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Mini-course bifurcation theory George van Voorn Part four: chaos.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini-course bifurcation theory George van Voorn Part four: chaos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini-course bifurcation theory George van Voorn Part four: chaos

2 Bifurcations Bifurcations in 3 and higher D ODE models Chaos (requires at least 3D) Example: 3D RM model

3 Rosenzweig-MacArthur The 3D RM model is written as Where X = prey, Y = predator, Z = top predator

4 3D R: rescaling The rescaled version is written as Scaled functional responses

5 3D RM: equilibria

6 3D RM: bifurcations Primary bifurcation parameters d 1 and d 2 Displays a whole range of bifurcation curves Point M of higher co-dimension –Tangent of equilibrium (T e ) –Transcritical of equilibrium (TC e ) –Hopf of 2D system equilibrium (H p ) –Hopf of non-trivial equilibrium (H + ) –Transcritical of limit cycle (TC c )

7 3D RM: bifurcations d 1 = 0.5 Maximum x 3 Minimum x 3

8 3D RM: bifurcations 2 attractors Separatrix (3D)

9 3D RM: bifurcations

10 3D RM: chaos Flip bifurcations after each other Period doubling 1,2,4,8,16 to infinity

11 3D RM: chaos d 1 = 0.5

12 3D RM: chaos *2 *4 *8 Pattern

13 Boundaries of chaos Example: Rozenzweig-MacArthur next-minimum map unstable equilibrium X 3 Minima x 3 cycles

14 Boundaries of chaos Example: Rozenzweig-MacArthur next-minimum map X3X3 No existence x 3 Possible existence x 3

15 Boundaries of chaos Chaos born through flip bifurcations (possible route) Chaos bounded by global bifurcations (work by Martin Boer)

16 The end (for now) Any questions?


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