Summery redefined goals Final project exceeds redefined goals Original design compatibility was kept Project can be defined as a reference design for future groups Redesign must take in mind a different MCU: Problems with multi interrupt scenario Tool supported by better debugger Tool supported by better debugger

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