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Presentation on theme: "SenseCam ITS POSSIBILITIES, CURRENT STUDIES AND A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presentation Outline Introduction to the SenseCam Possible areas of use Post image capture Empirical study The future outlook

3 Passive Small, lightweight Wide angled fish-eye lens Captures every 30 seconds Sensors - Light, motion, temperature Accelerometer - capture images at ‘Good times’ Introduction to the SenseCam

4 Day out in Cambridge - SenseCam

5 Possible areas of use Medical Education Ethnography Lifelogging Tourism Disabilities

6 Medical First trials, Memory Clinic and Memory Aids Clinic, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge Began trials with a patient suffering from Amnesia. After an event she reviewed the images for one hour every two days, for two weeks. 80% more recall, longer lasting ability to recall the event even without reviewing images.

7 Medical Research areas of autobiographical memory - Amnesia- Alzheimers Disease - Brain injury - Dementia Research in UL - Speech therapy Aphasia Significantly beneficial, degree of patient involvement was noticeably greater than in previous sessions

8 Medical Patient does not need to interact with the device Captured from the patients viewpoint Easy to review and prioritize V’s Video / Diary Easy to use Vast range of images Small amount of memory

9 Education Reflective practice Teacher Training Currently use video SenseCam offers an unobtrusive method Less time consuming, ease of searching

10 Education Learning “ Reflection is something we need to do in order to learn from our experiences. ” David Boud author Promoting Reflection in Learning University of Sussex Case Study Allow for easier review Allowed locating significant images quicker More participation Captured viewpoint of the user Allow review where awareness was limited at the time of the task

11 Ethnography / Task Observation Ethnographic techniques Useful tools for analyzing users behaviors. Natural setting, Presentation of user behavior as it exists. Current methods are largely time consuming Role of shadower Shadows a participant taking extensive notes Pressure to be constantly alert Continually present View point of the practitioner

12 Lifelogging Current Technologies LiveJournal Microsofts LifeLog tool Evernote Nokia Lifelog Multimedia Diary Timesnapper Previous trends - The Memex - MyLifeBits project Vannevar Bush American Engineer Gordan Bell Microsoft Researcher 1945 1995 - Present

13 Tourism Generating Photo-blogs Hotel walk through City walk-through Attraction previews Benefits to those with Disabilities Accessibility Issues for wheelchair users Behavioral therapy

14 Post Capture - Image Segmentation Optimize searching and browsing Current Research DCU - Three main processing elements Broken into Events Landmark Photo Calculation of novelty values

15 Empirical Study Aim How those being recorded would perceive and react to the device Explore the capabilities of the camera Format used Open-ended Interview Semi-formal setting Recipients had a range of experience Audio recorded

16 Empirical Study Method Participant were briefed on the nature of the study The functions of the camera were explained Interview were carried out in a friendly casual manner De-briefed

17 Empirical Study Results and Data analysis 50% had a negative initial reaction 25% had a negative reaction at the end of the interview 100% stated that full disclosure was vital prior to recording 30% forgot about the camera 75% conscious regarding sensitive information 100% agreed with the exclusion of audio Positive feedback - Disabilities Negative feedback - Medical Privacy, Exploitation of information, Vast amount of useless data

18 Empirical Study Results and Data Analysis Many images were unusable Light saturation - facing a window, light fixture Lighting conditions - dark room Covered lens due to everyday activities - coffee cup, clothes Conclusion Interviewee could see the benefits, they each possessed many worries regarding the issues with the current device. Privacy prevailing issue - Current issues in many new technologies Image capturing issues

19 The future outlook Change is guaranteed both in use and abilities - Longer lasting battery - Improved image capture - Smarter sensors Compass add-on - Microsoft Research, Cambridge Not always the obvious pictures which trigger an event No method of predicting what will trigger recall Including as many views as possible Changes Change in compass often indicates the lens in facing new objects Historical data to predict the likelihood of a new view

20 The future outlook Audio - Currently being used in the myLifeBitsProject Greater privacy issues Searching / Browsing issues Possibility of integration with Mobile Phone devices

21 Conclusion Possibilities are endless Large amount of Research in the area More intuitive, smarted device on the horizon High possibility of it being integrated with clothing Large amount of issues - Privacy concealed image capture Adds to the great number of devices logging our every move Do drastic changes lie ahead regarding social norms Legal issues - who has right to the images? how they are used? Can images be used by the law? Will this lead to forgery? Worries weither the device will weaken human ability? \ Is there a value in forgetting?

22 Conclusions “there are a number of important questions that we will still need to address before we can responsibly consider making SenseCam into a product that is available to the general public.” Microsoft Research Website, Dec 09

23 Conclusion One thing is for sure, the ball has begun rolling


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