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Reductio ad Absurdum Argumentation in Normal Logic Programs Luís Moniz Pereira and Alexandre Miguel Pinto CENTRIA – Centro de Inteligência Artificial,

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Presentation on theme: "Reductio ad Absurdum Argumentation in Normal Logic Programs Luís Moniz Pereira and Alexandre Miguel Pinto CENTRIA – Centro de Inteligência Artificial,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reductio ad Absurdum Argumentation in Normal Logic Programs Luís Moniz Pereira and Alexandre Miguel Pinto CENTRIA – Centro de Inteligência Artificial, UNL Lisbon, Portugal ArgNMR’07 Luís Moniz Pereira Alexandre Miguel Pinto (lmp|amp) May 14th, 2007 Tempe, Arizona

2 Outline Outline Background and Motivation Revision Complete Scenarios Stable Models and Revision Complete Scenarios Collaborative Argumentation Conclusions and Future Work

3 Background (ground) Normal Logic Program P: set of rules of the form (n,m  0) h  b 1, b 2,..., b n, not c 1, not c 2,..., not c m Motivation In Stable Models (SM) semantics a Normal Logic Program (NLP) not always has a semantics (at least one model) If several NLPs are put together (joining KBs) the resulting NLP may not have any SM. Ex: travel  not mountain mountain  not beach beach  not travel How to ensure that every NLP has at least one 2-valued model?

4 Revision Complete Scenarios Classically, a scenario is a Horn theory P  H, where H is a set of negative (default negated) hypotheses Consider NLPs as argumentation systems Take one set H - of negative hypotheses and draw all possible conclusions from P  H -, i.e., calculate the least model of P  H - – least( P  H - ) If contradictions, ie. pairs {not_L, L}, arise in least( P  H - ) : Revise the initial set H - of negative hypotheses by removing one negative hypothesis L such that {not_L, L} ⊆ least( P  H - ) Repeat until there are no contradictions in least( P  H - ) Add as positive hypotheses to H + the positive literals needed to ensure 2-valued completeness of least( P  H ), where H = H -  H +

5 Revision Complete Scenarios A Revision Complete Scenario is a Horn theory P  H, where H = H +  H - is a set of hypotheses, positive and negative H - is a Weakly Admissible set of negative hypotheses, i.e., every evidence E= {not L 1, not L 2,..., not L n } attacking H - is counter-attacked by P  H -  E H + are the non-redundant and unavoidable positive hypotheses needed to ensure 2-valued completeness and consistency of the model for P  H H + is non-redundant iff there is no h + in H + already derived by the remaining hypotheses, i.e, P  H \ {h + } |-/- h + H + is unavoidable iff for every h + in H +, h + is indispensible to guarantee that P  H is consistent, i.e., least(P  H \ {h + }  {not h + }) is inconsistent – contains a pair {not_L, L}

6  An example: P = travel  not mountain mountain  not beach beach  not travel H- = {not mountain, not beach, not travel} H + =  least(P  H) = {not mountain, not beach, not travel, mountain, beach, travel} Select one L such that least(P  H)  {L, not L}: L = mountain Remove not mountain from H - H- = {not beach, not travel} least(P  H) = {not beach, not travel, mountain, beach} Select one L such that least(P  H)  {L, not L}: L = beach Remove not beach from H - H- = {not travel} least(P  H) = {not travel, beach}, which is consistent but not 2- valued complete We complete the scenario by adding the positive hyposthesis ‘mountain’ to H+ H=H-  H+={not travel}  {mountain}={not travel, mountain} H + = {mountain} least(P  H) = {not travel, beach, mountain} is consistent and 2-valued complete The other 2 alternative scenarios ({not beach, mountain, travel} and {not mountain, beach, travel}) are simmetrical to this one

7 Stable Models and Revision Complete Scenarios Stable Models and Revision Complete Scenarios Every Stable Model of a NLP P is the Least Model of some Revision Complete Scenario P  H, where H = H +  H -, and H + =  Stable Models do not exist for every NLP, but Revision Complete Scenarios do The least models of Revision Complete Scenarios are the Revised Stable Models of the NLP

8 Collaborative Argumentation Classically, argumentation is viewed as a battle between opponents where each one’s hypotheses attack the others’ Our approach facilitates collaborative argumentation in the sense that it provides a method for finding a consensus solution of two (or more) opposing arguments. This is done by Merging the different arguments H 1, H 2,..., H n into a single H Revising the negative hypotheses needed to eliminate inconsistencies in P  H Adding the unavoidable and non-redundant positive hypotheses needed to ensure 2-valued completeness

9 Conclusions Revision Complete Scenarios extend the Stable Models semantics guaranteeing existence of a 2-valued complete and consistent model Stable Models can be viewed as the result of an iterative process of belief revision (revising hypotheses from negative to positive) Revision Complete Scenarios provide a framework for Collaborative Argumentation Future Work Extend this approach to Generalized Logic Programs Extend this argumentation approach to rWFS Integration with other Belief Revision methods

10  Further examples a  not aa is unavoidable b  aa  not a b is redundant, a is non-redundant

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