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Confidence Intervals for  With  Unknown

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Presentation on theme: "Confidence Intervals for  With  Unknown"— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidence Intervals for  With  Unknown

In real life, we rarely know   IS UNKNOWN! In situations where value of  is unknown, then if we can assume: samples come from a normal distribution (i.e. X has a normal distribution) The random variable has what is called a t-distribution

3 The t-distribution X is normal and  is unknown
The t-distribution is “robust” which means that it can be used even if X is only approximately normal X is normal and  is unknown

The t-distribution is a mound-shaped distribution just like the z distribution, only more spread out because of the added uncertainty about  The larger the sample size, the less unsure we are about  and thus the t-distribution approaches the z distribution as the sample size, n, gets large

5 DEGREES OF FREEDOM A measure of how spread out the t-distribution is provided a quantity known as the number of degrees of freedom The number of degrees of freedom is a measure of how the sample size affects estimating the standard deviation of the population

In hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for the mean, , we calculate Thus the degrees of freedom for a sample of size n is n-1


8 t TABLES For each possible number of degrees of freedom, there exists a table for t that is just like the normal table This is too bulky and so typically one t-table is printed that gives the t-values for common probabilities (in the tail): t.10, t.05, t.025, t.01, and t.005 for degrees of freedom up to 30, and for other selected number of degrees of freedom

9 t-Distribution With 9 df
The t-Table t.01,9 2.821 .01 t-Distribution With 9 df t t-tables give right tail probabilities

10 Properties of t-Distributions
Mean = 0 Symmetric Example: P(t < ) = P(t > 2.821) Example: (t-value) that puts .01 in the right tail = (-t-value) that puts .01 in the left tail The larger the degrees of freedom, the shape of the t-distribution becomes closer to a normal distribution t-values are sometimes approximated by z-values if n > 30 As will be shown, there is no need to do this with EXCEL

Exactly the same as when using z except: Use t instead of z Use s instead of the unknown 

12 Confidence Intervals for 
When  is known we used: When  is unknown we use: Note: we include the # of Degrees of Freedom

13 EXAMPLE Assuming that the ages of MIS managers follow a normal distribution, estimate the true mean age of MIS managers with 95% confidence given the following 5 observations: 25, 30, 32, 38, 25


15 t Functions in EXCEL TINV(.05,6) = the t value that puts .025 in the upper tail with 6 degrees of freedom TDIST(1.783,7,1) = area in the upper tail above with 7 degrees of freedom TDIST(1.783,7,2) = twice the area in the upper tail above with 7 degrees of freedom NOTES: The first argument of TDIST must be positive. tα/2 is returned when TINV(α,DF) is entered. Since any number of DF can be entered, there is no need to approximate t by z when using Excel.

16 Manipulating t-Functions in Excel
The probability to the left of t = with 7 degrees of freedom: =1 - TDIST(1.783,7,1) The probability in the lower tail below t = with 7 degrees of freedom: = TDIST(1.783,7,1) The probability to the right of t = with 7 degrees of freedom: =1 - TDIST(1.783,7,1) The probability between and with 7 degrees of freedom: = 1 – TDIST(1.783,7,2)

Go to DESCRPTIVE STATISTICS -- Check Summary Statistics Confidence Level for Mean (indicate % confidence) LCL = (Mean)- (Confidence) UCL = (Mean)+(Confidence) Numbers in italics means click on the cell with this value

18 Confidence Level For Mean
CHECK -- Summary statistics Confidence Level For Mean Degree of Confidence

19 = D3-D16 = D3+D16

20 REVIEW t distribution is used when
Sampling from (relatively) normal distributions  is unknown t distribution is based on degrees of freedom (DF) DF for tests and intervals about  = n-1 t-intervals are the same as z-intervals except use s instead of  use t instead of z Excel – TDIST and TINV Descriptive Statistics to Create Confidence Intervals

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