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Things to address in our CH 3 Br studies / publication(s) Main reference is T. Ridley et al., JPC A, 112, 7170, (2008):

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Presentation on theme: "Things to address in our CH 3 Br studies / publication(s) Main reference is T. Ridley et al., JPC A, 112, 7170, (2008):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Things to address in our CH 3 Br studies / publication(s) Main reference is T. Ridley et al., JPC A, 112, 7170, (2008): Emphasize both CH 3 79 Br and CH 3 81 Br and make relevant comparison. Spectra measurements (HRH & VHW): record 2D REMPI / (2+n)REMPI spectra and focus on masses such as: CH 3 :.............15 79 Br +..............79 81 Br +..............81 CH 3 79 Br +........94 CH 3 81 Br +....... 96 -as a function of 2h / cm -1 emphasise to study ion signal as a function of Rydberg state (analogus to our acetylene studies ( ) Record individual “Rydberg state spectra” to search for rotational structure or structure profile.

2 T. Ridley et al., JPC A, 112, 7170, (2008):

3 T. Ridley et al., JPC A, 112, 7170, (2008): CH 3 + + Br - formation limit 76695 cm -1 Emphasize this region to start with:

4 Questions to address: -do relative ion signals alter with laser wavenumbers / Rydberg states in the region 66000 – 76700 cm -1 ; if so, how? - is Rydberg state ion-pair interaction altering with wavenumbers? Analysis: Derive I(N + )/I(CH 3 Br + ); N + = CH 3, Br + vs Rydberg state / wavenumbers Present data as columns vs wavenumbers (2h ) (HRH) Qualitative interpretation in terms of photorupture mechanisms. Preparation work: Make energy level diagrams (IN IGOR) for - Rydberg state (HRH) - Br* + CH 3 energies (HRH) Estimate energies for ion-pair state (CH 3 + Br - ) (ÁK) Power dependence experiments (VHW, HRH): I(N + ) (N + = CH 3 +, Br + and CH 3 Br + ) vs Power => ln(I) vs ln(P) => determine number of photons (n) required to ionize and/ or saturation effects

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