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OSG GUMS CE SE VOMS VOMRS UConn-OSG University of Connecticut GLUEX support center Gluex VO Open Science Grid All-Hands Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar. 8-11,

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Presentation on theme: "OSG GUMS CE SE VOMS VOMRS UConn-OSG University of Connecticut GLUEX support center Gluex VO Open Science Grid All-Hands Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar. 8-11,"— Presentation transcript:

1 OSG GUMS CE SE VOMS VOMRS UConn-OSG University of Connecticut GLUEX support center Gluex VO Open Science Grid All-Hands Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar. 8-11, 2010. Richard Jones, University of Connecticut, Gluex VO Gluex Experience with OSG created 9/2009 in production since 12/2009

2 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting, Chicago IL, March 8-11, 2010 2 Gluex VO – the science

3 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting, Chicago IL, March 8-11, 2010 3 Gluex VO – the collaboration  University of Athens  Carnegie Mellon University  Catholic University  Christopher Newport University  University of Connecticut  Florida International University  Florida State University  University of Glasgow  IHEP Protvino  Indiana University  Jefferson Lab  U. of Massachusetts, Amherst  North Carolina A&T State  U. of North Carolina, Wilmington  Santa Maria University  University of Regina 15 institutions + Jlab ~60 members Collab. Board (6) Executive Committee Current spokesperson Curtis Meyer, CMU Schedule: Sept. 2008: CD3 start of construction Dec. 2012: end of 6 GeV Ops. 2015: CD4 start of operations

4 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting, Chicago IL, March 8-11, 2010 4 Gluex VO – computing plan 1. raw data 2 PB/yr for 5 years archives stored on Jlab silo 2. simulation 100 TB/yr for 10 years 2x10 8 SPECint_rate2006 hr/yr limited lifetime, on-demand 3. analysis dataset size ~few TB (GPU) cpu intensive, massively parallel (GPU) advances needed to achieve goals

5 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting, Chicago IL, March 8-11, 2010 5 Gluex VO – presence in OSG  VO created 9/2009 GUMS Condor CE dCache SE VOMS VOMRS UConn-OSG University of Connecticut GLUEX support center Gluex VO ~100 worker nodes 400 cores 400 cores mix of 32/64-bit mix of 32/64-bit CentOS 5.4 CentOS 5.4

6 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting, Chicago IL, March 8-11, 2010 6 Gluex VO – presence in OSG

7 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting, Chicago IL, March 8-11, 2010 7 Gluex VO – presence in OSG

8 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting, Chicago IL, March 8-11, 2010 8 Summary of experience so far Initial setup was (mostly) smooth – already several years experience with condor, dcache, globus AaA. Gluex use so far: 20,000 hr (two users) – support for first user was intensive, user wrote a how-to for Gluex wiki. Some hardware upgraded – bottlenecks seen. Major difficulty with running jobs from other VO’s – how does a site administrator evaluate success of outside jobs? Helpful support from OSG central – weekly conference call (collective VO’s) – GOC ticket system – campfire chat

9 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting, Chicago IL, March 8-11, 2010 9 What’s next for Gluex VO? Chose a OSG-wide job submission solution Develop a suite of basic test jobs that validate sites against the Gluex software stack – very dynamic at this stage! Learn how to run MPI and CUDA applications on OSG Design workflow solution for PWA Investigate Hadoop Increase user base within Gluex Add new Gluex sites, as demand increases Increase awareness of OSG at Jefferson Lab

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