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CMNS 230 - Midterm Prep David Newman Fall 06. Exam format October 30, 1:30pm 1 hour, 50 minutes to complete Three parts (worth 30% of your final grade)

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1 CMNS 230 - Midterm Prep David Newman Fall 06

2 Exam format October 30, 1:30pm 1 hour, 50 minutes to complete Three parts (worth 30% of your final grade) Key concepts (5%) - brief definitions from a list of terms (suggest 15 minutes) Economics (10%) - one essay from a list of questions (suggest 35 minutes) Policy (15%) - one essay from a list of questions (suggest 55 minutes)

3 Exam format Open book, so you can bring in Notes Laptop computer (but indicate on exam book that you have had use of laptop) Dictionary Textbooks (The Cultural Industries, The Media Student’s Book, The Lincoln Report) Recommended readings

4 What to study? Make sure you are familiar with the material from the readings, lectures and tutorials Look at the questions Hesmondhalgh asks on pages 52 and 66-67 Focus on a couple of aspects of each of the Economics and Policy portions of the material to analyse and discuss in depth Studying Hesmondhalgh alone will be insufficient

5 In the exam Take the time to read through each question carefully before deciding which ones you will answer For the essay questions, take the time to note down the key points and plan your answer before you start writing the essay Cite your sources Give yourself time at the end to proofread

6 Good Luck

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