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All Your XML Sandeepan Banerjee Oracle Corporation

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1 All Your XML Sandeepan Banerjee Oracle Corporation

2 One Management System for All Your Data  Complete  Integrated  Robust  Scalable  Secure  Available on all platforms Oracle interMedia Multimedia management Oracle Locator & Spatial Location and Proximity Searching Extensibility Framework Chemical, Genetic, Engineering,… XML DB Integrated Native XML Database Oracle Text & Ultra Search Text management and search Relational Characters, Numbers and Dates Oracle Collaboration Suite Unified Messaging and Files

3 What is Oracle XML DB?  Database support for the XML data model – XMLType, XMLSchema, DOM Fidelity, Xpath, …  Hierarchical organization of the data – WebDAV compliant with indexing for fast access  Transparent storage optimizations  Query Language: SQL/XML (SQL2003) and XQuery

4 Oracle XML DB Features  New XMLType – XMLSchema Support – Object-Relational Storage Maintaining DOM fidelity, CLOB storage with document fidelity – XML-specific memory mgmt for better scalability and performance  Lazily loaded virtual DOM, Schema caching – Built-in XML operators for SQL/XML interchangability – XPath Search in the server, and piecewise update of XML via XPath – XSL Transforms in the server – Enhanced XML Views for creating your own representations of XML  New XML Repository – FTP, WebDAV, HTTP protocol servers to move XML content in and out – ‘ Foldering ’ and Repository view over XML Content including access control  Hierarchical Index, SQL Versioning – SQL Repository Search

5 Common XML Architectures Enforce XML Schema Manage Content & Data Uniformly Eliminate extra moving parts Get better performance & scalability Make DB applications Standards-based

6 XML DB Architecture Application Development Oracle*NET.NET Client OCI Client JDBC/OCI/.NET XML Schema CacheXML/DOM Parser Repository SQL XMLType Views/Tables Text IndexPath IndexText Index B-Tree Bitmap Index Oracle XML DB JAVA Client XSL Transforms

7 XML DB Architecture HTTP FTP WebDAV HTTP Client FTP Client Content Oriented Access Repository XMLType Views/Tables WebDAV Client Protocol Handlers Text IndexPath Index Text Index B-Tree Bitmap Index Oracle XML DB

8 XML DB Architecture Data & Content Integration Oracle HO Connectivity XML Query Repository SQL XMLType Views Relational DBsFile SystemsWeb Sources Oracle XML DB Text Index B-Tree Bitmap Index J2EE Query & Results Cache Oracle XDS (JCA-based) Connectivity JVM XML Query Web Services & Data Sources

9 XML DB Architecture Web Services UDDI 9iAS SOAP Server Web Services Directory Client Application Publish Discover Invoke Web Service SOAP WSDL Oracle XML DB HTTP/Oracle*Net

10 XML DB Architecture XML Messaging XMLType Table DeQueue Messaging Application XMLType Table EnQueue Oracle Streams Transform XML Document IDAP/JMS/AQ Oracle*Net Oracle XML DB

11 Classes of XML Applications  Managing Structured Documents – Well-formed templated business-documents e.g. Purchase Orders, Phone Bills, …  Managing Unstructured Documents (“Content”) – Documents, Messages, Instructions – Life-cycle management of these assets under multiple channels  Querying over integrated, normalized data from diverse sources

12  Relational storage remains the “right” way to store highly structured data – “extended-relational” or “object-relational” mechanisms have been available for some time to deal with ordering, recursion, substitution etc.  As an XML programmer, you do not want to think about “tables” – A hierarchical data model is what you want to manipulate  XML DB’s XMLType is about preserving the XML paradigm while getting the benefits of relational performance and scalability 1. Managing Structured Documents

13 D E M O N S T R A T I O N Structured XML











24 Object Relational DB Basics  Object types  Collection types  Object References  LOBs XML Schema Construct Object Construct Complex typeObject type Local complex typeEmbedded object type Complex type with maxOccurs > 1 Collection type Derived complex type Subtype

25 XMLType  Native data type for XML  Used to define columns of tables and views, arguments to stored procedures, etc.  XML specific methods and operators for – Querying and extracting XML using XPath – Transforming XML using XSLT – Validating XML using XML Schema  Multiple Storage Options – Unstructured Storage in CLOB – Structured Storage into object-relational rows and columns – Hybrid Storage  Maintains application transparency to physical storage choice

26 XML DB and XML Schema  XML Schema controls all aspects of processing – Storage mappings – In-memory representations – Language Bindings  XML Schema Registration Process – Associates XML Schema with URL – Generates Object types – Creates default tables  XMLType column can be constrained to a global element of registered schema

27 XML Schema Example <schema targetNamespace=“” xmlns:po=“” elementFormDefault=”qualified” xmlns="">

28 XML Schema Example (contd)

29 Generated Object Types TYPE "Item_T" (part varchar2(1000), price number); TYPE "Item_COLL" AS VARRAY(1000) OF "Item_T"; TYPE "PurchaseOrderType_T" (ponum number, company varchar2(100), item Item_COLL);

30 Generated Tables TABLE po_tab OF XMLTYPE XMLSCHEMA “" ELEMENT "PurchaseOrder“ VARRAY(item) STORE AS item_tab;

31 XML Document Example <PurchaseOrder xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> 1001 Oracle Corp 9i Doc Set 2550 8i Doc Set 350

32 XML Storage – PO_TAB and LINE_TAB Row IDponumcompany 11001Oracle Corp Parent Row ID Array Indexpartprice 119i Doc Set2250 128i Doc Set350

33 Structured Storage  Attributes and single-valued elements – Stored as columns in single row – SQL data types correspond to XML Schema types – SQL constraints correspond to XML Schema constraints  Multi-valued elements (collections) stored in separate nested tables – One row per item in collection – Nested table row stores parent key – Array Index column stores the position information  Number column – uses full range of floating points  Elements inserted in the middle of the collection get (previous_array_index + next_array_index)/2  Supports multiple levels of nesting – Embedded object types – Embedded collection types with multiple nested tables

34 DOM Fidelity  Structured storage guarantees DOM fidelity – No whitespace fidelity  System binary attribute in object types – SYS_XDBPD$  PD attribute stores non-relational information – Ordering of elements – Comments – Processing Instructions – Namespace declarations – Prefix information – Mixed content – text nodes that are intermixed with elements are stored in the system column

35 Do you need it ?  Can disable on a Type by Type basis using annotation xdb:maintainDOM=“false”  Location of Namespace declarations  No Comments or Processing Instructions  Do not care about empty Vs missing elements  Elements in an All and Choice will be ordered as per the Schema, not the instance  Not worried about defaults  Type does not allow Mixed text

36 Type defn with DOM Fidelity desc LINEITEMS_T LINEITEMS_T is NOT FINAL Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ------------------ SYS_XDBPD$ XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T LINEITEM LINEITEM_V desc LINEITEM_V LINEITEM_V VARRAY(2147483647) OF LINEITEM_T LINEITEM_T is NOT FINAL Name Null? Type ------------------------------ -------- ------------------ SYS_XDBPD$ XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T ITEMNUMBER NUMBER(38) DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(256 CHAR) PART PART_T

37 Type defn without DOM Fidelity desc LINEITEMS_T LINEITEMS_T is NOT FINAL Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ------------------ LINEITEM LINEITEM_V desc LINEITEM_V LINEITEM_V VARRAY(2147483647) OF LINEITEM_T LINEITEM_T is NOT FINAL Name Null? Type ------------------------------ -------- ------------------ ITEMNUMBER NUMBER(38) DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(256 CHAR) PART PART_T

38 xdb:maintainDOM <xs:attribute name="ItemNumber" type="xs:integer" xdb:SQLName="ITEMNUMBER" xdb:SQLType="NUMBER"/>

39 Dom Fidelity

40 XDB Attributes in XML Schema  Mapping details captured as new attributes within the XML Schema – Oracle attributes use namespace :  Input XML Schema does not need to be annotated – Default assumptions for all XDB attributes  Input XML Schema can explicitly specify XDB attributes – SQLName : Name of column or type attribute – SQLType : Name of object type – SQLCollType : Name of collection type – MaintainOrder : Permits turning off order maintenance

41 Hybrid Storage of XML  Two ends of storage spectrum – Store entire content in a single LOB – Full shredding of XML data  Hybrid Storage Options – Combination of shredding and LOB storage – xdb:SQLType=“CLOB” applied to – CLOB storage ideal for fragments that are not intended for query or partial updates – Example : XHTML content embedded within resource descriptors (metadata)

42 Querying XMLType  XPath based operators  existsNode – Boolean operator – Checks for existence of node identified by XPath  extract – Extracts a fragment identified by XPath  extractValue – Retrieves the raw value of leaf node identified by XPath  Namespace Aware  ANSI SQL/XML Standards effort

43 Query Rewrite  Automatic rewrite of XPaths during query compilation  Rewritten query directly accesses underlying relational columns  Introduces joins with nested tables  Enables use of indexes

44 Query Rewrite - Example  Original Query SELECT extractValue(value(p), '/PurchaseOrder/PONum') FROM po_tab p WHERE existsNode(value(p), '/PurchaseOrder[Company=Oracle]') = 1;  Rewritten Query SELECT p.ponum FROM po_tab p WHERE = 'Oracle';

45 Query Rewrite Examples XPath ExpressionRewrite Logic Simple XPath expressions  /PurchaseOrder/Company  /PurchaseOrder/@poDate  Traversals of object attributes  1 or more levels Collection traversals  /PurchaseOrder/LineItem/Part  Joins with appropriate nested tables Predicates  [Company=“Oracle”]  Relational predicates List indexes  Lineitem[1]  Operator to access i-th item of collection  Uses index on array_index column

46 Updating XMLType  Updating entire XML document  Partial Update – Uses UpdateXML() operator – XPath identifies element or attribute to be updated – New value for the updated node is specified – Rewritten to directly update underlying column(s)  Similar mechanisms for – Inserting new nodes – Deleting node(s)

47 Update Rewrite - Example  Original Statement UPDATE po_tab p SET value(p) = updatexml(value(p), '/PurchaseOrder/PONum/text()', 9999) WHERE existsNode(value(p), ‘/PurchaseOrder[Company=Oracle]’) = 1;  Rewritten Statement UPDATE po_tab p SET p.ponum = 9999 WHERE p.Company = ‘Oracle’;

48 XMLType Views  Provide an XML view of relational data  Good evolutionary strategy – New XML apps on XML abstraction of existing data  SQL/XML Standard operators used to generate XML  Views can generate schema based XML  Insert / Update / Delete operations via ‘Instead of’ Triggers  Queries over XML views are rewritten to directly access underlying relational columns

49 XMLType View - Example CREATE VIEW po_view of XMLTYPE XMLSCHEMA "po.xsd" ELEMENT "PurchaseOrder" AS SELECT XMLElement("PurchaseOrder", XMLForest(p.ponum "PONum", "Company"), (SELECT XMLAGG( XMLElement("Item", XMLForest(i.part "Part", i.price "Price")) FROM items_rel_tab i WHERE i.po_id = FROM po_rel_tab p;

50 Complex XML Schemas  Cyclic Definitions – Object types created with references – Table row contains reference to other rows stored in same or different table – Keys to document and parent rows stored in nested rows  Complex type derivation – Mapped to object type inheritance  Wildcards – Mapped to CLOB attributes

51 Indexing XMLType  Multiple index types  B-Tree and bitmap indexes  Function-based indexes – Create index on specific XPath expressions  Text indexes – Inverted lists provide section-based search – Also support keyword based search within textual content

52 Performance Metrics

53 Summary: Native XML Data Type  Abstraction for storing XML – Native Server data type – Use as Table, Column, PL/SQL variable – Supports constraints and referential integrity – Structured and Unstructured storage options  XML Specific methods enable – XPath based Navigation and Searching of XML content – XPath based manipulation and update of XML content – Server based XSLT Transformation – XMLSchema validation

54 Summary: XML Schema  Validation of instance Documents  Basis for Structured Storage of XMLType – XML shredded and stored as SQL Objects – DOM Fidelity – Optimized Collection Management – B-Tree indexes over collections – Query Re-write of XPath expressions – Partial Update – Lazily Loaded Virtual DOM – Object model automatically derived from XML Schema

55 Summary: SQL / XML Interoperability  XML generation from SQL Queries – Generate an XML document from a SELECT statement – Support for generating complex documents – XMLType views provide XML access to relational content  SQL query and update of XML Content – XPath based extraction of XML Content (SELECT List) – XPath based query of XML Content (WHERE Clause) – XPath based update of XML content – XPath based relational views over XML content

56 Summary: API  Higher Level API for working with XML with full support for – Generation – Storage and Retrieval – Indexing, Searching – Query and Update – Transformation

57 Summary: Generating XML  SQL XML operators make it easy to generate XML from relational data – Result set of SQL Query is XML document  XMLType Views allow persistent XML access to relational data  Content of XMLType view can be exposed as a virtual document – Direct access via HTTP / WebDAV or FTP

58 2. Managing Unstructured Data  More and more content is being produced as XML (Microsoft Word, Corel XMetal, Arbortext Epic, …) – Markup improves search, processing, organization, …  XML DB’s Repository enables XML document content to be stored as ‘files’ in ‘folders’ without losing strong-management, queryability, unbreakable security etc.  XML is doing for unstructured data what Relational did for structured: create a standard way to store, query and manage unstructured data

59  XML data model and API’s familiar to Content Developers  Integrated Repository – WebDAV compliant – Xpath index for fast traversal of foldering hierarchies – SQL Queryable  Integrated Text Processing – Optimizations such as “tag aware” search Managing Unstructured Data with Oracle XML DB

60 Using XML for Unstructured Content Measurable results: Soft results:  Increase information quality  Support knowledge management initiatives  Improve information freshness  Enhance information accuracy  Greater content Interactivity  Improve content flexibility  Increase customer satisfaction  Expand customer retention Authoring Cost Savings 50% Publishing Time Savings 95% Translation Savings 30% Reduced Content Maintenance 20X Source:

61 D E M O N S T R A T I O N Unstructured XML

62 Oracle & Corel Integration

63 Oracle XML DB Repository  XML Repository based IETF DAV Specification – File / Folder metaphor for storing and managing content – ACL Based access control – Basic versioning support  Supports WebDAV, HTTP and FTP protocols – Access and update content using standard tools  Full SQL access and update  Programmatic access via multiple APIs  Hierarchical Index – Patented, high performance folder-traversal operations and queries

64 XML Searching  The CONTAINS SQL function is an extension to SQL, and can be used in any query.  The ora:contains XPath function is an extension to XPath, and can be used in any call to existsNode, extract or extractValue.. SELECT ID FROM PURCHASE_ORDERS WHERE CONTAINS( DOC, 'electric INPATH (/purchaseOrder/items/item/comment)' )>0 ; SELECT ID FROM PURCHASE_ORDERS_xmltype WHERE existsNode( DOC, '/purchaseOrder/comment[ora:contains(text(), "($lawns AND wild) OR flamingo")>0]', 'xmlns:ora=""' ) = 1 ;

65 CONTAINS vs ora:contains()  The CONTAINS SQL function – Needs a CONTEXT index to run - if there is no index, you get an error – does an indexed search, and is generally very fast – returns a score (via the score operator) – can restrict a search using both Full Text and XML structure – restricts a search based on documents (rows in a table), not nodes – cannot be used for XML structure-based projection (pulling out parts of an XML document)  The ora:contains XPath function: – does not need an index to run, so it is very flexible - separates application logic from storing and indexing considerations – may do an unindexed search, so it may be resource-intensive; alternatively, may also get rewritten to use an index – does not return a score – can restrict a search using Full Text in an XPath expression – can be used for XML structure-based projection (pulling out parts of an XML document)

66 More Search Examples SELECT ID FROM PURCHASE_ORDERS_xmltype WHERE existsNode( DOC, '/purchaseOrder/comment[ora:contains(text(), "($lawns AND wild) OR flamingo")>0]', 'xmlns:ora=""' ) = 1 ; SELECT extract( DOC, '/purchaseOrder/items/item/comment[ora:contains(text(), "electric")>0]', 'xmlns:ora=""') “ Comment ” FROM PURCHASE_ORDERS_xmltype WHERE CONTAINS( DOC, 'electric INPATH (/purchaseOrder/items/item/comment) ' )>0 ; SELECT ID FROM PURCHASE_ORDERS WHERE CONTAINS( DOC, '(electric INPATH (//comment)) INPATH (/purchaseOrder/items)' )>0 ; SELECT ID FROM PURCHASE_ORDERS WHERE CONTAINS( DOC, 'electric INPATH (//items/item[@partNum="872-AA"]/comment)' )>0 ; SELECT ID FROM PURCHASE_ORDERS WHERE CONTAINS( DOC, 'electric INPATH (/*/*/item[.//comment])' )>0 ;

67 Query Rewrite  A query with existsNode, extract or extractValue, where the XPath includes ora:contains, may be considered for Query Rewrite iff: – The XML is Schema-based – the first argument to ora:contains (text_input) is either a single text node whose parent node maps to a column, or an attribute that maps to a column. The column must be a single relational column (possibly in a nested table).  The re-written query will use a CONTEXT index iff: – there is a CONTEXT index on the column that text_input's parent node (or attribute node) maps to – the ora:contains policy exactly matches the index choices of the CONTEXT index – the CONTEXT index was built with the TRANSACTIONAL keyword in the PARAMETERS string

68 iAS J2EE TM Platform 3. XML Query-based Integration  Why XQuery ? – Declarative way to query XML documents  Why Java? – Run in mid-tier or database – Future server implementation in C  Why XML Database ? – Native XML storage – XML data management – Performance optimizations – SQL/XML or XQuery depending on data  Status – OTN downloads (pending W3C standard finalization in ’04) XML DB XQuery Engine Server JVM XQuery Engine

69 What is XQuery?  New W3C language to query XML  Evolution from XPath – path navigation  Analogous to SQL – SQL for structured storage (relational) – XQuery for structured (schema)/unstructured  Text extensions – work in progress

70 XQuery example SCOTT 12-Sep-2003 <ShipAddr street=“211,Redwood Lane” city=“Seattle” state=“CA”/>

71 XQuery example - query  Search all of scott’s po for > 20 items { for $i in doc(“scott.xml”)/PurchaseOrder/LineItem where $i/@Quantity > 20 return {$i/@Item} }

72 Differences from SQL  Navigation-oriented (using XPath expressions)  Different type system (XMLSchema based simple types)  Identity-based (XML Node identities and document order)  Namespace aware name-resolution (functions, variables, element creation)  Row based versus Item based  Results are heterogeneous sequences  Does not have all SQL extensions (e.g, OLAP, Full-Text..)

73 What’s really new?  New Data Model  Shared with XSLT-2.0 / XPath 2.0  Input & Output - XQuery data model  Type system based on XMLSchema  Supports un-typed and typed values  Supports construction of XML  Has prolog with static/dynamic context

74 XQuery Data Model  XML -> Infoset -> PSVI -> Data model  Everything is a sequence – Sequence is list of “Item”s – Items can be  XML nodes (document, PI, comment, attributes)  Simple content (number, date)  Can be typed (XMLSchema) or untyped

75 XQuery Sequence  Virtual container of data model items  Can be homogeneous or heterogeneous  Example Sequence ( “ABC” (atomic value of type xsi:string), 33.2 (element a of type xsi:float), @foo:x = 33 (attribute foo:x of type xsi:integer),... (element ShipAddr of type foo:Address), )

76 XQuery Expressions  Everything is an “expression”.  Inputs defined in the language - – doc() – takes in URI returns data model – collection() – URI input – returns collection – bind variables – external variable input  Function – recursive, named, typed  Defined F&O – lots - shared with XPath  Modules – Similar to PL/SQL packages

77 XML construction  Element, Attribute and other constructors – Direct constructors 21 – Computed Constructor element Emp { attribute name {/emp/ename}, text( “21”) }  Sequence constructor ( “ a ”, “ b ”, 1 to 10 ) – sequence of strings, integers

78 XQuery Type system  XMLSchema primitive and complex types  Query can be statically typed (conformance level)  Dynamic types can be more specific  Validation is implicit – lax,strict,skip

79 XQuery path language  XPath 2.0 – new path language (subset)  Type aware unlike XPath 1.0  New operators – Node compares – is, isnot – Value compares – eq, gt, lt – Existential compares - – Range searches, Satisfies, etc.  Ordering maintained – unordered() hint

80 Java standards  JSR 225 (XQJ) – new JSR in the works  IBM, BEA, Datadirect, SoftwareAG, Ipedo  Define standard for access in Java  Early draft Q1 ‘04?  Final draft sometime in summer ’04?  Taking good aspects of JDBC

81 Example Preliminary API (warning! subject to change) import javax.xml.xquery; XQConnection con = Datasource.getconnection(jdbcco); XQExpression expr = con.prepareExpr(“for $i in doc..”); XQItemSet items = expr.executeQuery(); while ( { if (items.isOfType(XQTypes.StringType)) String str = items.getString(); }

82 XQJ – main goals  Get/Set Static and Dynamic context  Get/Set External variables  Prepare XQuery Expressions  Provide Java classes for data model  Provide all types of access (SAX, StaX)  Metadata and type supportput of one query is input of another

83 SQL/XML standards  Part of ANSI/ISO SQL2003  XML datatype will support XQuery data model  XQuery() function to be part of SQL  XMLTable function to explode XML to relational values – using XQuery  Define relational mapping to XQuery – Provide XQuery functions to map tables – Provide mapping from SQL to data model

84 XQuery Support in Oracle  Standalone Java query engine – 100% Java – Integrated into mid-tier, can run in server-tier (integrated with XML DB) – Interoperate with XSLT/XPath  XMLDB integrated database engine – SQL/XML standard support – Optimized queries – rewrite to SQL

85 XQuery Java implementation  XQuery or XQueryX input  Extensible function implementation  Compiles into rowsource like structures  Integrate with SQL data (view function) – Uses XSU for relational data  Optimization – push XQuery to XMLDB  Can run in mid-tier or server-tier JVM


87 Oracle’s XML Data Services  XDS provides common XQuery services – Caching – cache in Java/XMLDB – View text storage, functional definitions – Web services for XQuery – Common XML Adapter framework  XQuery – the integration language  Caching in XMLDB – query pushdown  JNDI tree used to discover datasource

88 XDS Architecture XDS Client API’s EJB JSP Tags Web Service XML Data Synthesis Cached XML Data Source Applications using XDS e.g. Portals, Reports etc Query Builder Tool Meta-data Repository Oracle Enterprise Manager XML DB JCache File system J2EE Security Framework XDS Cache Security XDS Caching Service XML Data source adaptors CCI-XML Web Services J2CA EAI SAP Oracle Apps JMS RDBMS Files HTTP Web Cache Java Functions XQuery Subsystem XQ4J/JXQI XQuery Engine XMLDataSource modules XQuery Result In- Mem ory Stored Query

89 Example – XDS usage  User registers webservice as datasource  XDS creates an XQuery module automatically  User Query for querying webservice import module namespace wss=“datasrc/stockws”; for $i in wss:getcompanies() return wss:get_stock_price($i/name) wss – namespace prefix for the loaded module JNDI lookup to get datasource implementation XDS adapters implement datasource

90 Example – Query pushdown  Query against XML DB for $i in view(“PurchaseOrder”)/ROW where $i/City = ‘Fresno’ return $i/PoNo  With rewrite - equivalent to for $i in sql(“select extract(p,‘PoNo’) from purchaseorder p where existsnode(p,‘[City=“Fresno”]’)=1 return $i

91 Server-tier XML Query  Query SQL tables/views  Query XMLtype tables  Query data in repository  Query URLs (using UriType in DB)  Result is XMLType  Rewrite when possible

92 XQuery Database Architecture XMLDB RepositorySQL tables/views XQuery rewrite/ Execution engine XQuery To rewrite or not to rewrite

93 Example: SQL integration  SQL tables (get all 150K+ employees) select XQuery(‘ for $i in view(“SCOTT.EMP”)/ROW where $i/SALARY > 150000 return $i/EMPNO’) from dual; 2100 344

94 Example – XMLType integration  XMLType tables as input select p.XQuery(‘ ’) from purchaseorder p where p.XQuery(‘/PurchaseOrder[ShipAddr/City=“Fresno”]‘) is not null;  After rewrite select XMLElement(“PO”, XMLAttributes(p.xmldata.”PONo”)) from purchaseorder p where p.xmldata.”ShipAddr”.”City” = ‘Fresno’

95 Example – Repository integration  Query files from repository – doc() queries files from repository (rewrite) – collection() maps to directories select XQuery(‘ for $i in doc(“/public/foo.xml”) return $i’) from dual;....

96 Datasources  Enables arbitrary input sources – files, cache, JCA datasources  xmldatasrc – Oracle language addition  Datasource API – initialize – describe – execute – Fetch  Bind (an existing DOM)

97 D E M O N S T R A T I O N XML Query

98 More Information  Introduction to XML DB –  Oracle Technology Network XML Page –  Oracle Technology Network XML DB Page –  Oracle Technology Network XML Querying Page –  Sample XML DB Applications –

99 A Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S


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