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Kashmir Cultured Past, Tortured Present. Geography.

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1 Kashmir Cultured Past, Tortured Present

2 Geography



5 Shrinagar = Shri + Nagar

6 Kashmir Valley from the East


8 Sri Nagar


10 Saffron Saffron crocus is a perennial bulb. The flowers are pale lilac with narrow ribbed, slightly variegated leaves. The stigmas, the part used, are a bright orange-red


12 Silk /HORSE Route Buddhism into Western China via Central Asia by 124 CE Kashmiris wealth in trade, culture instrumental to Silk Route trade Spices, Saffron created fortunes

13 Material Wealth and Cultural wealth on a major trade route

14 Vibrant Center of Ancient Indic Cultures Kashmir

15 Hindu Traditions Vedic traditions Sun Temple, Martand Kashmiri Shaivism Center of Aesthetic theories

16 Many Hindu Temple Ruins Avantipura Shiva Temple Payara Shiva Temple

17 Kashmiri Shaivism Kashmir Shaivism proposes the theory of reflection (pratibimbavada). This theory explains that the universe is created in the same way that the image of an object, such as a house, can be reflected in a mirror. In the case of Shiva, however, there is no object such as the house which exists independently from the mirror of God Consciousness. The Kashmir Shaivism theory proclaims that nothing can exist outside of God Consciousness, because only God Consciousness exists. Therefore, the Shaiva explains, the only thing that exists is the house appearing in the mirror. There is no external object, no separate house, being reflected in the mirror. There is only the mirror of God Consciousness. What then causes the "reflection" to appear in the "mirror" of Shiva's awareness? To this question the Shaiva answers, it is svatantrya, the absolutely independent will of Lord Shiva that creates this whole universe in the mirror of his awareness by his absolutely independent will (svatantrya), his freedom.

18 RASA Aesthetic Cultivation as Salvation Practice The Sanskrit term for a deep feeling of basic aesthetic ideal is rasa. From the classical era onwards, and as definitively expounded by its chief articulator, the eleventh century Kashmiri scholar Abhinavagupta, Indian aesthetics has focused on the articulation of and evocation of the different rasas. The various medieval Sanskrit treatises highlight 10 rasa-s: erotic love (sringāra); heroism (vīra), disgust (bībhatsa), anger/fury (raudra), mirth (hāsya), terror (bhayānaka), compassion (karuna), wonder (adbhuta), peace (shanti), and paternal fondness (vātsalya). The Sanskrit artist working in the classical tradition wrote for an audience of highly refined and cultured individuals. In Indic aesthetic philosophy, great attention is paid to explaining the refined attitude of the “rasikas,” those who enjoy immersing themselves fully in a particular artistic experience.

19 Center of Indian Medicine and Cultural Production

20 Second Great Center of Indian Buddhism Kashmir At its peak, 400 Buddhist monasteries in 680 CE Center of philosophical vibrancy, ritual performance, artistic creation

21 Ashoka ruled 273-236 BCE

22 East meets WEST, 300 BCE Alexander the Great

23 Alexander defeated by Indian princes Weakened states in NW draw Mauryas of NE India to conquer and form alliances, creating the largest land empire in Indian history

24 Ashoka’s Edicts on Pillars and Rocks across Empire


26 After Alexander was defeated Some Greeks remained in NW India….

27 Greek Gymnasium in Afghanistan… ….papyrus manuscript in Greek style

28 And some convert to Buddhism… called “Yavana”s for the next 1000 years Merchants who crossed India’s trade routes

29 Gandhara


31 Takht-I-Bahi




35 KASHMIR: Center of Buddhist arts that influenced other areas of South Asia, including Nepal and Tibet


37 Favorite Retreat of Mughal Rulers


39 Kashmiri Islam: Tolerant and drawn to Sufi mysticism


41 Nishat Gardens Shahi Hamdan, Sufi Shrine

42 Kashmir Under British Colonial Rule


44 British Develop Himalayas Hill stations for monsoon and heat seasons Western Himalayas: Shimla, Mussoorie, Darjeeling, Ooty, Jammu, Kashmir. Eastern Himalayas Darjeeling, Gangtok, Kalimpong, Kurseong, Mirik, Shillong, Imphal

45 British Military Recruitment: Employment of “Hill Men” of India and Nepalese “Gurkhas”


47 British cede Kashmir including Ladakh to the Hindu Dogras in 1846 Hindu rule in Kashmir continued until Independence in 1947 Ladakh part of India until today 1840-1: Kashmir vs. Tibet War Dogra invasion of Tibet repulsed; Tibetans defeated in Ladakh, territory remains with raja of Kashmir

48 Maharaja of Kashmir, 1900

49 Era of Indian Independence POST 1947


51 Kashmir, Nehru, the British Muslim ruler of Kashmir agrees to sign on with India, and Nehru makes exception to the rule of partition: “in cases of majority population land goes to Pakistan in border regions”......

52 ... Pakistan objects, Indian sends in new army to Kashmir, and war breaks out in 1947-8, ending in the “LINE OF CONTROL” still extant today...

53 1965 War Conflict’s Context: US [Pakistan] vs. USSR [India] Global Cold War

54 1999 Kargil Skirmish Context: Both nations nuclear powers

55 Kashmir Today Insurgency and Terrorism, State and Proxies

56 Hindu Kashmiri Panditas terrorized, flight into refugee camps in Jammu

57 Still: Kashmiris not allowed to decide their own fate

58 Kashmir now located in the “War against terror”

59 Stalemate Continues....

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