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Sample Quotations (week 3) Yesterday a canoe came to the ship with six young men; five of them came aboard, whom I ordered to be detained, and have them.

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Presentation on theme: "Sample Quotations (week 3) Yesterday a canoe came to the ship with six young men; five of them came aboard, whom I ordered to be detained, and have them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sample Quotations (week 3) Yesterday a canoe came to the ship with six young men; five of them came aboard, whom I ordered to be detained, and have them with me; I then sent ashore to one of the houses, and took seven women and three children: this I did that the Indians might tolerate captivity better with their company…. Speaker and Text: Situation:Significance:

2 #2 For I believe that the earthly Paradise lies here, which no one can enter except by God’s leave. I believe that this land which your Highnesses have commanded me to discover is very great…. Speaker and Text: Situation:Significance:

3 #3 Pocahontas the Kings dearest daughter, when no entreaty could prevaile, got his head in her armes, and laid her owne upon his to save him from death; whereat the Emperor was contented he should live….. Speaker and Text: Situation:Significance:

4 #4 3. Reas: Thirdly, That every man might have need of other, and from hence theymight all be knitt more nearly together in the Bond of brotherly affeccion: from hence it appears plainly that noe man is made more honourable then another….but for the glory of the his Creator and the Common good of the creature: Man…. Speaker and Text: Situation:Significance:

5 #5 Consider that we shall be as a Citty upon a hill, the eyes of all people are uppon us…. Speaker and Text: Situation:Significance:

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