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Chandra Director’s Office Chandra’s Second Decade  Lifetime: ≥15-20 years (RJB’s presentation)  Is all key Chandra science enabled by current proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "Chandra Director’s Office Chandra’s Second Decade  Lifetime: ≥15-20 years (RJB’s presentation)  Is all key Chandra science enabled by current proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chandra Director’s Office Chandra’s Second Decade  Lifetime: ≥15-20 years (RJB’s presentation)  Is all key Chandra science enabled by current proposal and review procedures?  Extremely Large Projects (ELPs): not implemented as “could be accommodated” in current LP/VLPs  But Cycles 10-12: lack >1 Msec projects approved (2 in past 3 cycles)  Orbit is evolving → more observing time available per cycle for next few years

2 Chandra Director’s Office Large Project at other Observatories  NOAO Survey Program (24): 1999 → present: up to 20% of observing time per cycle, e.g. NOAO/XMM Cluster Survey, The w Project, NOAO Deep-Wide Survey  Spitzer Legacy Projects (6): 2000, 50% of observing time in 1 st year, e.g. GOODS, SWIRE, SINGS  Herschel Key Projects (42): 2007, 40% OT, 90% GT: e.g. HERMES, KINGFISH  HST Multi-Cycle Treasury Projects (3): 2010, 1/3 rd of observing time over 3 cycles, e.g. CANDELS, Andromeda Survey, Through a Lens Darkly

3 Chandra Director’s Office Science Drivers  X-ray coverage of multi-wavelength, surveys: COSMOS, AEGIS, HERMES, CANDELs etc..  Coordination with new observatories: Herschel, ALMA, JWST  High-spatial-resolution studies of samples of SNRs and Clusters of Galaxies  Survey of local group dwarf galaxies: XRB population studies and search for dark matter decay  WHIM search/confirmation  Survey of M31 to complement Hubble Andromeda Survey  Grating Spectroscopy of more AGN, stars +  Spatially-resolved spectroscopy of nearby AGN  Young star clusters (w/ALMA for disk studies)  AGN timing via regular imaging of (part of) medium- deep PanSTARRS field (7 sq degs)

4 Chandra Director’s Office X-ray Visionary Projects (XVPs)  Major, coherent science projects needing 3-5 Msecs, no proprietary time, multi-year  Single project approved per call, any remaining time retained for future XVPs  No science limit for first call, consider second and subsequent to facilitate different science categories  Time, Cycle 13: 3 Msec shortfall from previous cycles, ~1.5 Msec (increased efficiency Cycle 13), ~0.5 Msec from Cycle 14  Funding: scaled up VLP formula Review process:  Notice of Intent with early deadline (~mid-Jan)  Initial Review by augmented set of pundits at regular peer review  Final recommendation from BPP (pundits+chairs)

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