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PROGRESS OF TWG 1 PAPUA by University of Cendrawasih Semarang, 13 July 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGRESS OF TWG 1 PAPUA by University of Cendrawasih Semarang, 13 July 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROGRESS OF TWG 1 PAPUA by University of Cendrawasih Semarang, 13 July 2011

2 HEARINGS WITH STAKEHOLDERS Bappeda Provinsi Papua PERTAMINA PLN Infrastructure Management Board

3 STAKEHOLDER MEETING 30 June 2011 Participated by : 1.Provincial Mining and Energy Office 2.Provincial Industry and Trading Office 3.Infrastructure Management Board 4.PERTAMINA 5.National Entrepreneurs Association of Oil and Gas (Migas Hiswana) 6.Papua Knowledge Center (PKC)

4 STAKEHOLDER MEETING (continued) Objectives: 1.Presenting the work results of CASINDO. 2.Obtaining input (data, information and ideas) from the stakeholders on the works. 3.Establishing cooperation among stakeholders in a more massive.

5 STAKEHOLDER MEETING (continued) Recommendations: 1.Needs socializations on renewable energy activities developed by CASINDO. It is expected that CASINDO (or other project alike) can be extended or conducted to assist all the sectors. 2.The renewable energy potentials can be optimally exploited by home-scale industry in Papua, especially solar, biofuel and biomass. 3.Papua Energy Council (or whatever the name will be) should be immediately established and needs supports from Papua provincial administration. The head of provincial industry and trading office is willing to facilitate the committee to meet the governor as well as the Law Bureau. 4.The energy conservation which can be developed is to replace the bulbs with light- saving electricity for the household level, as well as reducing the temperature of the air conditioning at the offices. 5.The concrete commitment of the local government (provincial and regency/city) is fully needed for any efforts in developing renewable energy potentials, particularly the ones which is directly related to the local people. 6.Concerning that hydro potentials is much abundant in Papua, therefore it is the most beneficial renewable energy resources potentials that should be focused on. 7.PERTAMINA was very much welcome the stakeholder meeting and willing to open discussion and cooperation with any stakeholders in developing the energy profile and policy formulation.

6 ENERGY PROFILE 2006, 2007, 2008 Some data have been verified and validated: Oil fuel sales from PERTAMINA (except the ones that is not in their authority to release namely LPG, industry diesel oil and avgas sales) Electricity from PLN.

7 ENERGY PROFILE 2006, 2007, 2008 (cont…) Social-economic (100%) Supply (need to be checked (again), especially for the electricity, integrated with TWG 2) Intensity and consumption (need more data and calculation)

8 REPORT General information of province

9 LEAP MODEL Some data already inputted by Pak Koen as an example.

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