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Spin chains and strings in Y p,q and L p,q|r manifolds Martin Kruczenski Princeton University Based on hep-th/0505046 and hep-th/0505206 w/ S. Benvenuti.

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Presentation on theme: "Spin chains and strings in Y p,q and L p,q|r manifolds Martin Kruczenski Princeton University Based on hep-th/0505046 and hep-th/0505206 w/ S. Benvenuti."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spin chains and strings in Y p,q and L p,q|r manifolds Martin Kruczenski Princeton University Based on hep-th/0505046 and hep-th/0505206 w/ S. Benvenuti ( Scuola Normale & INFN, Pisa, Italy)

2 Summary Introduction: N=4 AdS/CFT: Strings  Long ops.  Point-like strings  BPS ops.  String excitations  insertions  Long strings  semiclassical states N=1 AdS/CFT  AdS 5 x X 5 ; X 5 is Sasaki-Einstein  X 5 : T 1,1 SU(2) x SU(2) x U(1) Y p,q SU(2) x U(1) x U(1) L p,q | r U(1) x U(1) x U(1)

3 Y p,q  Massless geodesics and long operators: matching of R and flavor charges.  Extended strings (Qualitative) Eff. action appears in f.t. and is similar but not equal to string side. L p,q | r  Derivation of dual field theory  Massless geodesics and long operators: matching of R and flavor charges.

4 N=4 SYM  II B on AdS 5 x S 5 Strings? Long operators  Strings (BMN, GKP) an. dimension  Energy Frolov-Tseytlin: Long strings Minahan-Zarembo: Spin chains Bethe Ansatz (BFST) X=  1 +i  2 ;Y=  3 +i  4 ; O=Tr(XY…Y) Long chains (J  ) are classical S eff : Action of spin chain and fast strings. ( M.K.; Ryzhov, Tseytlin, M.K.; … )

5 Strings as states of N=4 SYM on RxS 3 The operator O=  c i [ Tr(XY…Y) ] i maps to a state of the field th. on S 3 State: delocalized and has a large number of particles (X and Y). Q.M. : |  = cos(  /2) exp(i  /2 ) |X  + sin(  /2) exp(- i  /2) |Y  We can use v i = |  (  i,  i )  to construct: O= Tr (v 1 v 2 v 3 … v n ) (Coherent state)

6 Strings are useful to describe states of a large number of particles (in the large N limit)

7 N=1 AdS 5 x X 5 ; X 5 : Sasaki-Einstein ds 2 = dx 2 [4] + dr 2 + r 2 dX 5 2  CY cone Put D3 branes at r = 0 and take near horizon limit: ds 2 = + dX 5 2, AdS 5 x X 5 T 1,1 (conifold) Klebanov-Witten Y p,q Gauntlett, Martelli, Sparks,Waldram Benvenuti, Franco, Hanany, Martelli, Sparks L p,q | r Cvetic, Lu, Page, Pope; Benvenuti, M.K.; Franco, Hanany, Martelli, Sparks, Vegh, Wecht; Butti, Forcella, Zaffaroni

8 T 1,1 Y p,q (Gauntlett, Martelli, Sparks,Waldram) ; y 1 < y < y 2 If    = 6  +  ; only p(y) appears.

9 Point-like strings (massless geodesics) Const.: t =   ; P t =  =  ;   (3/2) Q R ; Q R = 2P  - (1/3) P 

10 BPS geodesics  = (3/2) Q R  P y = 0, J = P , Therefore, y is the r atio between U(1) and R-charges. Also : ( from J = P  )

11 Dual gauge theories (Benvenuti, Franco, Hanany, Martelli, Sparks) Example: Y 3,2 Periodic rep.: ( Hanany, Kennaway, Franco, Vegh, Wecht )

12 Operators of maximum and minimum slopes can be identified with the geodesics at y=y 1 and y=y 2 R-charges and flavor charges match. (Also: Berenstein, Herzog, Ouyang, Pinansky)

13 Small Fluctuations (BMN, GKP, Gomis-Ooguri, Klebanov et al.) Quantize:  =2n,  Q R =0,  P  =0,  J=0 Also (J>P  ):  =2n,  Q R =0,  P  =0,  J=n Agree with quantum numbers of U(1) and SU(2) currents  we identify these non-BPS geodesics with insertions of the currents. (Also Sonnenschein et al.)

14 Extended Strings We consider closed extended strings such that each point moves approximately along a BPS geodesic. Effective action for such strings: We introduce a coordinate  1 =  - 3t Now we use ansatz: t =  

15 and take the limit:   X  0,   ,    X fixed. We get a reduced action: In our case:

16 Example of T 1,1 (Angelova, Pando-Zayas, M.K. ; Strassler et al. ) Field theory: Tr(ABABAB…ABAB) ; SU(2)xSU(2) W=  ab  cd Tr ( A a B c A b B d )

17 For Y p,q y(  )  slope(  );  : conjugate of y + spin  ( ,  ) Effective model: (max and min slopes)

18 Hamiltonian H = h eff.  ( 1 - P i i+1 ) Coherent States: ; The coherent state action is which gives:

19 where p(y) = ( y 2 – y ) ( y – y 1 ) instead of It is interesting that a string picture (and action) for the operators emerges from the analysis.

20 Toric Varieties (z 1,z 2 ) ≡ w (z 1,z 2 ) (z 1, z 2, z 3 ) ≡ w (z 1, z 2, z 3 ) S2S2 (z 1 e i α, z 2 e i β, z 3 ) (C 3 )* / C

21 L pq|r r = p + q - sq = a s - p b (a,p) (b,s) (Also Butti, Zaffaroni, generic polygon)

22 L p,q | r Metric: ( Cvetic, Lu, Page, Pope) x 1 < x < x 2 -1<y<1

23 To write the metric in this way we needed to identify the angle conjugated to the R-charge. This can be done by finding the covariantly constant holomorphic three form in the Calabi-Yau.

24 Massless geodesics

25 Field Theory: Benvenuti, M.K.; Franco, Hanany, Martelli, Sparks, Vegh, Wecht; Butti, Forcella, Zaffaroni Example: Y 3,2 = L 1,5 | 3 L 1,5 | 4

26 In general gives L p,q | r. Using a-max one can compute the R-charges and the central charge. Everything matches. The parameters can be mapped from one description to the other.

27 Long chiral primaries: can be matched to geodesics at the “corners”:

28 Conclusions Y p,q  Massless BPS geod.  Chiral primaries.  Non-BPS geodesics  Current insertions.  Extended strings  Long operators.  Effective action emerges in f.t. Similar but not equal to bulk eff. action. L p,q | r  Found dual gauge theories.  Matched BPS geodesics with long chiral primaries.  Strings? Three dimensional quiver?

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