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Communication and Diversity Adapting to Others.

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3 Communication and Diversity Adapting to Others

4 Agenda w Perception and Perception Checking w Cultures in Communication w Cultural Ethnocentrism w Values in Communication

5 Steps in Perception Checking w Describe behavior w Identify one’s own feeling or interpretation w Ask for clarification

6 Elements Not in Perception Checking w Using evaluative language w Interrupt w Talk excessively

7 Agenda w Perception and Perception Checking w Cultures in Communication w Cultural Ethnocentrism w Values in Communication

8 Culture is Learned and Shared What is your cultural background? w Material Culture w Social Institutions w Individual Beliefs w Aesthetic Considerations w Language

9 High Context Communication w Most information is in physical context or is internalized to the person w Indirect or abstract message w Listener is expected to know what is on the speaker’s mind

10 Low Context Communication w Most information is in the explicit code w Direct and unambiguous language w The speaker is expected to get the message across to the listener

11 Lower Context Higher Context Cultural Contexts w Information provided explicitly, by words Nonverbal cues are ignored Need detailed background information Consider knowledge a commodity w Information drawn from surroundings Nonverbal cues are important Free flow of information Maintain strong information networks

12 Agenda w Perception and Perception Checking w Cultures in Communication w Cultural Ethnocentrism w Values in Communication

13 Cultural Ethnocentrism Is a Sure Way to Create Interpersonal Barriers

14 How Does Ethnocentrism Affect Our Language? w Distance of Disparagement (encourages others to think less highly of themselves) w Distance of Indifference (shows a lack of thought about others feelings) w Distance of Avoidance (use of language that excludes others) w Vs. the Distance of Sensitivity

15 Develop Knowledge to Enhance Understanding w Seek Information about the Culture w Ask Questions and Listen w Develop a Third Culture Create Common Ground Seek a Culture that is More Comprehensive and Inclusive

16 Can You Accept Others? w Do You Take Your Time and Expect Some Uncertainty? w Are You Conscious of Cultural Differences? w Can You Imagine that Your Culture Doesn’t Have All the Answers?

17 Cultural Diversity Enhances Interpersonal Communication w Remain Mindful w Tolerate Ambiguity w Avoid Negative Judgments w Develop Flexibility w Become Other Oriented w Adapt Communication to Others

18 Agenda w Perception and Perception Checking w Cultures in Communication w Cultural Ethnocentrism w Values in Communication

19 American Values Meridian House International, 1984

20 Personal Control ChangeTimeEqualityIndividualismSelf-HelpCompetition FutureActionInformalityDirectnessPracticalityMaterialism

21 Man Should Control Nature Humans Can Achieve Anything Look Out for Own Self Interests Personal Control

22 We Value Change Development Improvement Progress Growth

23 Utmost Importance Punctuality Use Wisely Delayed Gratification Time and Its Control

24 w Devalue Past w Unconscious of Present w Planning the Future w Someday... Future-Oriented

25 w “Created Equal” w No Deferential Treatment Equality/Egalitarianism

26 Individualism w Privacy w We See Ourselves as Unique w “Time to Myself”

27 wAwAwAwAccomplishments wSwSwSwSelf-Made Man wBwBwBwBorn Poor; Made Good Self Help

28 Action-Oriented w Workaholics w “Don’t Just Sit There…” w Identify Self by Profession w Value Labor

29 Informal w Casual with Authority w First Names w Shorts w “Hi” Familiarity

30 Competition Free Enterprise Be the Best Progress

31 Directness w Openness w Honesty w Assertiveness w Above-Board

32 Practical wEwEwEwEfficient wPwPwPwPragmatic wRwRwRwRational wOwOwOwObjective wEwEwEwEffective

33 Materialistic We Own Color Television Sets Automobiles Telephone, Answering Machines, Pagers, Cell Phones Personal Computers… Is this Enough?

34 Values of Communicators w Isolating Values w Determining Values in Others’ Messages

35 Methods to Extract Values Ê Listen for words that openly state values Ë Listen for negative words Ì Find unstated values behind stated beliefs Í Look for unexpected omissions Î Look for connotative language Ï Look at sources of evidence Ð Note proportions

36 Background w September 15, 1962 Birmingham, Alabama: 4 children killed in Sunday School bombing w January 1963: Governors Orville Faubus and George Wallace oppose integration of public schools arguing for nullification and interdiction w March 1963: Sheriff Bull Conner turns fire hoses turned on young people to prevent their registering to vote w July 1963: FBI spreads rumor of planned riots during the march on Washington planned for August 28, 1963

37 Values Analysis of the “I Have a Dream” Speech of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. w Look for words actually used w Compare to expectations for such a message

38 Positively Stated Values Negatively Stated Values Total Freedom, free 22 Not free, oppression 3 25 Brotherhood 7 Exile, discord 7 14 Pursuit of happiness 6 Poverty, default 6 12 Life 1 Physical violence 10 11 Justice 6 Injustice 3 9 Equality 2 Segregation 6 8 Faith, pray, God 7

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