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Organ Printer By Michael DaSilva. What is the organ printer An organ printer incorporates 2 technologies, tissue engineering and a 3D printer. Instead.

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Presentation on theme: "Organ Printer By Michael DaSilva. What is the organ printer An organ printer incorporates 2 technologies, tissue engineering and a 3D printer. Instead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organ Printer By Michael DaSilva

2 What is the organ printer An organ printer incorporates 2 technologies, tissue engineering and a 3D printer. Instead of paper, Petri dishes are used. Instead of ink, cells and chemical called a “crosslinker” are used. The cells are individually made for the patient.

3 Tissue Engineering Basis of the organ printer. Tissue engineering is the manipulation of cells in order to fix or replace a biological function. Main goal is to create artificial organs. This is what lead to the development of the organ printer.

4 3D Printer A printer that basically makes a 3D model. Used a lot for rapid prototyping. Can construct objects out of a given material. Used to make prototypes of new products. Some machines are even used to make the final product.

5 How it works The Petri dish is filled with water. When the printer “prints” the crosslinker transforms the water into a Jell-O like substance which allows the cells to be put in. Once one dish is filled, a new one is placed on top of it. This method is repeated until the organ that you want is created. Once the organ is constructed, the Petri dishes are removed and all that is left is the organ.

6 How the cells are taken for the “ink” A small skin biopsy is taken from the patient. The fibroblasts from the skin are then isolated and cultivated in vitro. These fibroblasts are then reprogrammed into the organ cell that is needed. These reprogrammed cells are then used as the “ink” for the organ printer.

7 Benefits Most organs can be made using this method, as long as the fibroblast can be reprogrammed to be that organ cell. No organ rejection will occur because it will be the patient’s own DNA. Can by pass the organ donor list. Can be used to treat anyone since the organ is made for the individual.

8 Cons Still very expensive. The organ that is being made can die if no blood vessels are created within the organ. Creating these blood vessels requires certain stem cells which are expensive. Still takes a long time to actually make the organ. Not being used in practice yet, still trying to work out the kinks.

9 Future Minimize the cost of the process so that the machines can be available for everyone. Get it out of the clinical trials and actually be using by doctors. Make it more time efficient and be able to create whole organs within hours.

10 Conclusion Organ printers are just modified 3D printers that have been outfitted to make human organs out of living cells. There are several benefits, a major one being no chance of organ rejection. In the future this procedure will hopefully be less expensive and more widely available.

11 Questions?

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