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1 i247: Information Visualization and Presentation Marti Hearst Types of Graphs and Visualizations January 28, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "1 i247: Information Visualization and Presentation Marti Hearst Types of Graphs and Visualizations January 28, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 i247: Information Visualization and Presentation Marti Hearst Types of Graphs and Visualizations January 28, 2008

2 2 Course Goals Students will be able to: –Describe the key design guidelines and techniques for visual display of information, including the relationship to human perception. –Design interactive visualizations to support thought, understanding, and insight, using real data. –Explore and critically evaluate visualization techniques and applications. Adapted from Stone & Zellweger

3 3 What are your course goals?

4 4 Types of Symbolic Displays (Kosslyn 89) Graphs Charts Maps Diagrams

5 5 Types of Symbolic Displays Graphs –at least two scales required –values associated by a symmetric “paired with” relation Examples: scatter-plot, bar-chart, layer-graph

6 6 Types of Symbolic Displays Charts –discrete relations among discrete entities –structure relates entities to one another –lines and relative position serve as links Examples: –Family tree –Flow chart –Network diagram

7 7 Types of Symbolic Displays Maps –Internal relations determined (in part) by the spatial relations of what is pictured –Labels paired with locations Examples: –Map of census data –Topographic maps

8 8 Types of Symbolic Displays Diagrams –Schematic pictures of objects or entities –Parts are symbolic (unlike photographs) how-to illustrations figures in a manual From Glietman, Henry. Psychology. W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. New York, 1995

9 9 What is the “real” taxonomy for visual representations? An empirical investigation by Lohse et al.’94 –(Only used static, 2D graphics) –16 participants Half had a graphic design background –First, looked at 60 images and scored them along 10 scales. These were used to compute statistical similarity –Then, organized the 60 images into categories according to similarity. Were asked to name the groups Then they grouped these into higher-level groups, repeatedly, until they were in one large group. Lohse, G L; Biolsi, K; Walker, N and H H Rueter, A Classification of Visual Representations, CACM, Vol. 37, No. 12, pp 36-49, 1994

10 10 Scales that Participants Used (and percentage of variance explained) 16.0emphasizes whole – parts 11.3 spatial – nonspatial 10.6static structure – dynamic structure 10.5continuous – discrete 10.3attractive – unattractive 10.1nontemporal – temporal 9.9concrete – abstract 9.6hard to understand – easy 9.5nonnumeric – numeric 2.2conveys a lot of info – conveys little

11 11 Resulting Categories (Lohse et al. 94) Graphs Tables (numerical) Tables (graphical) Charts (time) Charts (network) Diagrams (structure) Diagrams (network) Maps Cartograms Icons Photo-realistic images

12 12 Graphs Encode quantitative information using position and magnitude of geometric objects. Examples: scatter plots, bar charts.

13 13 Tables An arrangement of words, numbers, signs, or combinations of them to exhibit a set of facts or relationships in a compact fashion. Less abstract symbolic notation than graphs. –Graphical tables and numerical tables

14 14 Time Charts Display temporal data. –Gantt chart, time schedule.

15 15 Network Charts Show the relationships among components Symbols indicate the presence or absence of components. Correspondences are shown by lines, arrows, proximity, similarity, or containment. –Flow charts, org charts, pert charts, decision trees.

16 16 Structure Diagrams A static description of a physical object. Spatial layout expresses true coordinate dimensions of the object. –Cross-sections

17 17 Process Diagrams Describe interrelationships and processes associated with physical objects. Spatial layout expresses dynamic, continuous, or temporal relationships among the objects. –Lifecycle

18 18 Maps Symbolic representations of physical geography. –Marine charts, topo maps, projections of world maps. Differ from cartograms in that cartograms super- impose quantitative data over a base map.

19 19 Cartograms Spatial maps that show quantitative data. Show more quantitative information than structure diagrams. –Chloropleths, dot maps, flow maps.

20 20 Icons Impart a single interpretation or meaning for a picture; a unique label for a visual representation.

21 21 Photo-realistic Pictures Realistic images of an object or scene.

22 22 Put into Multiple Categories No real agreement on these.

23 23 Where should these go?

24 24 Other Findings ( Lohse et al. 94) Photorealistic images were least informative –Echos results in icon studies – better to use less complex, more schematic images Graphs and tables are the most self-similar categories –Results in the literature comparing these are inconclusive Cartograms were hard to understand –Echos other results – better to put points into a framed rectangle to aid spatial perception Temporal data more difficult to show than cyclic data –Recommend using animation for temporal data

25 25 In honor of UCB’s FTN Effort This Thursday

26 26 The NYTimes Illustrates Climate Change Cartoon Illustrative Photograph Graph Graph (multiple views) Interactive Graphs Combination of Photo Illustration, Drawn Illustration, Information Graphics Video

27 27 The NYTimes Illustrates Climate Change Cartoon –Carbon Neutral Confession –April 28, 2007 –Ron Barrett –NYTimes – l?scp=11&sq=global+warming&st=nyt l?scp=11&sq=global+warming&st=nyt

28 28 The NYTimes Illustrates Climate Change Illustrative Photograph –A Disaster Epic (in Slo-Mo) –February 4, 2007 –Macdiarmid/Getty Images – q=global+warming&st=nyt q=global+warming&st=nyt

29 29 The NYTimes Illustrates Climate Change Information Visualization Graphic –Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere –April 23, 2006 –Bill Marsh –NYTimes – es/2006/04/23/weekinreview/2006 0423revkin_graphic.html es/2006/04/23/weekinreview/2006 0423revkin_graphic.html – 23/weekinreview/23revkin.html 23/weekinreview/23revkin.html

30 30 The NYTimes Illustrates Climate Change Static Graphic (Multiple Views) –Far Down the List of Worries –(from the story Yelling 'Fire' on a Hot Planet by Revkin) –April 23, 2006 –NYTimes –Bill Marsh – 23/weekinreview/20060423revkin2_graph.html 23/weekinreview/20060423revkin2_graph.html

31 31 The NYTimes Illustrates Climate Change Combination: Photo Illustration, Drawn Illustration, Information Graphics –A Battle Between the Bottle and the Tap –July 15, 2007 –Bill Marsh, Tony Cenicola –Satisfying the National Thirst... With Lots of Bottles – marsh.html?scp=54&sq=global+warming&st=nyt marsh.html?scp=54&sq=global+warming&st=nyt

32 32 The NYTimes Illustrates Climate Change Graphic –A Carbon Tide: Past, Present, and Future –Bill Marsh –December 16, 2007 –NYTimes – ekinreview/20071216_EMISSIONS_GRAPHIC.html ekinreview/20071216_EMISSIONS_GRAPHIC.html

33 33 The NYTimes Illustrates Climate Change Interactive flash graphics –October 1, 2007 –Sea Ice in Retreat –Aigner, Corum, Nguyen –NYTimes – /science/20071002_ARCTIC_GRAPHIC.html /science/20071002_ARCTIC_GRAPHIC.html – cs/globalwarming/index.html cs/globalwarming/index.html

34 34 The NYTimes Illustrates Climate Change Video –Solar City: A Co-op Goes Green –January 23, 2008 –Dwyer, Romero, Witty –NY Times – aa81e9284c77f01e48353c64b86fa7a0a 21e887f aa81e9284c77f01e48353c64b86fa7a0a 21e887f

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